Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1273 Supernatural powers and techniques


In an instant, the cultivators of the five major sects stood up, and they felt that they seemed to have stepped into a terrifying realm, sealing the sky and locking the earth, as if they had fallen into an absolute realm.

You must know that most of them are monks above the gods, and naturally they also know the power of the primordial spirit realm, but they have never felt such a terrifying realm.

It was as if the man in front of him was standing in this place, as if he was a god in this area, and all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was controlled by this man in front of him.

"I have a fist called the Son of Heaven Divine Fist, please taste it.

Xia Chuan looked at the group of cultivators indifferently, and shot in vain, just punched them out.

This fist is the Son of Heaven Divine Fist!

This is a magical technique that he combined with the fourth emperor, combined the endless dragon energy, the energy of the emperor, and the power of the world. The power of it is comparable to fairy magic.

Killing the past with one punch can not only mobilize the power of heaven and earth, but also mobilize the power of dynasty qi fortune, the power of world qi fortune, and so on.

It can be said that the more prosperous the dynasty's luck is, the more terrifying the power of this magical technique.

This is like carrying the luck of the entire human dynasty on his body, and bursting with earth-shattering power, this is the divine fist of the emperor, the emperor wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!


In an instant, a fist was crushed from the void, and it was like a royal seal, with dense humanistic runes and emperor runes appearing on it.

When this big seal was crushed down, hundreds of kilometers in radius were locked, and the cause and effect of all monks were locked, there was no escape, no escape.

The luck of the entire Qin Dynasty is gathered in this fist, which contains earth-shattering power.

"Impossible, what are you kidding me, just a mere emperor in the world, with such a level of strength?!" A fit master was stunned.

At this moment, he felt that all the air machines in his body were locked, and it seemed that the void of thousands of kilometers was blocked. Even if he wanted to escape into the void, he couldn't do it.

It seems that at this moment, the luck of the entire Qin Dynasty is crushing towards him.

Don't look at him as a fit-for-all, and his cultivation is earth-shattering, but compared to the luck of the entire Qin Dynasty, he is nothing but an ant.

Human beings and heaven and earth are incomparable.

"Damn, is this what Fusu relies on? Actually, his cultivation has also reached the Incorporation Realm, which is not inferior to us. How did this guy cultivate? How could he be promoted to the Incorporation Realm so quickly?"

There is also a combination of power and confusion.

He clearly sensed that the aura on Xia Chuan had reached the realm of integration, and the mana possessed by the other party was hundreds of times stronger than theirs.

This feeling is like an ant facing a dragon. For the first time, he felt that he was so insignificant.

Honestly, it's pretty incredible.

After all, this Fusu is only a young man in his twenties. Even if he started cultivating from his mother's womb, it is impossible to advance to the realm of fit at such a fast speed. This is really incredible.

He felt that this Fusu must have been taken away by an unknown old monster, otherwise, the real Prince Fusu would not be an almighty one.

"The Son of Heaven Divine Fist? This is what you rely on, is this the magical technique you created? How terrifying is this?"

He is too lazy to care whether the Fusu in front of him is a fake prince, because now in this situation, it doesn't matter whether the other party is fake or not.

If these people can't leave this place alive, then everything doesn't need to be discussed.

The problem was that he sensed the horror of this punch.

On the surface, it was just a punch, but in fact there were fist marks all over the sky, and every fist mark locked every cultivator, like a tracking missile.

It was as if a supreme emperor had decreed to kill these chaotic ministers and thieves.

If this Emperor Qin was just a mere mortal, it would be nothing at all, but the current Qin Emperor is a fit-for-all, and his cultivation is earth-shattering.

The other party even mobilized the power of luck of the entire Great Qin Dynasty, causing the power in his body to explode to an unprecedented level, as if at this moment he had incarnated into the Great Qin Dynasty itself, the world itself.

That is to say, now they are not fighting against a cultivator in the state of fit, but the entire Qin Dynasty.


In an instant, the power of the Son of Heaven's Divine Fist directly smashed the monks of the five major sects, and immediately a terrifying power erupted, filled with the power of destroying the dead.


Immediately, a cultivator let out a shrill scream.

The first to bear the brunt are the cultivators of the five sects, who took the lead, and they were the first to be taken care of by the Son of Heaven Divine Fist. After all, they were the culprits.

dong dong dong dong!!!!

In just a moment of effort, the integrated cultivators of the five major sects, including the heads of the five major sects, were simply unable to resist this punch.

Even if the magic power in his body is operated, even if he mobilizes the best magic weapon, it will be of no avail.

In the face of this destructive power, anyone is like an ant.


It was just a punch, and a cultivator with a body was blown up in an instant, and the primordial spirit was instantly destroyed by 097 at this moment, as if the autumn wind swept the leaves.

"I, we actually died like this?"

"Just kidding, we are the combined powers of the five major sects, the old monsters with a life span of ten thousand years, there is still a great chance to become immortal in the future, and now they are dead?!"

"What is the origin of the Son of Heaven's Divine Fist? Why is it so terrifying? Even a monk in the Mahayana period, no, even a monk in the calamity realm."

"I don't agree, I don't accept it, the emperor of a mere human dynasty is just like killing a chicken. I don't accept it, I kind of let the water go and I have a one-on-one fight.

A body of cultivators screamed, they roared, grimaced, unwilling, resentful, grieved, regretful, angry, showing all kinds of emotions.

But in the face of this absolute power, they are still helpless.

Just like an ordinary soldier facing a nuclear bomb, this mighty force that transcends everything makes all living beings so equal.


It was just a breath of time, not only all the cultivators in the integration realm, but even the cultivators in the virtual realm, and the cultivators in the god-transforming realm were all punched out by the Son of Heaven's Divine Fist, and the whole soul was shattered.

No matter how arrogant they were when they came before, but facing this punch that contained the luck of the entire Qin Dynasty, they were helpless and were directly punched to death.

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