Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1348 Fragments of the reincarnation space, analyzing the secrets of the demons

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles.

The reason why the world is afraid of demons is because they don't understand demons, because demons are completely different from other creatures. They are invisible, soundless and colorless.

The unknown is the real fear.

But once you know all the secrets of the demons, what is there to fear from the demons?

Therefore, Xia Chuan has to analyze the secrets of the demons, and only by knowing everything about the demons can he fully grasp the demons.

This is knowledge, this is science, and it can gain insight into the many mysteries of the universe.

"If this is the case, it is also simple to deal with these demons, that is to cultivate a special soul technique that can release the fire of pure yang, or the thunder of pure yang.

"Once these demons dare to invade, they will be instantly burned to death by the fire of the soul or the thunder of the soul. 99

"But the true spirits of these demons are not in themselves, but in the world of demons. Once they die, they will be resurrected in the world of demons, and there is no point in killing them."

"That is to say, only sealing the demons is the best choice."

Xia Chuan fell into contemplation when 10.

He felt that the demons were always of great use. If the demons were simply sealed, it would be a bit of a waste of time, and he still had to find a way to use the power of the demons.

Otherwise, he entered Baoshan, but returned empty-handed.

"Wait, if these celestial demons are soul bodies, then perhaps the celestial demons can be refined into a special soul elixir, which can be called a celestial elixir. Once you take this elixir, you can increase your own health. Soul power and mana, and still without any side effects.39

"And as long as these demons are not completely killed, they only destroy half of their bodies. As long as they are given a certain amount of time, their bodies can quickly recover. It can be said to be an inexhaustible special elixir. "

"It is estimated that other immortal cultivators have also thought about refining the demons into medicinal pills, but they have not succeeded. It is estimated that the reason is very simple, that is, the demons contain too much power of darkness and negative emotions. If the demons are refined If it is made into an elixir, it will be contaminated with the characteristics of the demon, and it will contaminate one's own soul, so the gain outweighs the loss.

"But it's different for me. I can use the Great Purification Technique to completely purify the soul power of the demons, turn them into the purest soul power, and then assist other spirit medicines, so that I can refine them into the demon pill.

Xia Chuan touched his chin and began to think about how to refine the demon.

He felt that the demons were indeed a special treasure, and if there was a chance, he would need to capture a large number of demons, which would be equivalent to having a steady stream of medicinal pills.

When the time comes, the demons will not come to destroy, but to send resources.

At this moment, many celestial demons were half scared to death when faced with Xia Chuan's behavior like a mad scientist.

"Damn, what the hell is this human trying to do to us?"

"This guy is studying the characteristics of our demon, and he often cuts the body of our demon to study."

"Nima, is this really a human? Why does it look more ferocious than our demons."

"Wait, what's the matter now, if something is really researched by this guy, then aren't our demons dead?

"Hehe, I'm afraid, you are just a mere cultivator in the spiritual world, what is it? Even if the immortals of the immortal world have been fighting against our demons for so long, they can't help our demons, how could this guy be able to do anything?

"That's right, don't worry about the world here. It's just a mere cultivator in the spiritual world. It is estimated that no matter how much he studies, it is impossible to understand the mysteries of our demons."

"Damn it, even so, we can't let each other study like this. Don't be afraid of what happens, just be afraid of 10,000."

"Although I said so, but now we have been completely sealed, even if we want to commit suicide, there is no way to return to the demon world.

"Yes, this human being is even more sinister and cunning than our demons. In order to prevent us from committing suicide, all the power in us has been completely sealed."

Many demons gritted their teeth.

They have been in the spirit world for so long, and they don't know how many worlds they have occupied, and they have never encountered such a terrifying spiritual world monk who actually played them with applause.

To be honest, they all thought that the other party might be an immortal descended from the fairy world.

"Don't worry, everyone, I believe that the demon world has already known our situation. At that time, the world will soon face the attack of a large army of demons. At that time, the world will be reduced to ruins, and then we will be able to escape from this world. Go. 99 A demon cheered everyone up, saying that the demon army should be coming soon.

"That's right, we're just the vanguard. We're not elites at all. If the Heavenly Demon Army arrives, then the mere Da Song World and mere reincarnators are nothing."

"That's right, just wait for me, damn reincarnation, you'd better leave this world now. Otherwise, when the army of demons arrives, you will surely die without a place to be buried."

"I'll see how long you can detain us, and after we get out of trouble, not only you, but everyone around you will die.

Many demons are furious, and it can be said that their anger towards Xia Chuan has reached its peak.

It is a pity that no matter how angry they are, facing the power of the 173 Sealing Technique, it is still useless.

Of course, Xia Chuan completely ignored the thoughts of this group of demons. For him, these demons were just his own experimental subjects. No matter whether he was angry or desperate, it could not affect the pace of his research.

Anyway, the two sides have long been enemies, and they can be called the kind that never die.

Even if you are good to the demon, the demon will not appreciate it.

Kindness can be applied to one's own race, not to other races.

"It seems that the Reincarnation Hall does contain a fragment of the reincarnation space, and it is also the main fragment, which contains a strong power of reincarnation, so it is possible to reincarnate the souls of the disciples of the reincarnation sect into mortals, so as to pass the time. reincarnation, and gain a lot of energy.”

"However, you still have to be careful to study it, so that it can't be detected by the reincarnation space, otherwise this piece of debris may be taken away, it seems that before the study, you still have to seal its aura.

Xia Chuan began to study the power of the Temple of Reincarnation, and he really noticed that there was a special piece of debris deep inside the Temple of Reincarnation.

But to study it clearly, I am afraid it will take a long time, but the most important thing he does not lack is time.

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