Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1197 The beginning of the third reincarnation, this is the demon world of Montenegro

"World background: Montenegro Demon World, this is a world where demons are prevalent, demons are the masters of this world, and humans are just food for demons.

Powerful demons have built powerful countries in this world, with princes standing side by side, and human beings are kept in captivity. Human beings in this world are just like livestock, and they are reduced to the bottom.

"Reincarnation status: Daoist Taiqing, a devotee of a ruined Taoist temple, although he is proficient in some methods of cultivating immortals and often helps the people at the foot of the mountain, he is only a young monk in the period of qi training, and he is still powerless in the face of powerful demons. Eaten to death by a passing monster.39

"Mission: Survive ten years and build a safe place for the humans of this world.


At this time, Xia Chuan opened his eyes, and instantly found himself in a dilapidated Taoist temple. For four "zero three three" weeks, it was in ruins, tattered, and air leaking everywhere.

Such a Taoist view looks like a dilapidated house that may collapse at any time.

Immediately afterwards, a huge memory flooded into the depths of his consciousness in an instant. These were the lifetime memories of the Taoist Taiqing.

Obviously, after the death of the Taiqing Daoist in this world, he benefited from the power of the reincarnation space, and also replaced the identity of this person, and then also obtained the memory of the other party.

"Reincarnated in a world where demons are prevalent? This world is full of enemies. 35

Xia Chuan said with emotion.

From the memory of this Taiqing Taoist, we can know that this world is a nightmare world for human beings. Ordinary human beings are the food of demons, and they will be swallowed at any time.

Moreover, human beings can't master the means of cultivating immortals. Once they are discovered by the demons, they will immediately be wanted by the whole world, and they must all be killed and rooted.

The demons never allow human beings to master any power, and can only become weak creatures forever and ever.

It can be said that once his existence is discovered by the demons, he will definitely be hunted down by the demons in the whole world, and he will also become the target of public criticism and be targeted by many powerful demons in the world.

"To build a safe place for human beings in such a world is a nightmare difficulty. 39

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, for ordinary reincarnators, this is an almost impossible task.

After all, the level of this Black Mountain Demon Realm is extremely high, and it is estimated that there will be big demons in the God Transformation Realm. It is extremely difficult to build a safe place for human beings in such a dangerous world.

Moreover, the human aura on his body is extremely conspicuous, and other demons can see at a glance that Xia Chuan is a human being, and if he takes action, he will be besieged by many demons.

It is estimated that ordinary reincarnations can only get up and dare not act recklessly in this world.

"But it's not impossible to do this.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

If you want to complete this task, there is actually a very simple method, that is, to kill all the monsters in the whole world, then naturally this world will become a safe place for human beings.

This is also the way to complete the task.

But to kill all the demons in the whole world, for ordinary reincarnators, it is simply a fantasy.

"If it's just me, it would be an extremely difficult task to do such a thing. It seems that we still need to recruit a large number of disciples, rely on the disciples to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and make the world a brighter future."

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person. It is too time-consuming and labor-intensive to want to wipe out the demons in the whole world by himself.

If you want to complete this task, you don't know when it will take.


At this moment, a demonic wind suddenly appeared in the sky, and it struck overwhelmingly, as if it completely covered the entire sky and turned it into boundless darkness.

A terrifying demonic aura permeated the surroundings, making people shiver, and the ice was biting to the bone, as if the entire land was frozen.


Immediately afterwards, an eagle monster from the Golden Core Realm flew in, and it also grabbed four young girls and boys. It was filled with a terrifying bloody aura, and there was stench of blood on the eagle's beak.


Immediately, the four teenage girls fell to the ground in an instant, splashing dust all over the place. They endured the pain and didn't dare to shout out loud.

Because once they shouted, they would be eaten by this eagle monster. They had some companions before, but they were also swallowed by this eagle monster.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that there is a human Taoist priest in this barren mountain. Haven't the human immortal cultivators been exterminated by our demon clan?""

The Golden Core Realm Eagle Demon immediately noticed Xia Chuan, although it could not perceive the cultivation of the human being in front of him, but the other party must be a Qi practitioner.0

As for the appearance of the human race qi trainers, all the demons have the same attitude, that is, killing without mercy, the power of immortals like this must not be in the hands of human beings.

This kind of extraordinary power can only be mastered by their demon clan.

But even so, for this very rare human race qi trainer, it is still not in the eye.

After all, it is a big monster in the Golden Core Realm. No matter how powerful this human race qi trainer is, it cannot be his opponent. It is estimated that he will be torn to shreds by himself as soon as his claws fall.


The four boys and girls looked at Xia Chuan as if they were asking for help, and then showed despair, knowing that they had no hope of life at all.

Even asking for help from this Taoist priest who seemed to be a Qi practitioner would probably be eaten by monsters, and it was just another life for no reason, without any meaning.

"Beast, who gave you the guts to talk nonsense in front of me. 99

Xia Chuan squinted and looked at the Golden Core Realm Eagle with a look of disdain on her face.

Even a mere golden elixir demon dared to shout in front of him, he was simply tired of living.

"Good courage, a dog-like human being dares to shout in front of my eagle monster, I'm really tired of living.

"But I won't let you die so easily, I'll hang you up, eat 1.6 sips at a time, and then bleed to death, even lowly humans dare to be arrogant in front of my demon clan, it seems that you are not Knowing who is the real master of this world, you humans are just livestock."

The Golden Core Realm Eagle Demon was furious and furious. It was the first time that it was despised by an ant-like human being. This was a shame for it, a great shame.

It felt like it was about to explode with anger.


Xia Chuan looked at this big golden elixir indifferently.

call out!!

In an instant, an invisible sword energy flew past.

With a puff, the head of the Golden Core Realm Eagle Demon was cut open in an instant, and even the soul was torn to shreds, and a lot of blood flowed on the ground.

In just an instant, this Golden Core Realm Eagle Demon died and was beheaded in an instant, without the power to resist.

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