Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1285 The spy organization Black Ice Terrace, the mystery of big heart magic

"Five Daoyuan!

Xiang Chao's eyes showed a gleam of light, and his heart was filled with emotion.

There is no doubt that these five major sects originated from the five sects of the past. Since the Qin Dynasty defeated the five sects, they have obtained all the secrets of the five sects.

Then, under the wisdom of Human Sovereign Fusu, he created the five immortal arts by innovating the old and creating the five immortal arts, which made the foundation of the five great avenues surpass the previous five sects.

Even the remnants of these five major sects are eager to sneak into the Five Great Daoyuan, so as to learn the inheritance beyond their own sect.

I have to say, this is a pretty ironic thing.

"I want to join the Immortal Martial Academy.

Xiang Yu clenched his fists and said excitedly, a militant like him naturally cannot do all kinds of research honestly, and naturally likes to fight.

There is no doubt that Xianwu Daoyuan is the most suitable place for him.

"That's right, the dog is born with divine power and is infinitely powerful, so it is most suitable for Xianwu Daoyuan."

Xiang Chao naturally wanted his son to join the Yin-Yang Daoyuan, so as to obtain the great Yin-Yang technique that surpassed the Yin-Yang Sect, but he also knew that even if his son joined the Yin-Yang Sect, he might not be able to obtain this supreme inheritance.

Therefore, it is better to join the Immortal Martial Dao Institute, and the probability of obtaining inheritance is higher.

The most important thing is that the former Yin Yangmen was not just a spy. There were also many spies who joined the Five Great Daoyuan.

"Is it Xianwu Daoyuan? This is not a way out. After all, immortal cultivators who are good at fighting are still very scarce in the Daqin Dynasty."

The old man stroked his gray beard and smiled slightly: "It just so happens that I also have a grandson who will join the Five Great Dao Institute this year. Maybe you can get to know each other."

"Oh, I don't know which academy your grandson is going to join? What's its name?"

Xiang Yu asked curiously.

"His name is Zhang Liang, and this time he wants to join the Yin-Yang Taoist Academy. After all, he is very interested in various techniques. The old man smiled and said his grandson's name.

"Is Zhang Liang?"

Xiang Yu blinked, but he was very curious about this peer. After all, he had always stayed overseas before, and he rarely had the chance to meet better peers.

In any case, staying in Xianyang City this time will definitely meet many outstanding peers.

While these few people were chatting, some forces were already staring at Xiang Yu and the others in secret. They were from the black (babg) ice platform of the Great Qin Dynasty, and they belonged to the spy organization of the Great Qin Dynasty, responsible for monitoring the world.

Most of them are students from the Heart Demon Academy, and they have mastered part of the power of big heart magic, so they have mastered the power from the mind, and can distinguish between good and evil, and lies.

You can even read people's hearts.

It is because of this that they are the most suitable candidates to become spies.

"Interesting, it seems that the remnants of Yinyangmen are not reconciled, and they dare to come to Xianyang City. They really don't know whether to live or die." A member of the Black Ice Platform sneered.

In fact, from the moment Xiang Yu and the others entered the territory of the Qin Dynasty, they were basically targeted by the Black Ice Platform, and their every move was within their monitoring range.

"This is something that can't be helped. A hundred years ago, their five major sects were the masters of this world. Naturally, they were not willing to give up their power. Even if they were wiped out by His Majesty, they wanted to make a comeback.

Another member said lightly, he understands the psychology of this kind of person very well, and he just wants to restore the former glory of the five major sects and rule this land again.

After all, they do not know how many years they have ruled this land, so naturally they cannot give up.

"Hehe, it's just a group of people who have been eliminated by the times. I have read the secrets of the five major sects, but they are just a group of evil cultivators who have gone astray. Every technique requires the sacrifice of a lot of human life to cultivate. Success is simply wicked.

"Isn't it? The era ruled by the five major sects is simply the dark era of our human race. I don't know how many ordinary people have been sacrificed by these evil cultivators. In their eyes, everyone is just a resource for cultivation.

"Fortunately, Your Majesty was born and destroyed the five major sects. Otherwise, the whole world would still be under the terrifying rule of the five major sects, and no one would be able to resist. Thinking about such an era is really shuddering."

"Isn't it? People like us who have no background will definitely not have a bright future. Dogs who are not the five major sects can't grasp the power of immortal cultivators.""

"I really want to exterminate these five sects, such evil cultivators are not worthy of continuing to survive in this world, they should completely disappear in this world.

"Don't worry, this is just a small role in Yin Yangmen. It's not worth mentioning at all. Those hidden old antiques are my big Qin Dynasty's confidants, so don't be alarmed."

"Hehe, if it wasn't for fishing, they would have died when they stepped into the territory of the Qin Dynasty."

"Find out what their purpose is first, and then it's not too late to deal with it. 35

Many members of the Black Ice Platform had a lot of discussion.

They use the voice of the soul to communicate, which is a higher level than the communication of divine consciousness, and it is also more secretive. Even if the cultivation base is stronger than them, there is no way to know what they are talking about.

It is because of this that the students who graduated from the Heart Demon Academy are extremely mysterious, and ordinary people have never seen their appearance.

Even if you really see what they look like in action, your memory will be modified.

They are like demons hidden in the human heart, silent and invisible.

"But it's not that simple to catch those old antiques. Even the top leaders of the five sects don't know where they are hiding, and they even just found a place to retreat. The world is so big, I want to find them. It is simply harder than reaching the sky.

Someone said helplessly.

"There's no way, these old antiques are too afraid to die. They can't appear one day when His Majesty is here. These old antiques seem to want to wait for His Majesty to ascend to the Immortal Realm before they are born."

Someone said in a low voice.

"A group of unscrupulous bandits, with His Majesty's presence in the world can naturally suppress the demons and ghosts, but if His Majesty really ascends to the Immortal Realm, then my Daqin Dynasty is really in danger."

"There is no need to worry about this. Your Majesty will not ascend in a short period of time. At least for a thousand years, His Majesty will sit in the Daqin Dynasty and protect the world."

"If that's the case, at least we can grow up within a thousand years, and then the remnants of the five major sects will really be nothing to be afraid of. 39

"It is estimated that sooner or later, His Majesty will ascend to the Immortal Realm. After all, we can only rely on ourselves."

"There is no way, flying to the Immortal Realm is the dream of every immortal cultivator, and no one is an exception."

There was a lot of discussion.

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