Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1353 Eliminate the evil disasters everywhere, the new era cultivators of the Song Dynasty

"But what should we do now? Should we rely on the other party? If we rely on Xia Chuan, then this time we can not only complete the basic tasks, but also get a higher task evaluation and gain more benefits."

A reincarnation could not help but say.

After all, it would be extremely difficult for them to fight against a demon, but the reincarnation Xia Chuan was so frightened that the group of demons did not dare to approach the capital.

One can imagine how terrifying the other party is, they must have the means to threaten the demons, otherwise they would not be so afraid of those demons.

"To be honest, if you can seek refuge, it is best to naturally seek refuge. After all, who doesn't want to hug their thighs? The problem is that we have wanted to see each other many times before, but the other party has turned a blind eye. Obviously, he is not interested in joining forces with us. It is estimated that he thinks that even if You can complete the task by yourself.

Zhou Feng said helplessly.

Originally, he also wanted to hug a thigh, but the problem was that people didn't want to hug him at all. Even though he expressed it in the group many times, the other party never responded to the message.

It can be said that this is the attitude of the reincarnator Xia Chuan, Gen 10 did not intend to cooperate with them.

"Damn, what the hell is that guy doing? He really thinks he can fight against so many demons by himself, doesn't he know how good people are?"

Some people grit their teeth, very unwilling.

"Although I don't want to admit it, but one person can fight against so many demons, and we have so many reincarnations together, we can't compare to the other person."

Someone said helplessly: "Before, we were chased and killed like a dog by the group of demons, and we didn't know how many life-saving methods were used to survive.

But people, just one person, killed the group of demons with fear, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to approach the capital for half a step. This is the strength, there is no comparison at all.

To be honest, I think that the other party can easily hang and beat a group of us even if it is just one person. Now I suspect that the other party may be an immortal descended to earth, otherwise, how could he be so powerful. "

He was very emotional.

To be honest, he can be considered to have participated in many faction missions, competed with demons several times, and also cooperated with some reincarnators.

But it was incredible that he had never seen such a foul reincarnation.


Hearing these words, many reincarnations were speechless. Although they were unwilling to admit it, they had to admit it in the face of the cruel reality.

If it wasn't for the protection of the other party, I'm afraid they would have died tragically at the hands of the demons, how could they survive for such a long time.

"Yeah, let's not say these words that affect unity. We benefit from the deterrence of the other party and can survive from the demons. If the other party is not willing to protect us, I am afraid we will already be dead. From this point of view, we also We have to be kind to the other party, and the other party will also have a life-saving grace for us."5

Zhou Feng said solemnly.

Many reincarnations nodded their heads. Although this reincarnation Xia Chuan never planned to cooperate with them, he protected them in secret, making it unnecessary for them to be hunted down by demons.

If Xia Chuan was a little bit malicious to them, they would all die tragically at the hands of the demons.

"To be honest, I don't know what that Xia Chuan wants to do, but he actually became the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he is really doing his best to develop the Song Dynasty, and even the world of the Song Dynasty, why is this? "

"Indeed, normally speaking, we are just passers-by in this world. The main goal is to deal with the demons. It is unbelievable that we don't hunt down the demons when we have an advantage, but instead shrink back and develop the Song Dynasty.

"I can't understand what Xia Chuan did, why did this guy do it, and what benefit would it do to him at all, I can't understand it at all.

Many reincarnations frowned.

They know how great the changes in the Song Dynasty have been in the past 20 years.

Originally, before the reincarnations of them arrived in the Great Song World, this world basically belonged to the world of mortals, the world of the secular, and there were not many practitioners.

After all, this world has been monopolized by the Samsara Sect for a long time. Except for the disciples of the Samsara Sect, the rest do not know any cultivation method.

Therefore, the mortals living in this world basically live a life of dire straits.

Especially after the invasion of the demons, the natural and man-made disasters continued, and a large number of demons poured out from various places.

They frantically slaughter mortals everywhere, and even the souls of mortals will turn into evil spirits after death, which further aggravates the killings in various places. This world can be called a purgatory on earth.

At this time, the disadvantage of the world without immortal cultivators appeared.

Because there are too few disciples of the Samsara Sect, it is impossible to take into account the situation around the world. Even if there is a demon disaster in various places, there is no immortal cultivator to solve it.

This also led to a large number of mortals not only dying from natural and man-made disasters, but also died from magical disasters.

But now.

Since Xia Chuan became the emperor of the Song Dynasty, he began to establish Taoist temples in various places to teach the methods of cultivation, so that a large number of cultivators appeared in various places.

Even if it is only a short period of twenty years, Jindan cultivators have already been born, and even a large number of qi-training cultivators have appeared, which can solve the evil disasters in various places.

This also led to the demonic disasters and natural disasters in all parts of the Song Dynasty being resolved.

173 The problem is that such an approach is only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

Because the source of all this is from the demons, if there is no way to solve the demons, then the disasters in this world will never disappear.

And what is lacking now is high-end immortal cultivators, not these low-level immortal cultivators.

Even if there are more low-level immortal cultivators, it doesn't actually make any sense, because if they really grow up, it will take at least thousands of years.

But now they simply cannot have such a long time to wait.

"No, no, I think that's the genius of fellow Daoist Xia, you must first be safe from the outside world.

Zhou Feng's eyes showed a gleam of light: "Don't look at the beginning, fellow Daoist Xia was as simple as chopping melons and vegetables to these demons, but what is the most terrifying thing about these demons is the hidden ability.

If those celestial demons find that they can't be beaten, they will really hide in the crevices of the souls of sentient beings. Even if we spend countless energy, we will not be able to find their whereabouts.

It is estimated that Fellow Daoist Xia also knows this. He knows that although he has solved the group of demons in the capital, it is only a surprise. Once the demons are on guard, there will be no second such victory, and they will not gather stupidly. Together, waiting for Xia Daoyou to go and catch them all. "

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