Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1222 Shushan sent millions of sword immortals to protect the transcendent forces of the worl

At this moment, the headquarters of the Shushan faction.

Immediately above the sky, a venerable sword cultivator appeared. They flew with their swords, flew from a distance, and arrived at the Shushan faction one after another, filled with endless sword energy.

These are all inner disciples of the Shushan Sect. After this selection, they have brought all the suitable sword cultivation seeds from all over the world back to the Shushan Sect to practice with great concentration.

And those who passed the assessment were obviously students of Shushan Academy from all over the world, and they all looked at the Shushan School in front of them with great excitement.

They are all seventeen or eighteen-year-old students, and they are basically sword cultivators in the Qi training period, but their talents are extremely high, so they can enter the inner door of the Shushan School for further education.

"Is this the Shushan faction? It's really magnificent. It is said that there are millions of foundation-building swordsmen within the Shushan faction."

A student said excitedly.

"It's more than "063" million foundation-building sword cultivators. It is said that after a period of time, there may be tens of thousands of foundation-building sword cultivators. Even now, there are tens of thousands of Jindan sword cultivators born in the Shushan School. 95

"Only the Sword Cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Realm can fly with the sword, and I don't know how powerful the Sword Cultivator in the Golden Core Realm is."

"It is said that Jin Dan Jianxiu can be regarded as the elite of the Shushan faction, one person and one sword can easily slaughter many demons, and with one sword, they can easily smash mountains and rivers.

"Jindan Jianxiu is nothing, the real powerful is the Yuanying Jianxiu. It is said that if one person has reached this level, one person can achieve a sword formation, and it is not a problem to be an enemy. Become an elder-level existence of the Shushan faction."

"What about the Taiqing Patriarch, I don't know how the Taiqing Patriarch's cultivation is?

"Do you still need to ask? It must be the sword of the gods. The ancestors of Taiqing were promoted to the realm of gods. One person and one sword killed the demons in the whole world, and even suppressed the well of gods and demons by himself, preventing the The demons from the upper realm are coming. There is no doubt that the Taiqing ancestor must be the strongest sword immortal in our world, and his strength is invincible."

"I don't know if there is any chance to become a disciple of the Taiqing Patriarch. If you can become a disciple of the Taiqing Patriarch, you will be able to reach the sky in one step."

"Stop dreaming, since Taiqing Patriarch recruited a few disciples three hundred years ago, he has never recruited any other disciples. It is estimated that Patriarch will not recruit any disciples now, unless your talent Earth-shattering, even the ancestors want to recruit you as a direct disciple. Unfortunately, no such person has appeared so far.

Many students were talking about the Shushan faction.

After all, before coming to the Shushan faction, there was actually a lot of news about the Shushan faction, and they also knew some information about the Shushan faction.

"Look, that nine-story pagoda, is it the legendary Pagoda of Demon Suppression?"

At this moment, a student couldn't help but exclaimed, pointing to the towering golden pagoda in front of it, under the sun's rays, endless golden rays of light bloomed, appearing incomparably sacred and unfathomable.

Everyone can feel the solemnity and solemnity of this pagoda, just like this world is sacred and extremely tyrannical.

In front of this pagoda, they were like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Haha, that's right, this is the Town Demon Pagoda, the treasure of our Shushan faction.

A Shushan sent Jindan Jianxiu smiled slightly: "The inner space of this town demon tower is boundless, and the demons we have captured for so many years are imprisoned in it. This can be regarded as a territory where demons are imprisoned. Killed demons will be held here. It is said that at least one billion demons are imprisoned inside.


As soon as these words came out, many students widened their eyes and couldn't believe what they heard. At least one billion demons were imprisoned. What a terrifying number.

If these demons escaped, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world?!

"Senior, why do you want to imprison these demon beasts in the Demon Suppression Tower? No matter how reliable this Demon Suppression Tower is, if these demon beasts escape, wouldn't the world be in chaos? It's better to kill them all.

A student asked curiously, he didn't understand why the Shushan faction wanted to build a demon prison, he felt that this was simply an unnecessary thing.

"Haha, I also thought so at the beginning, and felt that there was no need for the Demon Suppression Tower to exist. 35

Jin Dan Jianxiu smiled and said, "But after I took a closer look at the power of the Demon Suppression Tower, I found that our worries were just unfounded.

The reason why they did not kill these demons, but suppressed them, is because the Demon Suppression Tower can devour the source power of these demons anytime and anywhere, and continuously expand the origin of the Demon Suppression Tower.0

If these monsters die, it is just a one-time energy source, but if these monsters are not dead, it is equivalent to a steady stream of energy.

Even the Zhenyao Pagoda can refine the flesh and blood of these demons every moment, refining all kinds of medicinal herbs, why our Shushan School's sword cultivation speed is so fast, most of it is because the Zhenyao Pagoda gave us The top elixir provided.

"That is to say, the Demon Suppression Tower is not just a cage for holding demons, but it is also an alchemy tool, and it uses demons as materials to refine all kinds of medicinal pills?"

Many students instantly understood the words of this Jindan Jianxiu.

"That's right.

Jin Dan Jianxiu nodded: "Three hundred years ago, these monsters used us humans as food, and now we use monsters as alchemy materials, this is just a feng shui rotation.

That is because, just killing these monsters is too cheap, they should make the best use of them, and sometimes death is an extravagant hope. "

"No wonder so many Shushan sword cultivators didn't kill those demons, but brought them back alive. Did they want to use the flesh and blood of these demons to refine all kinds of elixir? 39

Many students suddenly realized that all the previous doubts have now been resolved. It is no wonder that the disciples of the 1.6 Mountain School of Shu have an unusual enthusiasm for capturing demons alive.

This is because the value of a living monster is many times greater than that of a dead monster.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, we are the Shushan faction in front of you, from now on you are the inner disciples of the Shushan faction, and then you will shoulder the heavy responsibility of slaying demons and eliminating demons, maintaining world peace, and the future of the human race. I need your protection." Jin Dan Jianxiu stared at these new inner disciples with a serious expression.

"Yes, senior. 35

Although many of the newly promoted inner disciples are ignorant, they also feel awe-inspiring. They have an unparalleled sense of sanctity in their hearts towards this transcendent force that shelters the entire world.

Although the Shushan faction rules the whole world, it also shelters the whole world.

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