Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1292 The Immortal Man Huang Ding, promoted to Mahayana monk!

At this moment, in Xianyang City, in the palace, this is also the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.

"After staying for a thousand years, it's almost time to leave.

Xia Chuan opened her eyes and ended her practice.

To be honest, he has been in the Daqin world for a thousand years, and has gained a lot and gained a lot.

Not only did he get the five major immortal arts, but he also got the immortal artifact Dark Demon Cauldron. Of course, this immortal artifact has been completely refined by him, and it has become a magic weapon on his body and turned into a human emperor.


Immediately, a golden slap-sized tripod floated in the air, with dense patterns appearing on it, like a map of Jiangshan and Jiji.

In this map of rivers and mountains, not only mountains and rivers, but also countless creatures, human beings, demons, demons, plants and other life forms, it is simply all-encompassing.

And human beings are "one hundred and zero" as the main life, forming vast human dynasties, as if countless human beings are praying to the sky, filled with endless power of faith.


At this time, the immortal cauldron was filled with the aura of a huge human emperor, which was closely related to the fate of the dynasty, and seemed to be inseparable from the human dynasty.

In the void, the luck of the entire Daqin world converged on this human emperor.

In fact, the Human Emperor Cauldron was made by Xia Chuan using the power of the fate of the human race in the whole world, so all kinds of incredible magical powers were born. Basically, the bigger the fate of the human race, the more powerful the Human Emperor Ding was. more terrifying.

Compared with the previous Dark Demon Cauldron, the power of the Human Emperor Cauldron was naturally more tyrannical and unfathomable.

To a certain extent, the quality has at least risen by a large level.

Moreover, it is the cauldron of luck of the human race. Even if the creatures of other races get the emperor cauldron, it is impossible to use it. Instead, they will be counterattacked by the luck of the human race and suffer heavy losses.

"This cauldron can not only suppress the entire world, but also suppress the human race, the luck of the sect, and the protection of the power for hundreds of millions of years." Xia Chuan touched his chin, very satisfied.

In fact, the Human Emperor Cauldron on him is the genuine one.

As for the Jiuding that remained in the Daqin world, it was the super magic weapon he had only refined during this period, second only to the Immortal Artifact.

However, if it is washed by time, coupled with the baptism of human destiny, and the tempering of the power of the world, in the near future, it may also evolve into an immortal weapon.

Therefore, their power is also strong enough and unfathomable.


A huge message sank into the depths of Xia Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

"The Treasure of Luck: Human Sovereign Cauldron, this is the supreme immortal cauldron created from the luck of the human race. It has the supreme power to suppress the luck of the human race and protect the human race.

Ability 1: Accelerate cultivation, as long as you hold the Human Sovereign Cauldron, you are a contemporary Human Sovereign. You can use the power of the human race to speed up your cultivation. No matter where you are, your cultivation will progress rapidly, and your cultivation will increase more than a hundred times.

Ability 2: All evils are invincible, and all methods are immortal. It contains supreme power, can resist the power of monsters, ghosts, and monsters, and at the same time contains a strong defense ability, which can easily destroy the power of many magical powers, and can also comprehensively The protection of the body and soul, will not encounter the violation of external forces.

Ability 3: The damage is rebounded, and it is used to return to the other body. If you hold the Human Emperor Cauldron and encounter the enemy's attack, you can also double the enemy's attack and rebound back, so that the enemy will suffer the consequences.

Ability 4: Refining all things, putting any magic weapon remains, medicinal pill residues, etc. into the Human Emperor Cauldron, they can be refined by the power of the Human Emperor Cauldron to purify pure substances. "

There is no doubt that this human emperor is worthy of being a fairy weapon, and it is indeed infinite and unfathomable.

This is also a treasure he got in the Daqin world.

"However, the most important gain in the Daqin world this time is my cultivation, and now I can be regarded as a monk in the Mahayana realm.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Hundreds of years ago, his cultivation had already reached the Perfection Realm. Now that he has practiced for so long, even if he did not deliberately cultivate, his cultivation had also been promoted to the realm of the Mahayana Realm.

Although it is only the early stage of the Mahayana realm, it can be regarded as a top figure in the spiritual world.

The Mahayana realm is basically the last realm for mortals to practice.

After being promoted to this realm, the soul, body, mana, etc. have all reached the realm of consummation, and they have begun to transform towards the realm of immortals.

Therefore, the lifespan of a Mahayana monk has reached 20,000 years, and the lifespan is extremely amazing.

As for the Transcending Tribulation Realm, in essence, this is not a realm, but a special period.

When you reach the Mahayana Consummation, you can almost trigger the Heavenly Tribulation.

Once you have passed the catastrophe, you will be able to soar in the daytime, be promoted to the fairyland, and become a fairy.0

If you can't get over it, it is dust to dust, dust to dust, completely disappearing into this world and returning to this world.

"The most important sign of being promoted to the Mahayana realm is to see one's life. To a certain extent, this can also be called the realm of one's life." Xia Chuan squeezed her fist.

He perceives that after he was promoted to the Mahayana realm, the power of the primordial spirit has been further improved. It can be said that the power of the primordial spirit has reached the level that can penetrate the fog of fate.

If it is a monk in the Mahayana realm, although he can know how long his lifespan is, it is only an approximate number, and he does not know the exact number.

But the Mahayana cultivator is different. He has begun to understand the fate, knows the length of his lifespan, knows how much time he has left, and can even be accurate to the second.

This is the mystery of the peeping realm.

Only by knowing the lifespan can we truly understand the true meaning of life. It is like having a life clock that keeps passing on our head anytime, anywhere.

Of course, the power of peeping into fate is not just as simple as being able to know the length of lifespan.

More importantly, peeping into the power of fate can make oneself foresee the future for a short time.

If ordinary cultivators wanted to sneak attack on the Mahayana cultivators, they would have already predicted them before they even got close to them, and knew the enemy's every move.

It is because of this 1.6 that it is extremely difficult to kill a Mahayana cultivator, almost impossible.

It can be said that the Mahayana cultivator has an overwhelming advantage in the face of cultivators from other realms, not only the strength is more powerful, but also the future is understood.

In this way, how could other enemies have a chance of winning.

"As expected of a Mahayana monk, he is indeed the pinnacle of this world."

Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he felt the mystery of the practice of this universe, which was completely different from the Xuanhuang universe, and also completely different from the miniature universe.

Not only is the realm different, but even the power obtained by breaking through the realm, as well as the lifespan, are different.

If he is not a Heavenly Venerate, and if he exists in other realms, I am afraid that when he comes to this immortal cultivation universe, he also needs to start from scratch, and the power of previous cultivation will be completely lost and vanished.

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