Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1295 Daoist Duobao, Broken Immortal Artifact Daqian World Mirror


Seeing this situation, Xia Chuan blinked. It seemed that ordinary reincarnators still had a tough time. Even a dragon was so poor that he was about to sell his blood to earn reincarnation points. One can imagine their lives.

After all, not every reincarnation person is like him, just one reincarnation can earn so many reincarnation points.

For ordinary reincarnators, even if they are reincarnated many times, they may have nothing to gain, and even worse, they will not even have their capital, and the losses will be heavy.

It's a great thing to be able to gain a little bit.

After all, it is not so easy to make a major impact in a certain world.

It was as if he was just an ordinary person in his original world and could not have any influence on society at all. If he was reincarnated in another world and wanted to become a very important person, that would be a fool's dream.

Only those true geniuses can get along like a duck in the reincarnation space.

"It seems that there are still no treasures here."

Xia Chuan wandered around this street for a while, and found that the things that these reincarnators were selling were good, but he didn't take it seriously.

The so-called magic weapons, medicinal pills, secret manuals, etc. 110 are nothing at all, unless they are immortal weapons, otherwise it is difficult to get into his magic eyes, only really precious treasures, these reincarnations will never come out. .

It is because of this that it is actually quite difficult to buy suitable treasures here.

Of course, for ordinary reincarnators, ordinary treasures are completely enough, but too precious ones can't be bought.

"This brother."

At this moment, a young man in white robe suddenly stopped Xia Chuan: "Looking at your appearance, you should be a novice. You have been wandering around here for so long, can't you find something you like?"

He looked at Xia Chuan as if he were looking at a fat sheep.

"That's right. 35

Xia Chuan nodded: "I am really disappointed here, there are no treasures to buy. 35

"Oh, it seems that this brother has a very high vision. The streets are full of treasures, and there is no way to get into the brother's eyes. If that's the case, would you like to trade with me?"

The white-robed young man smiled slightly.

He felt more and more excited, although the man in front of him seemed to be a new (babg) hand, but his instinct told himself that the man in front of him was definitely not simple.

Because he has a special talent, that is, he can find unusual people and unusual treasures.

With this special talent, he does not know how many opportunities he has sought, and he has also successfully risen rapidly in the reincarnation space, thus becoming a well-known existence here.

"Interesting, what treasures do you have on your body?"

Xia Chuan smiled.

"follow me.

The young man in white robe greeted Xia Chuan and came to a hidden building nearby.

Xia Chuan didn't care, after all, this trading floor was a security center, and no reincarnation could take action, otherwise, they would be expelled from the trading floor, or even more severely punished.

"My name is Daoist Duobao, I don't know what your Excellency is called?

The white-robed young man looked at Xia Chuan curiously.

"Well, you can call me Daoist Longevity."

Xia Chuan thought about it carefully, and gave herself a Taoist name, the Taoist of Longevity.

"Longevity Daoist? It's really a good name. I don't know how many immortal cultivators want to live forever, but unfortunately, how many people can do it since ancient times." Duobao Daoist said with emotion.

"I'm a little interested in the treasure on your body. I wonder if you can take it out and watch it?"

Xia Chuan didn't intend to be polite and said bluntly.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Changsheng is really impatient, if that's the case, then I'll take it out.

Daoist Duobao did not hesitate, waved his hand, and immediately took out a pile of treasures, all of which were piled on the table, bursting with light, and the treasure was amazing.

Obviously, these treasures do not know how much stronger than the outside stalls.

"It's not bad, it's really much better than the treasures outside.""

Xia Chuan nodded.

"I don't know which one your fellow Daoists liked?"

Daoist Duobao was also secretly surprised. If an ordinary samsara saw so many treasures appearing, they would definitely be shocked, and even greedy in their hearts. This is an instinct from life and cannot be hidden.

But the man in front of him was different, as if he was used to it. Even with so many treasures in front of him, he was still unmoved.

There are only two possibilities for this result. One is that the man in front of him has more treasures than himself, so he doesn't care about the treasures in front of him at all.

The other is that the other party has a firm heart, even if there are many treasures in front of him, he will not be moved.

He felt that both guesses were very likely.

"Hey, this mirror seems pretty good, it seems to be related to me. 55

Xia Chuan raised her eyebrows, and immediately looked at one of the broken mirrors, with dense immortal texts appearing on it, obviously the other party was once a fairy weapon.

It's a pity that the damage to this immortal artifact is too serious, and I don't know how much power has been lost.

"Dao's friendly vision, this is the Immortal Artifact Great Thousand World Mirror. It used to be a powerful immortal artifact in the Immortal Realm, but it was broken into many pieces due to a great formation, and it has long lost 99% of its power, but even so , it is still a quasi-immortal weapon, more powerful than ordinary magic weapons.

Many treasures are humane.

"Make a price.

Xia Chuan said it bluntly.

"Well, I only need three million reincarnation points, then this quasi-immortal weapon belongs to you."

Daoist Duobao thought about it and set a price.

"Three million reincarnation points? I don't have so many on me, can I barter?

Xia Chuan asked.

"Barter? How do you want to exchange? 35

Daoist Duobao's eyes suddenly lit up, his favorite thing is to barter, because it may be exchanged for some valuable treasures.

"I have three drops of heaven and earth here, how about exchanging this quasi-immortal weapon with you?

Xia Chuan thought about it for a while. Anyway, he had twenty drops of the origin of the world on his body, and it was nothing to exchange three drops. After all, he was not in a hurry to become a cultivator of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

Because he didn't want to fly to the Immortal Realm so quickly.

If you really want to fly to the Immortal Realm, then you can only take Changchun Realm to fly together.


Daoist Duobao did not hesitate, for fear that Xia Chuan would refuse to accept it. After all, what kind of treasure is the source of heaven and earth, even in the Reincarnation Space Mall, it is a treasure that is difficult to exchange.

It can be said to be unattainable.

Now, he actually exchanged three drops of the source of heaven and earth with a broken fairy weapon. There is no doubt that he has made a lot of money.

It can be said that if this village is wrong, there will be no such shop anymore.

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