Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1191 The ability of the traveling cat to shelter the Daxuan world for a billion years

"It turns out that this is the cosmic wonder that the door of chance wants me to find: the traveling cat?"

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He instantly understood why the travel cat, a strange creature in the universe, recognized himself as the master. The reason was that when the travel cat was asleep, the first creature he saw when he opened his eyes would automatically consider the other person as the master.

It is because of this that the travel cat has recognized the owner several times, and he is not the first generation holder.


The next second, another huge memory was instilled from the traveling cat, and it all fell into the depths of his consciousness. This is all about the previous owners.

Basically, the travel cat has existed in this universe for such a long time, and has experienced a total of nine owners, and Xia-chuan is the ninth.

The founding emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty was the eighth master.

It is because the emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty got the travel cat, which made him rise rapidly, thus building a huge dynasty covering the whole world.

After all, the power of the cosmic wonder travel cat is very powerful, that is, it can travel to other worlds, other spaces, and bring treasures to its owner.

Basically, even if the holder stays at home, he can get a lot of resources and treasures.

It is precisely because the traveling cat brought a large number of treasures that the emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty rose rapidly.

"The ability of this cosmic wonder is quite powerful.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, the Cosmic Wonder Traveling Cat and the Cosmic Wonderful Gate of Chance are a perfect match. After all, although the Gate of Chance can perceive the opportunities of endless space, these opportunities still need the holder to obtain them in person.

Sometimes even if you really come to the front of the opportunity, you may not be able to get it.

But the travel cat is different, but all the treasures that it likes will be easily stolen back.

If the power of these two cosmic wonders is combined, then it is truly omnipotent and omnipotent, and all the treasures in the world will be stolen by them.

It's no wonder that the door of chance wants to send him into this world. If you think about it, you also understand the power of the traveling cat's ability. With this cosmic wonder, it is equivalent to getting a steady stream of treasures.

"But it's not easy to really recognize the travel cat."

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

You must know that there are a total of eight masters in front of them, each of which has risen rapidly with the help of the traveling cat, but they only signed a temporary temporary contract with the traveling cat, not a permanent owner.

To a certain extent, the two parties are only a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship.

If you want to become the permanent owner of the traveling cat, then there is only one condition, and that is to shelter the Great Mysterious World for one billion years.

Once you leave the Great Mysterious World, you will lose your relationship with the traveling cat, which is equivalent to breaking the contract.

The problem is that even if the Great Mysterious World is very powerful in the world of mortals, it is only the world of mortals, and in this world, the cultivation base is at most perfect in the realm of spiritual transformation.

If you go beyond the God Transformation Realm, even if you reluctantly stay in this world, you will be repelled by the laws of this world, and you will no longer be able to stay in this world.

For the previous owners of the traveling cat, their cultivation in the Spirit Transformation Realm was only able to survive for three thousand years, and it was impossible to survive for a billion years.

Unless it becomes an immortal, or a more powerful immortal, it is possible to survive for such a long time.

This is basically an impossible task for previous owners of traveling cats.

Therefore, although some of the holders are very unwilling and reluctant to leave the Traveling Cat, they have to obediently ascend to the spiritual world, otherwise they will run out of life essence and die.

And the most special is the eighth holder, the emperor of the Great Xuan Dynasty. He naturally knew that if he wanted to, he could immediately ascend to the spiritual world.

But if he ascended to the spiritual world, according to his aptitude, it is estimated that he will not be able to achieve anything, because he is so brilliant in the great mysterious world, purely because of the help of the cosmic wonders travel cat.

If he loses the travel cat, he will be beaten back to his original form, so he doesn't want to lose the travel cat anyway.

It is because of this that the eighth holder thought for a while, and finally came up with a solution, that is, it is not just as simple as his own ascension, he wants to lead the Great Mysterious World to ascend to the spiritual world together.

In fact, this is not impossible.

You must know that in the entire universe, not only human beings can soar, but even the world can soar.

If the origin of the world is raised to a certain level, it will surpass the limitations of the mortal world, and thus soar to a higher latitude space.

·0 for flowers ·......

After all, the mortal space cannot accommodate such a high-level world, so it is natural to exclude the other party.

Therefore, the emperor of the Great Xuan Dynasty is very ambitious. If he can raise the Great Xuan world into the spiritual world, then he can naturally continue to have a traveling cat and obtain the help of a traveling cat.

And his cultivation can also be improved in the spiritual world, and his lifespan can be further extended.

But things are not so simple.

"The use of a travel cat is also flawed, that is, the more benefits you get, the more evil you will bring. If you get through the catastrophe, you will naturally have a bright future. If you can't get over the catastrophe, you will die.


Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

You must know that the traveling cat steals all kinds of treasures all over the universe, and it will naturally provoke all kinds of cause and effect, and it may not break out for a while.

But sooner or later it will explode.

Previously, Traveling Cat stole a treasure from the demon world and brought it to the Daxuan world. As a result, this treasure was located in the demon world.

So the other party came directly from the sky and launched an attack on the Great Mysterious World. The entire Great Mysterious World was facing the danger of extinction. This was one of the catastrophe brought by the traveling cat.

The result can be imagined, the Daxuan Dynasty was destroyed, the emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty also perished with those demons, and a generation of legends fell.

It can be said that this is where the misfortunes of good fortune depend, and the blessings of misfortune lie on the ground.

It is a cat that brings luck and a cat that brings misfortune.

"Interesting, maybe the previous holders of Travel Cats have all died due to various disasters. If their life is not hard enough, they are not qualified to hold Travel Cats at all."

Xia Chuan was very emotional.

To be honest, no one can grasp the wonders of the universe. If life is not hard enough, they will be killed by various disasters sooner or later.

Only by completely overcoming these calamities can we truly master the wonders of the universe and master the power of the wonders of the universe.

But this is also a matter of course, anyway, this is also one of the greatest opportunities in the universe, if you can grasp it casually, the world will be full of great powers.

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