Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1252 Finally promoted to Void Refinement Realm, teleporting millions of kilometers

At this moment, the main peak of Changchun Sect, this is also the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.

If it is said that after the ascension to the spiritual world, the person who has gained the most benefit is undoubtedly Xia Chuan.

After all, he is the sect master of the Changchun Sect, the person in charge of the Great Mysterious World's ascension to the Spiritual World, and the son of luck in the Great Mysterious World, and the reason why the Great Mysterious World can ascend to the Spiritual World is naturally his greatest contribution.

It is because of this that Xia Chuan will be baptized by the huge source law immediately, and the constant source energy of heaven and earth, as if he doesn't want money, is instilled in him.

"Is this a gift from the origin of heaven and earth?"

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt that the infinite heaven and earth fortune had gathered in him. Because the Great Mysterious World had ascended to the Spiritual World, as the Great Mysterious World continued to grow stronger.

As the child of luck in this world, "Zero Eight Zero" will naturally rise, and he is filled with a huge power of luck, and he has obtained the cover of luck in this world.

And he was also infused with the source power of the Great Mysterious World, helping him to quickly improve his cultivation.

Although the Spirit Transformation cultivator is considered an invincible powerhouse in the human world, in the spiritual world, he is at most an ordinary expert, and it is nothing at all.


Originally, Xia Chuan's cultivation was already complete, but due to the suppression of the laws of the human world, he had no way to improve his cultivation.

But it's different now.

After ascending to the spiritual world, the original law restrictions completely disappeared, coupled with the infusion of the huge source energy, it made Xia Chuan's cultivation base break through easily.

It was as if it came naturally, without any obstacles.

Refinement Realm!

In an instant, Xia Chuan immediately found that the bottleneck on his body was instantly broken by the huge source energy, and he was directly promoted from the God Transformation Realm to the Void Refinement Realm.

Every part of his body has been tempered and baptized by the huge source energy, and he is ramping up frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body contains unparalleled mana of the five elements.

"Is this the Void Refinement Realm? It's really unusual.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt that after he was promoted to the Void Refinement Realm, his Primordial Spirit power was more than ten times stronger than before.

At this moment, he sensed the infinite power in the void, and even his Primordial Spirit could break away from his body and start roaming in the void.

What is the Void Refinement Realm, that is to roam the void and devour the power of the void.

Even in the spiritual world, the cultivators in the Void Refinement Realm are considered top experts, because after reaching this realm, they instantly have five thousand years of life and can survive for five thousand years.

For such a long time, I don't know how many times the mortal dynasty can be changed.

Of course, the longevity of life is not the key, more importantly, the unique ability of the cultivator of the Void Refinement Realm, that is, the ability to travel in the void and move instantaneously.

As long as the Void Refining Realm cultivator is willing, he can move thousands of kilometers in an instant.

The reason why he can do such a thing is because the cultivator's primordial spirit is extremely powerful, and he can use the power of his primordial spirit to wrap his entire body, thus making his body incorporeal and blending into the void.

In this way, the primordial spirit can wrap around his body, easily escape into the void, and travel thousands of miles.

It is because of this that it is extremely difficult to kill a cultivator in this realm once he is promoted to the Void Refinement Realm.

Because even if the cultivator cannot defeat the enemy, it is relatively easy to escape if he wants to escape.

At the same time, the cultivator in the Void Refinement Realm can also leave the body, just stay in the original body, and the Yuanshen can also roam the void, and even if they stay at home, they can know what happens hundreds of millions of miles away.

Even if his own body is destroyed, as long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, the monks in the virtual realm can still be reborn and even re-refine their own bodies.

It can be said that after reaching the Void Refinement Realm, not only the combat power has been greatly improved, but even the life-saving ability has been improved geometrically.


As soon as Xia Chuan's thoughts moved, he moved a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant. He felt that his entire body was emptied, wrapped by the power of the primordial spirit, and merged into the void.

At this moment, he found that as long as the power of his primordial spirit was not exhausted, he could roam freely in this void. It can be said that the speed was increased by many times.

Even just a thought, he can teleport a million kilometers.

"It's no wonder that only monks in the virtual world are qualified to be called masters in the spiritual world."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.0

There is no doubt that after he was promoted to the Void Refinement Realm, his strength has increased more than ten times. Compared with before, he can kill hundreds of himself in an instant.

One can imagine how tyrannical he has become as a cultivator in the virtual world. To a certain extent, the cultivator of virtual reality can already be called an immortal in the world.

Of course, his teleportation distance was much longer than that of an ordinary Void Refinement cultivator, and his Primordial Spirit power was at least a thousand times that of an ordinary Void Refinement cultivator.

To a certain extent, after being promoted to the Void Refinement Realm, the improvement of soul power is much more important than the improvement of mana.

If there is no way to improve the soul power, then the cultivation of the cultivator in the virtual realm can no longer be broken through, and he will be trapped in this realm for the rest of his life.

"Well, my cultivation seems to be improving.

Xia Chuan's heart moved.

The energy donated by the law of heaven and earth did not decrease much, but it was still continuously instilled into his body, which made his cultivation level increase wildly.

You must know that he is the spiritual root of the Five Elements, and he has also cultivated the Five Elements Emperor Sutra. The difficulty of breaking through is more than hundreds of times that of other cultivators, and the energy required is also more powerful.

Even in the later stage, the energy required is not comparable to other monks, and the difficulty of breaking through is also higher.

However, under the instillation of the source energy of these heavens and the earth, it takes hundreds of 1.6 years, or even thousands of years of hard work, to successfully break through the cultivation level, and at this moment, it has been improved in an instant.

Early Stage of Refinement!

Mid-stage refining virtual realm!

Late stage of refining virtual realm!

The Void Realm is complete!

I don't know how much time has passed, but Xia Chuan found that his cultivation base had achieved a rapid breakthrough, and he was directly promoted from the initial stage of the virtual refining realm to the perfect realm of the virtual refining realm.

If it is an ordinary cultivator in the virtual world, if you want to improve to the perfect state of virtual refining, you will not be able to do this without a thousand or two thousand years.

And this has to be because the opponent's talent is amazing. If the talent is ordinary, then this life can only be trapped in the realm of the early stage of refining the virtual realm, and can no longer break through.

In fact, even in the spiritual world, there are many monks in the early stage of virtual refining who are living and dying.

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