Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1290 Terracotta Warriors Army, an Unprecedented Saint

"In fact, father, think about it carefully, if I didn't gain His Majesty's trust, how could I have obtained the Supreme Inheritance Great Harvest Technique of the Immortal Martial Academy?"

Xiang Yu smiled slightly and looked at his father.

"That's right. 39

Hearing this, Xiang Chao couldn't help nodding his head. In fact, the five major academies all possessed the inheritance of the five immortal arts, but there were not many people who could obtain the complete inheritance.

Most people just get a little skin.

Only a small number of Tianjiao, who have even been recognized by the Emperor Fusu, can obtain the inheritance of immortal arts.

After all, every immortal art is a supreme inheritance that directly points to the immortal way. Even the five major sects did not have such an inheritance. The preciousness of it can be imagined.

If it wasn't for the approval of the Emperor Fusu, Xiang Yu would never have obtained such a supreme inheritance.

It is because he mastered the supreme immortal art, the Great Harvest Technique, that Xiang Yu became the world-famous god of war in the Qin Dynasty, known as the existence of the most powerful generals of many generals.

Don't think that Xiang Yu is only in the Void Refinement Realm now, but in terms of his own combat power, he can even fight against the great powers who have just entered the Fit Realm. From this, it can be seen that Xiang Yu is terrifying and has extraordinary talent.

"Your Majesty is really broad-minded and has an extraordinary bearing, so I'm a villain in vain.

Xiang Chao was very emotional.

I've been worried about 110's mind all the time, and now I feel relieved. As long as there is the approval of the emperor Fusu, then the Xiang family will naturally be as stable as Mount Tai, and there is no need to worry about being harmed by villains.

"His Majesty is indeed a majestic and shrewd man. The creation of the five immortal arts all point to the end of the road. It is unfathomable. I don't think even the immortals in the legends may be comparable to your majesty."

"The appearance of the Five Great Dao Institutes has covered the entire world, and has gathered talents from all over the world. There is no distinction between those who teach and those who have spiritual roots. Anyone with spiritual roots can step into the path of cultivation."

"The popularization of the puppet method has enabled ordinary people to possess the combat power of immortal cultivators, and at the same time, it has completely improved the productivity of this world, further increased food and elixir, and saved the people from starvation.

"Building bridges and paving roads, building dams, eradicating floods, eradicating famines, no matter what is done, it is a sage's act, but His Majesty can do it all, which is unprecedented in history."

"In addition, His Majesty also allowed immortals and mortals to coexist peacefully, creating an absolute order for the world, and making the world enter a thousand-year peace, which is really incredible.

"It is estimated that nothing like this has happened in this world in hundreds of millions of years.

Xiang Yu was also very impressed.

He admired very few people in his life, but Human Emperor Fusu was one of them. The intelligence of the other party was like an abyss, unfathomable, and his heart was like the ocean, boundless.

If there are saints in the world, then Human Emperor Fusu must be the unparalleled saint in the world.

"But I heard something recently, that your Majesty is planning to ascend to the Immortal Realm. I don't know if this is true or not?" Xiang Chao asked cautiously, for fear that someone around him would overhear what he said.

After all, once the Emperor helps Su to ascend to the Immortal Realm, then the whole world will usher in a huge change, and the Daqin world, which had been peaceful for thousands of years, may be turbulent again.

"That's right."

Xiang Yu didn't hide anything, and nodded directly: "In fact, His Majesty disclosed this to us before, but it was not about ascending to the Immortal Realm, but that he planned to leave the Daqin world in the near future and go to other worlds to find opportunities for breakthroughs. He has already begun. Looking for the next successor, so now the entire court is surging up and down.

Originally, this matter was a top secret and should not be known by anyone, but the other party was his own father, so he was naturally qualified to know about it.

"No way, His Majesty really wants to leave this world? It's a pity that His Majesty did not leave any descendants, otherwise, there is no need to make other choices for the crown prince."

Xiang Chao said with emotion.

"This is also normal. Your Majesty is a god and will surely become an immortal in the future. He is already immortal. The so-called descendants are actually not very important to him. It is estimated that His Majesty will be among the princes of the Daqin royal family. Pick one to become the next Qin (babg) emperor. Xiang Yu said solemnly.

"But if Your Majesty leaves this world, won't the whole world be turbulent again?"

Xiang Chao was worried.

To tell the truth, he has been used to the peace for thousands of years, and he never wants to go back to the dark age of turbulent and turbulent, immortal cultivators who would kill and steal treasures at every turn.

But he also knows that the reason why the world's ambitions are so peaceful is because the emperor Fusu suppressed them.

When Fusu was around, none of these people would have second thoughts.

But once Fusu leaves, then these careerists will be exposed immediately, causing waves in the world.

"Haha, what are you afraid of, my Daqin Dynasty's billions of terracotta warriors are here, and any immortal cultivator dares to be reckless, even a Mahayana cultivator, he will be crushed to death by my Daqin Dynasty's army. 39

Xiang Yu laughed.

He disdains mere careerists at all, and no matter how strong his personal strength is, he cannot resist the strength of the group.

Not everyone is as terrifying as the Emperor Fusu.

Over the past thousand years, the most rapidly developing technology is the puppet technology of the Qin Dynasty.

The Great Qin Dynasty refined powerful puppets and formed the Terracotta Warriors. They were immortal, and at least they all had the cultivation of the gods, or even the cultivation of the virtual.

The formation of these terracotta warriors can draw on the power of heaven and earth, as if it were a moving formation of heaven and earth.

If caught in the army, even a Mahayana cultivator would have to die.

This is the terror of the Qin Dynasty army, this is not the army of mortals, but the army of immortals.

It can be said that wherever the Terracotta Warriors go, they are simply invincible.

Before the Great Qin Dynasty swept away all the tribes in the entire world, it relied on the power of the Terracotta Warriors to swept away the thousands of troops, overwhelming the thousands of tribes almost out of breath.

Times have undoubtedly changed.

In the era of the five major sects in the past, a god-turning cultivator could easily change the change of a dynasty and change the emperor, causing countless people to be displaced and heavy casualties.

Now, let alone a spiritual cultivator, even if a Mahayana cultivator appeared and wanted to make waves in the city, he would be instantly suppressed and paraded through the streets.


Xiang Chao also had to agree with this point. Now his personal might is not as strong as it used to be. After all, the number of immortal cultivators is now too much, more than a thousand times.

Moreover, the appearance of the army formation led to the weakening of the power of the individual cultivators.

Even an immortal cultivator with extraordinary combat power wants to compete with thousands of immortal cultivators, but it is a fool's dream.

The most important thing is that the immortal cultivators in the world are all born in the five major academies, and they are all talents cultivated by the Qin Dynasty. It is more difficult to make them rebel.

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