Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1241 One sword swings the demons, the tyranny of the sect master of the Changchun Sect

At this moment, the blood demon world.

Many powerful demons are gathering together, and they are also very concerned about the situation after the Gorefiend Legion entered the Great Mysterious World. After all, this is the first time it has come to the Great Mysterious World in tens of thousands of years.

More importantly, the Great Mysterious World is their mortal enemy, which makes it even more eye-catching.

"What do you think will be the outcome of this war with Daxuan World?

A god-turning demon asked.

"Hehe, do you still need to ask? It must be that our Gorefiend World has won a great victory. The reason why the Great Mysterious World was able to stop our attack tens of thousands of years ago was only because the emperor of the Great Mysterious Dynasty had mastered a mysterious fairy weapon. , Without the aid of that fairy weapon, it would be impossible - our opponent."

"That's right, our Gorefiend Realm is a world that is about to ascend, and its strength is the highest in the entire Human Realm. What is the mere Daxuan Realm? It's not worth mentioning at all."

"It can't be said that our Gorefiend Realm suffered heavy losses in that war. If it weren't for the constant resources of the Upper Realm, our Gorefiend Realm would have collapsed and failed. I have to admit that the Great Mysterious World still has two brushes."

"That's true. After all, tens of thousands of years have passed, and I don't know how the Great Mysterious World is now. If I don't have the power to recover to its peak, I'm afraid it's impossible to be an opponent of our Gorefiend Realm."

"This time, we must defeat the Great Mysterious World and snatch that mysterious fairy weapon back. Such a powerful fairy weapon should be in the hands of our blood demon clan."

Many gods and demons were talking about it.

They have incomparable confidence in their own strength. After all, there is a huge spiritual world standing behind them, which is a boundless force.

The Gorefiend Realm, which is backed by the Spirit Realm, cannot be afraid of any world in the Human Realm.

Just relying on the infinite force, can kill the monks in the human world.

"Wait, the Gorefiend Legion that we just teleported to the Great Mysterious World has completely lost contact." While these demons were thinking about how to concoct the Great Mysterious World, a demon commander's face changed greatly, and it found that something was wrong.

Normally, after arriving in the Great Mysterious World, there should be demons contacting them immediately, but now, until now, there is still no movement.

This situation is very strange, it is simply unprecedented.

"Damn, I sensed that the army of Gorefiends who arrived in the Great Mysterious World has all died, and their souls have also disappeared in this world." Another demon leader was simply unbelievable.

It has a blood connection with these demon warriors, and can perceive the life and death of its subordinates, but now, it feels that the contract between itself and those demon warriors has completely disappeared.

The reason why this happened was to prove that those demon warriors were dead.

"How is that possible? This time we sent to the Great Mysterious World with tens of millions of demons. Even 10 million pigs would have to be killed for a while. How could they die so quickly."5

"The trap is definitely a trap set up by the Great Mysterious World, the purpose is to attract us to teleport to the Great Mysterious World, so as to catch us all.

"The abominable Great Mysterious World, the abominable human beings, how dare they? They dare to set up traps to ambush our Gorefiend Realm. They are seeking their own death."

Many demons are simply unbelievable, furious, and have the anger of being deceived.

They have always been the only ones in the Gorefiend world who ambush others, fish for others, and when it's their turn to fish for themselves, this is not a joke or something.

"Wait, these cultivators from the Great Mysterious World not only ambush our Gorefiend Legion, it seems that these Great Mysterious World cultivators also directly teleported to our Gorefiend World.

At this moment, a God-turning Gorefiend exclaimed, and it saw the Void Channel that was originally transmitted to the Great Mysterious World, and at this moment, there were actually a dense number of human cultivators.

Moreover, hundreds of millions of human soldiers appeared at one time, and they directly arrived at the Gorefiend Realm without concealing their aura. This was the first time that the Gorefiend Realm welcomed an intruder on a large scale.

At this time, Xia Chuan also led the army of the human race into the Gorefiend Realm.

"Sure enough, it is a world where demons are rampant, and the demonic energy is strong, which is not suitable for human beings to survive.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He felt that the level of this world was indeed stronger than that of the Shushan Sword World, and the aura of heaven and earth around him was extremely dense, just like the world in the spiritual world.

·0 Seeking flowers...

However, this world is also filled with a terrifying demonic aura, and the demonic energy is dense. After ordinary human beings enter this world, it is estimated that it will not be long before they will be demonized.

But he did not come to occupy this world, but to destroy this world.


Xia Chuan waved his hand gently.


In an instant, endless golden flying swords appeared between heaven and earth. They were all condensed from the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

As long as you move your mind, you can control countless mana flying swords, thus causing terrifying blows to the enemy.

This sword technique is even more powerful after his display.


Xia Chuan, who has been promoted to the perfect realm of God Transformation, can be called an invincible existence in this world.

dong dong dong!!!

Countless flying swords slammed towards the many demons on the earth, and they instantly locked on the Qi machines on the demons, slamming them like tracking missiles.


In an instant, how could these demons expect such a thing to happen, they never thought that their old nest would one day be invaded by a human race cultivator.

So they are not prepared for this kind of thing.

Just a face to face, countless flying swords of mana easily pierced through the bodies of the monsters, ending the lives of these monsters.

No matter what the level of cultivation of these demons, even the demons in the God Transformation Realm couldn't resist this flying sword, and they were easily pierced through their own skulls and shattered their souls.

It was just one blow, and millions of demons were killed by Xia Chuan and slaughtered by him alone.

"Master Sect Master!"

"The suzerain is mighty and invincible in the world."

This scene was naturally seen by many Changchun Sect cultivators, and by every Human Race Taoist soldier, they were extremely excited and excited, as if they were looking at the gods.

One person and one sword, killing these monsters without leaving a piece of armor, the heads are rolling, it is almost like a fairy descended to the earth, and the gods are alive.

Even these terrifying monsters, in front of their suzerain, are just chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, they are even more confident in this battle.

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