Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1363 The blood sea reincarnates, imprisoning millions of demons


In an instant, countless demons flew over from the sky and arrived at the sky above the capital of the Song Dynasty, covering the sky and making the world plunge into darkness.

Naturally, Xia Chuan knew about such a situation for a long time. Even when these demons approached the world of Song Dynasty, he also knew each other's every move.

But even so, he didn't move. Instead, he pretended that he didn't know anything, and let the other party enter the world of Song Dynasty.

Otherwise, scare away these demons, then wait for the next opportunity, I don't know when it will be.

"Not bad, there are so many demons coming, just to catch them all."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt extremely excited. There are not many opportunities to capture so many demons like this. If you miss this village, you won't have this store.

rumbling ∼∼

In the next second, his thoughts moved, and he immediately activated the formation that covered the entire world of Song Dynasty - the Blood Sea Samsara formation!

At this moment, the whole world began to vibrate, and the spiritual veins vibrated one after another, linking with each other, forming an overwhelming three-dimensional formation.

10 It seems that this formation has connected the origin of the world and mobilized the power of the entire world.

An invisible blood-colored fluctuation instantly enveloped the entire world, forming a thick blood-colored barrier, enclosing the entire world and making it airtight.

Vaguely, dense reincarnation runes emerged from this blood-colored barrier, which contained unfathomable power, as if the whole world had turned into a reincarnation ball.

Unless Xia Chuan is willing, no one can escape from this world.

"what happened?"

At this moment, many demons also discovered the mutation of the whole world. They found that the whole world seemed to have turned into a huge blood-colored ocean, and endless blood-colored rivers appeared around.

This blood-colored ocean is simply submerging everything, and it contains terrifying corrosiveness. Once it falls, it will no longer be able to float, even if it is a demon.

"Oops, fooled, this world is a trap, that bastard is waiting for us to enter this world, no wonder there was no action before, it turned out to be trying to catch us all.

A demon couldn't help but scream.

All the previous discords have been explained at this moment, no wonder when they arrived in this world, the reincarnation Xia Chuan did not do anything, as if nothing was found.

They were still laughing at each other's stupidity just now, and they didn't have the slightest vigilance.

But looking at it now, the other party is not vigilant, but has prepared a trap, just waiting for them to fall into the trap.


In an instant, all the demons were caught off guard, and they fell into the bloody ocean in an instant.

Immediately, they sensed that the blood-colored ocean seemed to come alive, and big blood-colored hands appeared, grabbing their bodies in an instant.

This is like a chain of reincarnation, sealing the power in them, leaving them nowhere to escape.

"Don't get close to this bloody ocean, there are strange powers in it, once contacted, even our demons can't escape." Some demons shouted, reminding other companions.

Unfortunately, such a reminder is already too late.

In just one breath, tens of thousands of demons were engulfed by the sea of ​​blood. They struggled frantically, but the more they struggled, the deeper they sank. At the end, they all fell into the bottom of the sea and were caught by the chains of reincarnation. up.

This is the terrifying part of the Blood Sea Reincarnation Array.

Once you enter the blood sea reincarnation array, as long as you can't escape, you can only fall into the endless blood sea and sink, and you will never be able to escape the blood sea.

"Damn it, I don't believe that this bullshit formation is really that powerful. Even the most powerful formation has its limits. As long as we do our best, we can destroy this formation.

A celestial demon commander shouted loudly and informed the other celestial monsters, requesting other celestial monsters to take action together to destroy the formation.


In an instant, countless celestial demons collectively attacked, and terrifying celestial demon power erupted from them, forming a terrifying dark energy, trying to smash the formation.

Hundreds of thousands of celestial demons collectively shot, one can imagine how terrifying this kind of power is.

"It's useless."

Xia Chuan naturally saw this scene, but he was still unmoved, because the tyranny of the Blood Sea Reincarnation Formation was not just that, it also had quite powerful defensive capabilities.

Once encountered the enemy's attack, not only can the enemy's attack energy be swallowed up and recycled, but also the enemy's attack can be transferred out and reincarnated outside the void.

That is to say, if it is a weak attack, it will be swallowed directly by it. If it cannot be swallowed, it will transfer the attack ability to other voids.

Therefore, once you step into the formation, you will never be able to escape. This is not an alarmist.

dong dong dong!!!

Countless celestial energy beams smashed on the sea of ​​​​blood, but unfortunately everything was useless, it was like a stone falling on the sea, and it could only set off a burst of water.

For the sea itself, hundreds of thousands of boulders fell, but there was no harm at all.

Immediately, part of the attacking energy from the demons was swallowed up by the formation itself, and the rest was transferred out of the void by the reincarnation power of the formation.

Outside the world of Song Dynasty, the energy from the demons blasted out one after another, and these energies bombarded the huge meteorites in the void, causing huge damage.

But to the endless void, this is like a fireworks.

"Impossible, our attack has no effect, it's too nonsense, what kind of formation is this, why have you never heard of it before?

"It's fake, it must be fake, we can't hurt this formation with so many demons' power? How is this possible? We shouldn't be caught in the illusion."

"Don't talk nonsense, we are demons, veterans of illusions, who can make us fall into illusions."9

Many demons were suddenly stunned.

When they were in the Immortal Realm, they had seen a lot of formations about the Immortal Rank, but they had never seen such an incredible formation in the Spiritual Realm.

If it was an ordinary formation, it would have been destroyed long ago in the face of so many attacks from the demons.

It's as if a weak trap cannot trap an elephant.

The same is true now.

It is a pity that the traps arranged by Xia Chuan can not only trap the elephants, but also the giant dragons.

These celestial demons really underestimated Xia Chuan's methods, and broke into this trap in an instant, as if a fly had broken into a spider's web, and could no longer escape.

In the depths of the hearts of all the demons at this moment, endless panic poured out.

This is the first time they have encountered such a predicament in the spiritual world.

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