Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1282 In the Qin Dynasty a hundred years later, the streets are full of puppets

Years are like flowing water, and a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

This is also one hundred years after Fusu ascended the throne, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

New cities have sprung up from the ground, teleportation formations have appeared in the major cities, and they are interconnected.

Many leftists were swept away, and they all surrendered to the Qin Dynasty.

"Is this Xianyang City?

A group of people arrived in Xianyang City. They looked at the magnificent Xianyang City, all of them were shocked, and all kinds of powerful puppets appeared around them.

Some puppets are repairing bridges, repairing roads, and building city walls, while humans only need to command the side.

Some puppets are transformed into vehicles, running recklessly on the road, soaring in the sky, and swimming in the sea.

Some puppets also became bodyguards and nanny, responsible for protecting the children beside "097".

It can be said that the whole city seems to have turned into a world of puppets, this is a wonderful world where people and puppets coexist.

The person who spoke just now was a twelve-year-old boy whose name was Xiang Yu. This time he followed his father Xiang Chao to Xianyang City to study.

However, they were actually the former disciples of Yin Yang Gate, and this time they were ordered to join the Great Qin Dynasty, wanting to investigate the direct line of the Great Qin Dynasty and prepare for the restoration in the future.

"Yes, this is Xianyang City. Compared with a hundred years ago, the current Xianyang City has expanded more than a hundred times, and it is said that the population has exceeded 100 million.

Xiang Chao said very emotionally.

He is a Nascent Soul cultivator, with a life span of more than a thousand years, only a hundred years, naturally it is nothing.

But since the Yin and Yang Gate was destroyed, he followed the Shimen everywhere to avoid the pursuit of the Qin Dynasty, and even hid in the overseas islands for a hundred years.

Among them, I don't know how many brothers and sisters were beheaded by the minions of the Daqin Dynasty, and even the elders were killed by a puppet of the fusion realm, and they fell on the spot.

It can be said that the loss is heavy, which also makes the disciples of Yinyangmen even rarer.

After they found out that the Daqin Dynasty was not chasing them, they moved their minds and returned from overseas to find out how the Daqin Dynasty was now.

"Over 100 million people? How did such a huge city get built?"

Xiang Yu was stunned.

When he was a child, he looked forward to overseas cities for a long time. Basically, a city with more than tens of thousands of people was considered a big city. He could not imagine what a city with a population of more than 100 million would be like.

However, when he stayed near the city gate just now, he did see a dense crowd. Today, he saw more people than he had in his more than ten years of life.

"Nature was built using puppets.

Father Xiang Chao said solemnly: "If it is built by manpower, I am afraid that it will not be successful no matter how many years there are, and there are no tall buildings in the distance, at least hundreds of stories high, they are all built by engineering puppets.

The workers only need to design the drawings and prepare the raw materials, and they can easily build a 100-story building, and it even takes only three days to succeed.

"No way, a hundred-story building can be built in just three days?"

Hearing this, Xiang Yu was very shocked, and felt that it was beyond his imagination, it was really incredible.

"Haha, little brother, this is the first time you came to Xianyang City, and you are so shocked by this kind of thing, don't you know that puppets have been popular in our Daqin Dynasty for a hundred years? 95

An old man next to him laughed and laughed, apparently hearing what Xiang Yu and others said.

"I'm really sorry, we are all overseas residents and come from remote rural areas. We are really unfamiliar with the current situation of the Daqin Dynasty, so we wanted to come here to gain insight.

Xiang Chao made a mah, and quickly revealed the identity he had prepared for a long time, saying that he was a Qin Min from overseas and had not returned to the land for a long time, so he did not know how the Great Qin Dynasty was changing with each passing day.

"So it turns out, it turns out to be overseas Qin people, no wonder they don't know the current situation in the mainland, I'll just say, but those who live in the inland, it is impossible not to know the role of these puppets.

The old man suddenly realized that he accepted the explanation of the other party.

After all, this world is very big, not only the simple Daqin Dynasty, but also many barren areas. These areas are very far away from the Daqin Dynasty, so it is normal to not know the situation here.

As the capital of the Qin Dynasty, Xianyang gathered people from all over the world, so he would often meet people from all over the world. The old man was not surprised by this kind of thing.

Anyway, this is the city of the Son of Heaven, and it is normal to meet all kinds of people.0

To be honest, Xiang Chao brought his wife and sons to Xianyang City based on this, because as the capital, it is very tolerant and can accommodate people from all over the world.

If you come to a remote city, it will be extremely conspicuous, and it is easy for others to find out that your identity is not right, thus revealing your identity.

"Master, doesn't it mean that these puppets are made from the corpses of monsters? Why are there so many puppets here? Can't we kill a lot of monsters?

Xiang Yu asked curiously.

"Of course not, it's all about the years."

Hearing this, the old man laughed: "The Great Puppet Art is the supreme immortal art created by His Majesty, it can make all things into puppets and corpses into puppets, it is just one of its uses. Otherwise, how can it be called magic.

After all, regardless of the number of monsters, it looks like a lot, but if you don't kill them at all, even if you kill all the monsters in the world, it's probably not enough for us humans to refine them into puppets.

It is because of this that we have added various metal materials to refine various metal puppets, which are different from monster corpses. If the monster corpse is refined into a puppet, it can only become the appearance of a monster.

But if we add various metal materials, then we can refine the puppet into whatever shape we want to make, do whatever we want, and even continue to evolve and become stronger. This is the real power of the big puppet technique. "

1.6 looked extremely proud on his face.

Hearing this, Xiang Chao couldn't help but move in his heart: "Master, listening to you, it seems that puppets have become a normal thing, can it be said that ordinary people can control puppets? Not only people with spiritual roots. Can you control a puppet, or even drive a puppet?

He was astonished. He had no idea that in just a hundred years, the development of the puppet technique would have reached such a level, which is simply a change that is changing with each passing day.

"That's right, this is the greatness of Your Majesty. The puppets made by the Great Puppet Technique created by His Majesty can also allow ordinary people to recognize the Lord, or even drop blood to recognize the Lord. Once we recognize the Lord, we can do whatever we want. It is impossible to betray any longer, so even ordinary people can easily manipulate powerful puppets."5

The old man nodded and admitted this.

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