Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1298 Standard Magical Treasure Binding Immortal Rope, Identity Registration

a day later.

Changchun Realm, Tongling City, a certain government.

"Mr. Huayang, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect you to be a savage in the mountains, and you don't know about the outside world, so we actually arrested you as if you were a poacher.

The young woman looked at Taoist Huayang with an apologetic expression. This young woman was called Liu Qianqian, and she was a hunter in Tongling City. She was responsible for protecting the nearby Monster Beast Reserve and preventing illegal poaching.

However, after a day of interrogation and a rigorous investigation, it was found that the Taoist Huayang in front of him was not a poacher, and he was seriously injured.

So they released Huayang Daoist.

"You're welcome, it's your duty.

Taoist Huayang looked aggrieved, but he also knew that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Before he understands the world clearly, he still needs to keep a low profile, even if he is a fit cultivator, when it is time to bow his head, he still has to bow his head.

However, he is actually a little fortunate in his heart. It seems that the monks in this world still abide by certain laws and regulations and will not pose too much personal threat to him.

To be honest, when he was caught by the other party, he felt that he was completely cold in his life, and he would definitely die in the hands of the monks in this world, and his treasures would also be taken away.

But looking at it now, not only did he survive, he didn't even lose his storage bag and many treasures. This group of law enforcement officers can be said to be law enforcement impartially, and they are very discerning.

If it was in the world he went to before, I am afraid that even a layer of skin on his body would have to be pulled off.

"But fellow Daoist Liu, what exactly was the magic weapon you used to capture me before? How come I can't use any magic power on my body after it is bound to me?"

Daoist Huayang pretended to inadvertently asked, after all, he was very afraid of this magic weapon that could seal his cultivation, and he had never been so weak in his life.

"Oh, this is our special magic weapon for catching fast - Binding Immortal Rope, a special magic weapon that no one else can possess except us law enforcement officers."

Liu Qianqian explained: "It contains a great immortal sealing technique, once captured by this bundle of immortal ropes, the mana on the body will be instantly sealed, like a mortal.

And this magic weapon will ignore the strength gap, even if the Mahayana cultivator is caught, he will become a mortal, so the world does not dare to compete with our law enforcers.

Of course, there is no way to buy it on the market, only us law enforcement officers can have it, and we are not allowed to use it on ordinary people, otherwise, you will be punished, and you even need to write a report every time you use it.


Although the words of the young female cultivator in front of him didn't seem to be a big deal, Daoist Huayang's heart was filled with turbulent waves, and he was shocked.

It is good to have such a magic weapon bundle, but according to this woman, in this world, it is just an ordinary special magic weapon.

But even so, this magic weapon has the power to bind all immortal cultivators, and also contains an immortal technique, what a terrifying foundation and power.

What is the origin of this world, how can it be so terrifying?!

Is it reasonable that any female catcher has such a tyrannical magic weapon?!

He could sense that this young female cultivator was only forty or fifty years old, but she had already achieved a complete cultivation of the golden core. In other worlds, it would be considered a genius.

But looking at the appearance of this woman, it seems that she is just an ordinary cultivator in this world.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, I'm more curious about what the so-called savages in the mountains are?"

Daoist Huayang asked curiously.

"Oh, the so-called savages are those humans who have no identity registration. 95

Liu Qianqian explained: "You must know that more than 99% of the human beings in our world need to register and get their ID cards.

But because this world is really too big, it is expanding all the time, which also leads to some barren and remote areas in this world, and human beings will be born in these places.

These human beings have not been in contact with the mainstream society, and have not received orthodox mainstream education. They are out of tune with the mainstream society and know nothing about the world.


Taoist Huayang twitched at the corners of his mouth. He completely understood what the so-called savages in the mountains were, but he was also shocked in his heart, feeling that the world was strictly controlled.

Every human being in this world needs to register their identity, otherwise it will be difficult to move, and the police on the street have the right to check their ID cards at any time.

That is to say, if there is a creature from another world breaking into this world, I am afraid that it will be discovered at the first time.

It just so happens that he is not a human being in this world, but a creature from the outside world. If he is discovered by a high-level cultivator in this world, wouldn't he be miserable?!

More importantly, if his information leaked out, wouldn't his whereabouts be in the hands of the world's top cultivators at any time?

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

"Do I need to register too?

Daoist Huayang couldn't help asking.

"Of course, but I already registered you yesterday, and at the same time drew a drop of blood on your body, and created an ID card for you, and now it's done. 99

110 Liu Qianqian proudly said, don't compliment me too much, I am a catcher who works so efficiently.

She handed over a token at will.


Hearing this, Daoist Huayang's face was completely green. This is called the overlord's stubborn bow. It is really unreasonable to forcibly help himself to apply for an ID card while he is not paying attention.

But now that the boat is done, he can't do anything about it.


There was no way, Daoist Huayang took the token, and when he thought about it, he immediately felt a stream of information pouring out from the token, and then a virtual panel appeared in his eyes.

"Name: Daoist Huayang, Gender: Male, Age: 6777 years old, Cultivation: Late fusion (severely injured), this is a fusion monk from another world, with unknown purpose and whereabouts unknown. Attention level: S-level"


Daoist Huayang's face was completely green, but he thought that his identity was not revealed. Looking at the information above, didn't he reveal himself clearly?!

In addition to his previous experience, and the fact that the cultivation method has not been exposed, he basically turned his own investigation into the sky.

He knew that the world was not simple, but he didn't expect his identity to be exposed so quickly.

To be honest, he doesn't even know what to do now.

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