Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1245 The world has been integrated for ten years, and the mysterious world has expanded ten

In the blink of an eye, another ten years passed.

In the past ten years, the Great Mysterious World has also undergone earth-shaking changes, basically changing every moment, because the Great Mysterious World's fusion with the Blood Demon World is a gradual process, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

It is because of this that the continent of the Great Mysterious World is growing every moment, and even from time to time, somewhere in the world, a piece of land and an island will be added.

Even the mainland may suddenly have more mountains and rivers.

This also made the map of the Great Mysterious World need to be updated every once in a while, otherwise ordinary people would have no way of knowing what the Great Mysterious World was like now.

At this moment, the surveying and mapping department of the Changchun Sect, they are all immortal cultivators who are responsible for monitoring the environment around the Great Mysterious World.

"Yesterday, in the northwest direction of the Northern Territory, three mountain ranges that stretched for thousands of miles suddenly appeared, and at the same time, dense monsters appeared on the mountain range. We must remind the public to be careful going to that place recently. 080"

"Five rivers spanning thousands of miles also appeared in the vicinity of Nanyu Mountain and River City yesterday. It is said that there are many powerful monsters in the rivers, which are very dangerous. Ordinary cultivators should not approach, and wait for the law enforcement to destroy the monsters inside.

"In the early hours of yesterday morning in the Endless Sea, one hundred and seventy-three islands suddenly appeared, each of which is very large, with an area close to that of the Old Continent, and there may be a lot of rich mineral veins hidden in it. Immediately apply for an expedition team to investigate the situation.

Many immortal cultivators have submitted these changes that have taken place around the world, and basically every immortal cultivator is very busy, because in the past ten years, such changes have been too common.

This is already the daily routine of immortal cultivators in the Great Mysterious World.

"Haha, the workload seems to have decreased a lot recently."

A cultivator said happily: "Especially in the past year, it seems that there have been fewer changes in our Great Mysterious World. Perhaps our Great Mysterious World's fusion with the Blood Demon Realm is coming to an end."

"Isn't it? If it was ten years ago, the changes in our Great Mysterious World were truly amazing. When we just merged (babg), the land of our Great Mysterious World was basically increasing by thousands of kilometers every day. When he wakes up, he will find that the land where he is located extends thousands of miles, and the mountain where he is located is thousands of meters higher.

Another monk sighed with emotion.

He felt that such a change in the world was simply a miracle. Even in the countless thousands of years of history before the Great Mysterious World, nothing like this had ever happened.

It can be said that what is happening now is basically the first time in the world.

Every cultivator of the Changchun Sect felt that he was facing a day that was changing with each passing day, and felt extremely miraculous.

"But this is also the benefit of our Great Mysterious World's annexation of the Gorefiend Realm. First of all, the land we live on is at least ten thousand times larger than before, which can accommodate more population and grow more food.

A monk said excitedly: "In just ten years, the strength of our Great Mysterious World has increased by many times compared to before, and the number of babies born with spiritual roots is increasing year by year, and the number of monks is simply explosive. Compared with the Great Mysterious World ten years ago, we are at least ten times stronger now."

For ordinary monks, maybe ten years is nothing at all, just a flick of a finger.

But for the past ten years of the fusion of the blood demon world, it is simply a vicissitudes of life, changing with each passing day.

It can be said that this is simply a cultivator of the Great Mysterious World, ushering in an unprecedented era of cultivation, even the Great Mysterious World of the ancient times is far from being comparable to the present Great Mysterious World.

"Haha, isn't this a matter of course? This is the plan of the Sect Master. After successfully integrating the Gorefiend World, our Great Mysterious World is the strongest world in the human world, and basically no world can be stronger than us. Perhaps it will not be long before our world has reached the level of the Ascension Spirit World."

"No, it's true or false, is our world really going to fly from the human world to the spiritual world? If so, won't we all be creatures of the spiritual world in the future?"

"It is said that the probability of spiritual beings possessing spiritual roots is more than ten times higher than that of human beings in the human world, and even the cultivation environment is more relaxed. It is also a very simple thing to become a foundation-building cultivator, and it is too easy compared to the human world. too much."

"That's true. According to the data from Changchun Sect, the monks under the Nascent Soul in the spiritual world are basically called low-level monks, and only the monks above the Nascent Soul can be called middle-level monks. Only the monks above the fusion state can truly be called the existence of the ancestors."

"It seems that the upper limit of strength in the spiritual world is much higher than our human world.

"Isn't this a matter of course? Otherwise, why is the spiritual world one dimension higher than our human world, and the spiritual world is also a place that every immortal cultivator dreams of.

"To be honest, if it was in the past, only the cultivators were qualified to ascend to the spiritual world, but now, the Sect Master has exerted the power of great supernatural powers and wants to lead our entire world to ascend to the spiritual world. Everyone can ascend to the spiritual world and gain endless benefits.

Numerous cultivators were discussing and looking forward to it.

It can be said that this is one person who attains the Tao and ascends to heaven. As the Changchun Sect continues to grow stronger, the strength and status of these ordinary monks are also rising.

"If this is the case, then when will our Great Mysterious World be able to ascend to the spiritual world? 35

A monk asked curiously.

After all, if the time is too long, I am afraid that many people can't wait. After all, many monks are facing the danger of depleting their lifespan. Perhaps they will die of old age before they can ascend to the Great Mysterious World.

"Haha, don't worry about this, don't you feel that the changes in the whole world are starting to slow down now? This proves that the fusion of our Great Mysterious World and the Gorefiend World is about to end. Once the fusion is over, then our Great Mysterious World will end. Once you reach the standard of ascension, you will be able to directly ascend to the spiritual world at that time, and the time will not be too long, it is estimated that it will only be a matter of one or two years." A cultivator laughed and said what he knew.

"Is there such a thing? If this is the case, then we still have a lot of time. It is said that when we ascend to the spiritual world, everyone will be baptized by the origin of heaven and earth, and perhaps all of us will have a huge cultivation qualification. Lift.35

Many monks said with great anticipation.

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