Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1367 The shock of the reincarnators, the war has come to an end

One day later, the world of Song Dynasty.

At this moment, the whole world has returned to its former calm, as if nothing had happened before.

The demons in the whole world were sealed by the blood sea reincarnation, even the demons who stayed in the world of the Song Dynasty were captured, no matter where they hid, there was nowhere to escape.

Because the world of Song Dynasty was already covered by the blood sea reincarnation array, the reason why Xia Chuan didn't move these demons before was because he didn't want to startle the snakes, so as not to disturb the big fish.

Now that the big fish has already taken the bait, he has no intention of continuing to keep these demons, so he naturally catches them all, lest these demons continue to harm the world.

On the other hand, in the capital of the Song Dynasty, many reincarnators gathered together.

"I really didn't expect a catastrophe to disappear like this. Originally, I thought I was doomed, so I started to make my last words."

To be honest, when he saw the appearance of a million demons, his heart was half cold, he felt extremely desperate, and he felt that he should have no chance of surviving.

After all, just a few hundred celestial demons is enough to make them reincarnated without a burial place, not to mention millions of celestial demons.

He estimated that if he wanted to fight against so many demons, he would at least need to send out all the reincarnators in the spiritual world. Perhaps there was still a ray of hope for victory.

But now, millions of Heavenly Demons have been sealed up, and they can no longer do evil, and the whole world has returned to its former calm at this moment, as if there were no disasters before.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would have felt that such a result was too unbelievable, which made him feel as if he had fallen into a hallucination.

"Isn't that true? It can only be said that Daoyou Xia's strength is simply terrifying. At first, I thought that Daoyou Xia was seeking your own death, but you still dared to fish and attract a large number of demons. Are you not afraid of playing yourself off? But now a Look, Fellow Daoist Xia is probably well-informed, even if a million demons attack, they can easily solve it.39

"To be honest, the results of such a battle are too exaggerated. I have gone through so many reincarnation missions, and I have never been as successful as I am now. It is simply brilliant."

"Isn't it? Every time I went through a faction mission before, I was able to eliminate dozens of demons. Even if it is not bad, every reincarnation can get a lot of rewards. Now, there are a million demons, and they are all Planted in our hands, few people will believe it if we say it."

"The problem is that our contribution to this mission is really too low. It's like making soy sauce, and we don't have any sense of existence at all. I'm afraid our reward will not be particularly high."

"What is the reward? To survive in such a dangerous situation is considered a piece of shit luck. If there is no life, what is the use of the reward."

"That's right, I think it's a great luck to survive this mission. As for the reward, it's a surprise."

Many reincarnations were talking about it. They had gone through so many tasks of reincarnation. To be honest, none of them was as thrilling and anticlimactic as this one.

It can be said that from the beginning they were like the background, and could only watch silently beside them.

Except for the unlucky ghost who was killed by the demon at the beginning, the rest of the reincarnations survived unharmed. It can be said that the survival rate is quite high.

"But what is the formation that imprisoned millions of demons? How can it be so powerful?"

Someone asked curiously.

"Well, it seems to be called the Blood Sea Reincarnation Formation. Once you step into this formation, even the demons will fall into the endless cycle of reincarnation, submerged in the blood sea and unable to escape."

The reincarnation Zhou Feng thought about it carefully and said, "It can be said that the entire Great Song world has been transformed into a gigantic demon cage by Daoyou Xia, as long as you step into this world, you will be imprisoned.

"Unbelievable formation, I didn't expect that this formation was actually created by Daoyou Xia. This kind of achievement alone is enough to leave a name in the history. Even if you fly to the fairyland, I am afraid it will be famous."5

"What's more, the current Daoist Xia is estimated to have become famous in the reincarnation space, and even the immortals of the immortal world will know about Xia Daoyou, after all, this kind of record is really too brilliant.

"But why is Daoyou Xia still staying in the Great Song World? It seems that the mission has ended, and you should be able to return to the reincarnation space at any time."

Many reincarnations are more confused.

Because once the mission is over, they will return to the reincarnation space as soon as possible. After all, they don't have any feelings for this reincarnated world, it's just a place they pass by by chance. 0

Once the task is completed, they will leave immediately without any nostalgia.

Originally, they also wanted to return to the reincarnation space immediately, but unfortunately, Xia Chuan, as the main contributor to the completion of the task, if Xia Chuan did not want to leave, they could not leave.

"Well, Daoyou Xia naturally has his own ideas. It is estimated that he wants to leave the world after it has completely stabilized. After all, if Daoyou Xia leaves now, who knows if there will be a comeback of the demons in the future."

"Indeed, the world of the Song Dynasty is very close to the battlefield of the demons, and it can be regarded as the first line to fight against the demons, so it was attacked by hundreds of demons, leading to the crisis of demise. Even if millions are imprisoned now Heavenly Demon, but it can't be said that the world of Song Dynasty is really safe."

"That's right, what's more important is that these demons are imprisoned in the world of the Song Dynasty, which will inevitably cause the anger of other demons, maybe they will attack the world of the Song Dynasty and rescue these demons.

"That is to say, in the future, the world of the Great Song Dynasty will definitely encounter the invasion of the demons continuously?

"This is something that is bound to happen. Unless the extraterritorial demons are wiped out, this kind of thing will not stop."

"It seems that Daoyou Xia wants to stay in the Great Song World for a long time. After the Great Song World has the power to protect himself, he will leave. Daoyou Xia is really kind and kind. 1.6"

"Having such a sage is also a great good thing for our human race. A good person is always many times better than a bad person. At least you don't need to worry about the other party being bad."

Many reincarnations said solemnly.

"The question is, how long do we need to stay in the Great Song World?"

someone asked.

"Well, according to the reincarnation space, we can stay in the Great Song world for a thousand years at most, that is to say, we can leave for a thousand years at most. Of course, it depends on the thoughts of Xia Daoyou. If you are lucky, hundreds of Years we can leave.

"Actually, this is also a good thing, just treat it as a vacation, this is also a rare leisure world that does not require fighting.

"That's right, a mere thousand years is nothing at all.

Many reincarnations smiled slightly.

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