Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1254 Renamed Changchun Realm, the fourth reincarnation

On the other hand, the headquarters of the Gorefiend clan.

Just when the profound world ascended to the spiritual world, many of the great powers of the Gorefiend clan also sensed such fluctuations, and their expressions were extremely difficult to see.

"Damn, as expected, the Great Mysterious World successfully survived the catastrophe and ascended to the spiritual world. 35

A Tribulation Realm Gorefiend gritted his teeth.

Originally, it thought that even if the Great Mysterious World merged with the Gorefiend Realm, even if it wanted to pass through the Heavenly Tribulation and ascend to the Spiritual World, it would not be so simple, and perhaps the entire world would be destroyed under the Heavenly Tribulation.

After all, even the original Gorefiend didn't dare to cross the Heavenly Tribulation easily, because they were afraid that the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

But it never imagined that in such a short period of time, the Great Mysterious World actually passed the heavenly tribulation and successfully ascended to the spiritual world, which was incredibly fast.

"Isn't this a good thing? If the Great Mysterious World remains in the human world, even if we want to take revenge, there is nothing we can do, but we can only watch the people of the Great Mysterious World live at ease in the human world and live until their lifespan is exhausted. until.

Another Gorefiend in the Tribulation Realm is murderous: "But now that it's good, it actually took the initiative to fly into the spiritual world and came to the territory of our bloodfiend clan. Isn't this self-defeating?"

It was filled with terrifying killing intent, and it had been waiting for a long time.

"That's right, it's really great, this damned Mysterious World has ruined the billions of years of our Gorefiend family's plans, and we must not forgive them easily, this time, these guys must be smashed to pieces.

"However, the location of the ascension in the profound world has not been found yet. The spiritual world is so large, and it may not be that simple to find a specific world in it.

"Don't worry, the Great Mysterious World is integrated with the Gorefiend Realm, and we have long left a lot of treasures in the Gorefiend Realm, and these treasures are the spatial coordinates deliberately left by our Gorefiend clan.

Those stupid humans thought that they could get all the benefits by integrating the Gorefiend Realm, but they didn't know their location was already exposed, and now I have locked the specific location of the Great Mysterious World.35


"No, it's true, if that's the case, then let's set off immediately. Now I want to catch the Changchun Sect Sect Master and let him try the torture that is better than death."

The great powers of many Gorefiends gritted their teeth.

It can be said that even using Sanjiang water cannot wash away the anger and hatred in their hearts.

The countless years of accumulation of their Gorefiend clan was actually snatched away by Xia Chuan, and all their hard work was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Basically, you are not dead or I am alive, and the winner must be determined.

"Don't worry, even if we know the spatial coordinates where the Great Mysterious World is located, because the Great Mysterious World is too far away from the world of our Gorefiends, I am afraid that we will not be able to reach the place where the Great Mysterious World is located without hundreds of years. Space location, so it will take a while."

A Tribulation Realm Gorefiend said solemnly.

"It doesn't matter, it's only a few hundred years, what's the point, even if it takes thousands of years, I want this damn Changchun Sect to be destroyed and completely disappear from this world.

"That's right, this hatred is never shared, and it's nothing to waste a little time."

"However, we must also be careful about the secret coveting of other forces. If it is discovered by other races, it may also secretly attack our Gorefiend clan.

"Don't worry, this plan must be foolproof and will never be discovered by foreigners."

"The most important thing is that this time, our blood demon clan must not take it lightly. We must do our best to completely annihilate the Changchun Sect, make these guys completely disappear from this world, and dispatch all the tribulation cultivators, Mahayana cultivators, and thunderbolts. The power to destroy all living beings in the Great Mysterious World.

The great powers of many Gorefiends gritted their teeth.

They had been too underestimated at the loss of Changchun Sect before, so this time they dispatched, they must do their best, and they will never take it lightly again and capsize the ship.

Vaguely, endless murderous intent is spreading towards the Great Mysterious World.

In the blink of an eye, another decade has passed.

The Great Xuan World, no, it has now been renamed the Changchun World. After all, the emperor and the courtier, the reason why it was called the Great Xuan World before was just because the world was dominated by the Great Xuan Dynasty.

But it is different now. The Changchun Sect is the master of this world, so it is natural to change the name of this world to Changchun Realm.

In Changchun Realm after ascending to the Spiritual World, the concentration of spiritual energy in the heaven and earth has also increased geometrically, which is ten times higher than when it was just ascended.

It is conceivable that the current cultivation environment in Changchun Realm is considered to be at the top level even in the entire inspiration.

That is to say, because of the superior cultivation environment, during this period of time, the monks born in the Changchun Sect appeared one after another, and a large number of monks in the Qi training period and the foundation-building period poured out.

Compared with before, the number of monks has increased more than ten thousand times.

At this moment, the main peak of Changchun Sect, this is also the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.

‘It also looks like it’s almost time for a fourth reincarnation. ""

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

Now his cultivation has reached the perfect state of the Void Refinement Realm, and he is only one step away from entering the Incorporation Realm. If he wants to, he can become an Incorporation Cultivator now.

However, he still suppressed his cultivation.

After all, he still wanted to carefully understand the power of the Void Refinement Realm, completely consolidate his cultivation, and make his foundation more solid, so as to lay the foundation for immortality.

Of course, what was more important was that the fourth reincarnation was about to begin, and he didn't want to increase his strength too much, otherwise the reincarnation mission would probably be more difficult.

This will also greatly increase the difficulty for him to obtain reincarnation points, which is not worth the loss.

drip ∼∼

At this moment, a mechanical voice (of money) passed to the depths of his consciousness: "Xia Chuan, reincarnation, you will start reincarnation in an hour, please prepare for reincarnation." "

"Is it really about to start?

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He is already looking forward to the fourth reincarnation. After all, there is basically nothing in Changchun Realm to help him. As long as he follows the steps step by step, it will be enough.

This is like the wheel of history moving forward slowly, and no one can stop Yuan.

Therefore, he is also looking forward to reincarnating in a different world to see what kind of secrets this universe contains.


In the blink of an eye, an hour passed, and Xia Chuan's figure disappeared in this void.

Meow Meow ∼∼

The traveling cat lying beside him sensed the disappearing breath of Xia Chuan, and seemed to have long since become accustomed to it. It just stretched lazily and fell asleep again.

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