Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1377 The mission is over, leaving the Song Dynasty world, the joy of the demons

It can be said that Xia Chuan has already done everything that Xia Chuan can do in this world, and has left behind the blood sea reincarnation formation, as well as many backers, even if he faces another army of demons, he can easily deal with it.

So he has nothing left to leave the world.

As for whether there will be any accidents in the future, that is also the matter of future generations, and it has nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate, and directly announced the candidate for the next emperor of the Song Dynasty, which instantly shook the Song Dynasty that had stabilized for a thousand years.

But for the high-level officials of the Song Dynasty, this is also a normal thing, everyone is very calm, because Xia Chuan started to tell them about it decades ago.

It's only now that it's finally starting to happen.

But in any case, the next emperor of the Song Dynasty came to the throne very smoothly, without any intention of "1900".

After all, the world of Song Dynasty is now stronger than ever before, the whole world of demons and demons have been swept away, and countless powerful immortal cultivators have been born.

It is almost impossible for anyone to rebel against today's Song Dynasty.


In an instant, all the reincarnators, including Xia Chuan, basically disappeared in the world of Song Dynasty at the same time.

At this moment, there is a void somewhere in the distance, that is the lair where the demons are. They also sensed that Xia Chuan's breath disappeared in the world of Song Dynasty, and they didn't know where to go.

"Sir, the reincarnator Xia Chuan has already left. It is estimated that he has completed his mission and left the world of Song Dynasty. Do we have a chance to attack the world of Song Dynasty now and rescue the companions who were imprisoned there?"

A demon said excitedly.

In the past, the world of Song Dynasty was too powerful, especially with Xia Chuan, a terrifying reincarnation guard, no matter how many demons were sent over, it would be of no avail.

Therefore, they have also extinguished the idea of ​​saving their companions. Once they start their actions, it is estimated that not only will they not be able to save their companions, but they may also cause themselves to fall into the hands of the enemy.

It is because of this that the demons did not dare to attack the Great Song world again.

"Indeed, after staying for a thousand years, it is indeed time for the reincarnator to leave. It is impossible for such a powerful reincarnator to stay in the world of the Song Dynasty all the time. This is not common sense."

A Heavenly Demon Commander nodded: "Unfortunately, even if I want to attack the Great Song World now, I am afraid that I have more than my heart but not enough strength. Now we cannot attack the Great Song World and save our companions."

"What? Why is this happening? Could it be that without that reincarnator Xia Chuan, we still can't beat the world of Song Dynasty?"

The devil was very puzzled.

"Yes, according to our current strength, it is indeed impossible to beat the Great Song World."

The Heavenly Demon Commander was very helpless: "Since the battle a thousand years ago, we have not only lost a million Heavenly Demons, but also a Protoss lord, this is an unprecedented loss for our Spiritual Heavenly Demons, which has severely damaged the power of the Spiritual Heavenly Demons.

The impact of that battle was not only as simple as the collapse of the front line, but even the world that was already occupied was now in jeopardy, and encountered powerful sniping from the spirit world.

You must know that if our demons want to descend from the immortal world to the spiritual world, we also need to pay a lot of price, which leads to the fact that we do not have many troops in the spiritual world.

If the attack on the Great Song World is unsuccessful, and the troops are also damaged, it will cause an unparalleled blow to the situation in the entire spiritual world, and even cause the complete defeat of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

It looked very serious, reminding its subordinates of this.

As soon as these words came out, the demons present immediately fell silent. They were not fools. They were just too excited because they heard the good news before, which caused them to lose their minds.

Now that they have been reminded by the Heavenly Demon Commander, they have gradually recovered their original sanity.

"Lord Commander is right, we still need to be careful.

"Even if the Song Dynasty lost Xia Chuan's guard, it is still a dragon pond and a tiger's den, which should not be underestimated.

"Isn't it? The Blood Sea Reincarnation Array is simply famous. Even if a million demons invade, I'm afraid we will all be easily suppressed. If the number is too small, then going to the Great Song World will be self-defeating."

"Probably that reincarnation Xia Chuan also knows this, knowing that with the power of our demons, we cannot destroy the world of the Song Dynasty and save those demons, so he will leave with peace of mind. 35

"Even in the world of Song Dynasty, there are still traps, just waiting for our demons to take the bait. 99

"That's true. Now we have completely lost the information about the world of the Song Dynasty. No one knows what the world of the Song Dynasty will look like now. It is indeed a dead end to go there rashly."

Many demons were talking about it.

They also had to admit that the words of the Heavenly Demon Commander were justified. Under the development of the reincarnator Xia Chuan, the current world of the Song Dynasty has long been different from what it used to be.

The current world of the Song Dynasty is the top world among the inspirations, and it is a world that can contend with a large number of demons.

If they act rashly, they will only suffer huge losses.

"But Lord Commander, if we don't attack the world of Song Dynasty, can't we just watch those companions imprisoned and their waists cut every day?"

There is a demon very unwilling.

It knows how miserable the imprisoned demons are every day. These demons are not only as simple as being sealed up, but they are also cut by those human monks every day.

They are completely treated as leeks, and a batch is harvested every day, which is endless.

This kind of thing actually happens, it is simply a great shame for the demons, so they can't wait to come out immediately and completely destroy this sinful world.

Only they can cut the waists of human beings, when will it be human's turn to cut them.

This is simply rebellion.

"Don't worry, for now, we can only wait, waiting for the reinforcements from the immortal world, waiting for the flaws in the world of the Song Dynasty, waiting for the flaws in the human race, and waiting for the specific information of the world of the Song Dynasty.

1.6 "Our demons have a long life span. Compared with the short-lived species like humans, we don't know how many times longer. Therefore, we have enough patience to wait for the decline of human beings and wait for the opportunity to invade the human race again."

"Now the world of the Song Dynasty is extremely powerful and at the height of its power, we can't collide with it stupidly, we still need to wait for the opportunity, so that we can completely destroy the world of the Song Dynasty. 35

"As far as I know, it won't be long before the Heavenly Demon Realm will send another batch of Heavenly Demon Legions, the number of which will exceed 100 million, and the entire Spirit World will be engulfed by us. It will be devoured by us, and there will be absolutely no life."5

The demon leader is murderous.

"Yes, Lord Commander."

Many demons nodded in satisfaction.

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