Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1188 The formation covering the entire Western Regions, the power that penetrates the sky an

However, it is natural that the core disciples of the Changchun Sect have the deepest feeling for the spiritual energy. After all, the origin of the Nine Dragons Yellow River Array is in the mountain gate of the Changchun Sect.

In other words, the location of the Changchun Sect, that is, the place with the most spiritual energy in the entire Western Region, basically gathered all the spiritual veins in the entire Western Region.

"Exaggerated, it is too exaggerated. When did our Changchun Sect have such an amazing concentration of spiritual energy, even the legendary cultivation holy place is just like that."

A foundation-building elder was stunned, he couldn't believe that the concentration of spiritual energy in the mountain gate where he was located was so amazing, it seemed that a large amount of spiritual energy poured into the body with just one breath.

Even he never dreamed that he would practice in such a superior environment.

"Indeed, I think even in the prosperous times of cultivation in the ancient times, this is probably the case."

Another foundation-building elder also nodded in agreement.

"No wonder there are so many qi trainers in the ancient times. It's not that the talents of the ancient qi trainers are better than ours. It's just that their cultivation environment is unbelievably good. If we have a similar cultivation environment, our achievements will never be lost. For those ancient Qi trainers.""

"The sect master is really great. He has the power to penetrate the sky and the earth. He can change the world when he raises his hands and feet. Such magical powers are simply unheard of."

"Isn't this a matter of course? The Sect Master is the ancestor of Nascent Soul, even in a place like the Eastern Region, it can be called an ancestor-like existence, let alone in our Western Region. 35

"Hehe, how can the ordinary Yuan Ying ancestor be compared to the Sect Master, didn't you expect the three elders of the late Yuan Ying period of the Gorefiend Sect? Just a face-to-face, the Sect Master was captured by the Sect Master, as simple as killing a chicken. .

"No way, if that's the case, isn't the cultivation of the Sect Master not only as simple as the Nascent Soul Realm, but also the power of the God Transformation Realm?

"This is too exaggerated, but even if the sect master is not a god-turning master, at least he is a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, otherwise he would not have defeated the three elders of the Gorefiend so easily."

"It's a shame that I thought the monks in the Eastern Region were amazing. In the face of the Sect Master, I don't have to suffer. It is estimated that our monks in the Western Region will definitely not be weaker than those in the Eastern Region."

"That's right, we were originally weaker than the Eastern Region, but the cultivation environment was not good, but now, our Western Region has returned to the prosperous cultivation age of the ancient times, and it won't be long before many golden elixir will be born in our entire Western Region. , even the Yuan Ying cultivator."

"Isn't it? I had no hope of building a foundation in this life, but feeling such a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is estimated that I have at least 30% more hope of hitting the foundation. 99

Many Changchun Sect cultivators talked a lot, and they were ecstatic.

After all, the increase in the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire Western Regions is a great benefit for the entire Western Regions cultivator.

"Unbelievable, really incredible, doesn't it mean that the spiritual veins in this area have been destroyed long ago? It is impossible to restore it, but how did the Changchun Sect Master do it?"

The reincarnation Lin Wanxi couldn't help but widen her eyes. She knew that she was holding a thigh, but she didn't expect the thigh to be so thick, it was a bit scary.

You must know that she is a cultivator from the spiritual world, and her natural knowledge is much higher than that of the cultivator in the mortal world.

Not to mention the Nascent Soul cultivator, she has seen some of them even if it is a spiritual transformation, or even a cultivator of a body.

But even so, she has never heard of a cultivator who can repair the damaged spiritual meridian, or even strengthen the original spiritual meridian. This is simply an incredible method.

"That is to say, Sect Master Xia is definitely the top powerhouse in this world. Maybe he is a grandmaster who has opened up a new way. Even if such an existence ascends to the spiritual world, it will never be unknown, and it will definitely shine."

The reincarnation Lin Wanxi thought secretly.

She absolutely should stay in Changchun Sect for a longer time, so that she can also enjoy the benefits of Changchun Sect.

As the Changchun Sect continues to become stronger, it is obvious that she will gain more benefits.

It would be really stupid to leave now.

On the other hand, a group of monks from the Gorefiend Sect traveled a long distance and finally reached the Western Regions again.

They came to the Western Regions this time to inquire about the news about the Changchun Sect, and also wanted to know how the elders of their sect died.

But when they just set foot in the Western Regions, they immediately sensed the changes in the entire Western Regions.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? Why did the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire Western Regions suddenly rise sharply? Isn't it that this is a barren land, and the spiritual energy is thin?

The expression of a Gorefiend Sect elder changed.

He instantly sensed the unusualness of the Western Regions, as if a terrifying giant beast was dormant, it could devour him anytime and anywhere and turn him into a skeleton.

"The formation, this is a spirit gathering formation covering the entire Western Regions, with the power that penetrates the sky and the earth, so it is possible to increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire Western Regions?!

Another Gorefiend Sect elder did some research on the formation, and he immediately noticed that an unprecedented huge formation had been arranged in the entire Western Regions.

Just sensing this breath made him tremble with fear.


"I can't step into the Western Regions, the entire Western Regions are covered by the opponent's formation, as long as we enter the Western Regions, we will be discovered by the monks of the Changchun Sect.

"Just kidding, the formation that covers the entire area is simply unseen and unheard of, is this still knowledge that can be mastered by the sects of the Western Regions?

"This is not the knowledge of formation that can be mastered by the sects of the Western Regions. It must be the knowledge crystallization of the ruins of the Great Xuan Dynasty. The Changchun Sect just used the power of the ruins."

"Damn, this is such a rich spiritual energy, I am afraid that this is the case in the profound world of ancient times, even if the concentration of spiritual energy in our Eastern Region is not comparable to the current Western Region.

"What kind of benefits did this damned Changchun Sect get, to even get such an incredible formation, this is simply a waste of heaven, why did so many treasures not fall into the hands of our Gorefiend Sect, but instead In the hands of a Jindan sect, this is really ridiculous.

Numerous Gorefiend cultivators are simply heartbroken, unbelievable, envious and jealous.

Now the greater the changes in the Western Regions, the more they feel that their hearts are bleeding.

The ruins of the Xuan Dynasty that they had been looking for for many years were actually found by the indigenous sects, and they also obtained such great benefits, one can imagine the resentment and injustice in their hearts.

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