Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1301 The elixir of ten thousand years is worthless, the shocked Taoist of Huayang

"How is that possible? How can there be so many thousand-year-old elixir in this world, and even a lot of ten-thousand-year elixir?"

Daoist Huayang couldn't believe his eyes. When he entered the pharmacy just now, he began to doubt his three views. To be honest, he thought he was now in the Immortal Realm.

Because this pharmacy is really scary.

If it is another world, let alone a thousand-year elixir, a ten thousand-year elixir, even a elixir of hundreds of years, is relatively rare, and its value is amazing~.

But in this world, the so-called thousand-year-old elixir is worthless at all, and has become a common medicinal material.

How could he believe such a ridiculous thing if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"Well, if it was hundreds of years ago, the thousand-year elixir and the ten thousand-year elixir are naturally very precious.

Liu Qianqian explained: "After all, a spirit medicine needs to grow for thousands of years, or even 10,000 years to mature, and the cost of time alone, I don't know how expensive it is.

Especially in the millennium, all kinds of accidents need to be avoided in order to make a thousand-year-old elixir grow, which makes them even more rare.

"That's right."

Daoist Huayang nodded. He also believed that even if the spiritual world was higher than the human world, it would take time for the spiritual medicine to grow, and it would take thousands of years.

Even a cultivator in the integration state with tens of thousands of years of lifespan would not have the time to wait for the elixir to mature.

Therefore, the thousand-year-old elixir and the ten-thousand-year elixir are often found in the wild, so this has led to the high price of the thousand-year elixir and the ten thousand-year elixir.

"However, the Sect Master has created the Five Elements Time Array, which can speed up time within a local area."

Liu Qianqian said: "As long as they are in the formation, then these elixir can grow faster, usually seven days outside the formation, and a thousand years have passed within the formation.

It is because of this that our Changchun Sect can mass-produce thousand-year-old elixir and ten-thousand-year elixir. We can also plant these elixir in large quantities, and we no longer need to rely on wild elixir. "

What? The Five Elements Time Formation? The Formation That Can Speed ​​Up Time?!

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Huayang was simply stunned. Although he had a general understanding of the tyranny of the Changchun Sect Sect Master, he looked at it now and estimated that the Changchun Sect Sect Master's terror was beyond imagination.

To actually create a formation that can interfere with time, few people will believe this kind of thing, it is really incredible.

He has survived for thousands of years, and has traveled to countless worlds, but he has never seen a formation that someone can control time, which is incredible.

To be honest, he felt that such a formation was only possible in the immortal world, not in the spiritual world.

But if you really master a similar time formation, then it will be possible to cultivate elixir in large quantities.

In this way, the immortal cultivator has to wait for a long time, and can plant a large number of thousand-year and ten-thousand-year elixir in a short time, so that he does not lack any medicinal materials at all.

"It's no wonder that anyone with spiritual roots in this world can practice cultivation and join the Changchun Sect. I'm afraid it is because there is no shortage of elixir at all, so it is possible to cultivate immortal cultivators on such a large scale."

Daoist Huayang suddenly realized.

He was also wondering why Changchun Sect was able to cultivate immortal cultivators on a large scale. It seemed that anyone with spiritual roots could practice cultivation, which could be called cultivation by the whole people.

Even in the spiritual world, it is impossible for all people to practice.

It's not that it can't be done, it's really because the whole people's cultivation needs to consume too many resources, and the whole world does not have enough resources.

If a person wants to become an immortal, he must consume a lot of resources, but if too many ordinary immortal cultivators appear, they will occupy the resources of high-level immortal cultivators.

In this way, high-level cultivators have absolutely no interest in cultivating these low-level cultivators on a large scale.

After all, the presence of too many immortal cultivators makes no sense at all, instead it will speed up the consumption of the world's resources.

"That's right.

Liu Qianqian nodded: "Our Changchun Sect focuses on sustainable development. The previous immortal cultivators were all thieves, constantly stealing the world's resources and destroying the world's ecological environment, just like locusts.

With the passage of time, the spirit medicines, spirit plants, spirit stones, and various ores in the wild will be quickly depleted. The longer the time passes, the scarcer the resources left in our world.

In fact, this was the case when the Sect Master did not rule the entire Changchun Realm. Many immortal cultivators grew up savagely and did not pay attention to the environment at all. This caused the whole world to be smoky, various species fell into a state of extinction, and even the spiritual energy of the world continued to flow. Decrease, it is estimated that it will not be long before the world will enter the era of the end of the law.

·0 for flowers......

Fortunately, the Sect Master was born out of thin air at this time, completely changed the world's thinking, and let the world know that such exhaustion and fishing will not end well. Only by respecting the environment and carrying out sustainable development can our civilization continue to progress. ’

She showed Huayang Taoist people the cultivation concept of Changchun Sect.

"Sustainability? People and Nature?!

Hearing this, Daoist Huayang was amazed again and again, and he was greatly shocked in his heart. As a cultivator in the state of integration, he has survived for thousands of years, and it is impossible not to understand Liu Qianqian's words.


But this kind of idea has never been put forward by anyone in the world of immortal cultivation before.

Because every immortal cultivator is a selfish existence, the only purpose of their immortality cultivation is for longevity, so for longevity, they can do everything.

As for the protection of the environment, fishing and other things, it is none of their business.

The so-called after they die, where will the flood flood the sky, as long as they can fly to the immortal world, then the life and death of the spiritual world has nothing to do with them, and they will naturally try to steal all kinds of resources.

This also caused the cultivation environment of each world to become more and more bad.

In fact, the same is true of the world he was born in. In ancient times, it was a prosperous age of cultivation.

But as time passed, countless resources were exhausted by the ancient cultivators, which made it even more difficult for the cultivators of their era to find some precious resources.

This also makes their practice many times more difficult than in ancient times.

He didn't understand why this happened before, but now, isn't it because those ancient cultivators turned into thieves, constantly stealing the world's resources, but did not repay the world, so such evil results?

But this Changchun sect master is different. Obviously, he has insight into the evil of this approach, and has implemented a sustainable development strategy, which has led to a huge increase in the productivity of the entire world.

Even if there are immortal cultivators who have spiritual roots in the whole world to practice together, they can't deplete the resources of this world, but they are still increasing the background of this world.

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