Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1361 Millions of Heavenly Demon Army, Protoss Member Wu


At this moment, outside the world of the Song Dynasty, a huge spaceship came across the void, and there were densely packed demons on it. They all received orders from the world of the demons and went to the demon army of the world of the Song Dynasty.

This army of demons is the elite of the demons in the spiritual world, and the number has reached as many as one million.

There are so many demons, I don't know how many worlds they can destroy, but now, they actually appear in the world of the Song Dynasty. It is conceivable that the world of the demons attaches great importance to the world of the Song Dynasty~.

I saw millions of demons gathered together, filled with terrifying demonic energy, it seemed to dye the void black, swallowing the sunlight in all directions, forming a black hole.

Ordinary people just look at it, they will feel frightened and completely lost - courage.

In the face of millions of demons, any world feels that it is facing the end of the world, and there is no hope of victory at all.

"After flying for more than ten years, I have finally arrived in the world of the Great Song Dynasty. Is this the world? There is a reincarnator who has killed so many demons and dare not act rashly. This is simply a shame for our demon family. 55

"This is also something that can't be helped. After all, this reincarnator is indeed a bit unusual. He has mastered the technique of sealing our demons, making the power of our demons useless. 99

"But to actually dispatch so many demons, is it a bit of a fuss, with so many demons dispatched together, I don't know how many worlds can be destroyed.

"Isn't it? For this operation, I don't know how many demons have been dispatched, which also delayed the time to capture other worlds, and greatly delayed the plans of our demon family in the spiritual world.

"But it's all worth it. According to the previous information from the demons, this reincarnation Xia Chuan is very unusual. He has only been in contact with our demons for a period of time, not only has insight into all the methods of our demons, but even researched them. The mystery of the immortality of our demons, and the means of immortality we have mastered, this talent is really terrifying.""

"Impossible, whether this information is true or false, a mere cultivator in the spiritual world can actually understand the mystery of the immortality of our demons. "

"It must be true, no demons dare to pass on false information, and there is no need for it. There is no doubt about the authenticity of the information. It can only be said that this reincarnation Xia Chuan is indeed unusual. ."

"The appearance of a saint? No wonder it will disturb the upper levels of the Heavenly Demon Realm, and even the Lord of the God Race. If this guy really has the appearance of a saint, then he must be strangled in the cradle."

"That's right, such a talented person can never let him rise through calamity and become a fairy. If he really ascends to the fairyland, it will definitely be a big problem for our celestial beings in the future. 35

"Isn't it? Whenever there is one more saint in this universe, it will be a huge blow to our camp, so any talented person needs to be strangled in the cradle in advance, and they are not allowed to grow up.

Numerous demons were discussing, and the body was filled with terrifying murderous aura, and the murderous intention was awe-inspiring.

They immediately realized the purpose of this operation, that is, to kill a monster with the appearance of a saint. If they could kill it in advance, it would be equivalent to killing a future saint.

If it can really succeed, even if it sacrifices a million demons, it will be worth it.

After all, the appearance of a saint will have an immeasurable impact on the entire universe, and they will naturally kill this unstable factor in advance, even if they pay a heavy price.

It is because of this that after the Demon Realm knew the news that day, it immediately mobilized the millions of Heavenly Demon Legion to come here, just to be foolproof and to kill this reincarnator.

"And this operation not only dispatched our millions of demons, but also dispatched a Protoss.

A demon said mysteriously.


As soon as these words came out, many heavenly demons widened their eyes and were shocked, unbelievable.

You must know that the main battlefield of the Protoss has always been in the Immortal Realm, and rarely comes to the Nether Realm.

After all, how noble the Protoss is, they are all born immortals. From the very beginning of their birth, they have a long lifespan and a strong strength, which is enough to compare with immortals.

It is because of this that the Protoss will not easily descend to the world, nor will they have any interest in coming to the spiritual world.

A chore like this is arranged for them to be demons.

But now, for this matter to send a Protoss down to earth, it is incredible.

·0 for flowers ·......

"No, is this true? Is there really a god race descended to earth?"

"Of course it is true, otherwise, who will control our army of millions of demons, it must be the people of the Protoss.

"Unbelievable, it seems that the Heavenly Demon Realm attaches great importance to this action, otherwise it would not have mobilized such an amazing power.

"In fact, the time is too short. If it wasn't for the fear of the reincarnator running away, I am afraid that dozens of gods would turn around, and even tens of thousands of demons would come over. In short, in order to eradicate that guy, it is worth paying all the price. of."

"The reincarnation Xia Chuan deserves such attention from our demon clan, and he deserves to die. Even immortals have never received such attention from us. 35

"If that's the case, where is the Lord of the God Race?

"It seems to be resting in the VIP room of this spaceship, and it will only appear when the war really starts. As for before that, I have no interest in meeting us.

Many demons were amazed.

Although they have long known that the Heavenly Demon Realm attaches great importance to this matter, they did not expect to pay such attention to it.

It is conceivable that the Heavenly Demon Realm loathes this kind of cultivator who possesses the talent of evildoer. It is impossible for them to want to see such a evildoer grow up smoothly.

At this time, in the VIP room of the spaceship, a terrifying figure sat on the throne, filled with an ancient, sacred, immortal and unfathomable aura, as if its existence itself was a great existence.

It is a member of the Protoss, and the leader of the army of millions of demons, named Wu.

"How long will it take to reach the Great Song World?

God Clan Wu asked.

"Reporting to the adults, there is still one day to reach the world of the Song Dynasty."

A demon answered immediately.

"Yes, but I didn't expect a spiritual monk to have the appearance of a saint. It's fun, I don't know if this guy can stop me a few punches, I hope I don't kill him with one punch. Otherwise, I It is a waste of effort to spend such a huge price to descend from the fairy world to the spiritual world."

God Clan Wu clenched his fists, and there was a ferocious smile on his face.

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