Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1379 The power of the eighth-order authority is already a high-order reincarnation

"But the reincarnation point is nothing, the most important thing is the authority. I didn't expect that I would become an eighth-order authority."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, as far as he knows, the sixth-order authority is basically the pinnacle of the reincarnation of the spiritual world. Unless it is to ascend to the immortal world and become an immortal, then it is impossible to become a authority above the seventh-order.

But now, he has not only broken through the restrictions of the seventh-order, but has also been promoted to the eighth-order authority by two consecutive ranks.

It is estimated that such authority, even ordinary immortal reincarnators cannot do it.

Of course, the reason why he was able to break through such a restriction was naturally because of the faction mission. He solved a million demons and gained a lot of military exploits.

It is because of this that the reincarnation space perceives the potential of Xia Chuan, so it makes him an eighth-order authority, and has the power that only the immortal reincarnation can have.

To be honest, permissions are really important to reincarnators.

Because there are many rare items, if there is no authority, even if there are enough reincarnation points, it cannot be exchanged, and there are many top-secret information in the reincarnation space, and only people with sufficient authority will know.

Low-level reincarnations are not qualified to know such news.

Therefore, many reincarnators want to increase their authority. The problem is that it is not so simple to increase their authority. Most of the samsara's authority is very low.

Like Xia Chuan, it is basically unique to obtain huge military exploits and thus rise to two levels in a row.


In an instant, Xia Chuan clicked on the content of the eighth-order authority, and a message instantly disappeared into the depths of his consciousness.

"Eighth-order authority, this is a privilege only possessed by high-level reincarnations in the reincarnation space.

"Privilege 1: Reincarnators who have achieved this authority will be forced to perform a reincarnation mission every 100,000 years. If the reincarnator takes the initiative to perform the reincarnation mission, then the next compulsory execution will be postponed to 100,000 years later."

"Privilege 2: Completely release key information about Immortal Realm, Protoss, Demon Clan, etc., and have the right to know the news about faction wars, unlock more than 70% of the intelligence blockade." 99

"Privilege three: When performing a reincarnation mission, if you encounter a low-level reincarnation, you are qualified to command the low-level reincarnation and require other reincarnations to cooperate with the task, while the low-level reincarnation must obey unconditionally, otherwise you will definitely be punished.

"Privilege 4: Except for some special treasures, you can have the right to exchange treasures with a 40% discount, but it is limited to your own use and cannot be sold to others, otherwise you will be punished.

"Privilege 5: You have three free chances to escape from the space. When you encounter a crisis of death, you can communicate with the reincarnation space, and the reincarnation space will also help you to jump in space and escape from the state of death. When the three chances are used up, you need to Spend the reincarnation point to exchange for the opportunity to escape from the space."

"Privilege Six: You have the right to recruit new reincarnators, with a quota of 300. If the reincarnators you recruit gain a certain degree of military merit, then you will also receive corresponding rewards. 99

"Privilege Seven: You can choose the world of reincarnation in advance, you can choose the task of reincarnation, or you can issue reincarnation tasks to other reincarnators, but you need to provide the rewards yourself.

"Privilege: You can enter the reincarnation space where the high-level reincarnation person is, and freely enter the many forbidden places in the reincarnation space."

"I see.

After seeing the above content about the eighth-order authority, Xia Chuan touched his chin. There is no doubt that after becoming the eighth-order authority, the reincarnation person has too much power.

No, it should be after becoming the seventh-order authority, then the treatment of reincarnation is completely different.

If the reincarnation person under the sixth-order authority is only a working family, then after becoming the seventh-order authority, he begins to become the management and begins to be an official in the reincarnation space.

To a certain extent, the reincarnators above the seventh-order authority are the ones who are truly recognized by the reincarnation space, and the reincarnators under the sixth-order are just cannon fodder.

Although the reincarnation space does not deliberately target these low-level reincarnations, it will not give these low-level reincarnations any power. They only have obligations and no power.

But the reincarnations above the seventh rank are different, and they begin to master various powers in the reincarnation space.

It feels like turning over to be the master.

It is no wonder that many reincarnators are frantically increasing their authority, but unfortunately, it is too difficult to increase authority, unless it is to obtain huge military exploits when fighting against demons.

The problem is, wanting to make credit when fighting the demons is simply harder than reaching the sky.

"Not bad.

Xia Chuan was very satisfied. Although he wanted to find information about Immortal Realm as soon as possible, he was not too anxious and still wanted to continue to study the rewards he got from this mission.

"Actually obtained 720 pieces of world fragments, 1,536 drops of world origin, this is a complete release." Xia Chuan was amazed.

He knew that the reason why he obtained so many world fragments and world origins this time was because the world of Song Dynasty saved worlds that were invaded by demons one after another.

If it is only to save the world of the Song Dynasty, there is a high probability that it is impossible to obtain so many fragments of the world and the origin of the world.

To be honest, obtaining so many world origins is not only able to improve his cultivation to the transcendence realm, but even if he becomes an immortal, these world origins can wildly improve his cultivation.

It can be said that the appearance of these world origins does not know how much cultivation time can be saved.

If other reincarnators knew that there were so many world origins in him, they would definitely go crazy. They had never seen so many world origins in their lives.

`It seems that it is almost time for Changchun Realm to ascend to Immortal Realm, and I can't always suppress my cultivation.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of sweetness.

Before, he had been suppressing his own (Denuo's) cultivation, just to prevent himself from transcending the calamity and ascending to the Immortal Realm, which would cause the Changchun Realm to stay in the Spirit Realm and not be able to ascend along with him.

Then he would lose the Cosmic Treasure Traveling Cat.

However, after going through this mission of reincarnation, he realized that the time had come for Changchun Realm to ascend to the Immortal Realm, and now he was confident enough to help Changchun Realm rise through calamity.

In this way, he does not need to continue suppressing his cultivation, let his cultivation be promoted to the transcending tribulation realm, and then follow the Changchun realm to ascend to the fairy realm.

Undoubtedly, this reincarnation mission gave him too many benefits. Not only did he gain the two great immortal arts, but he also created a river of undead blood, and at the same time, he gained insight into the secrets of demons and gods.

It can be said that he has a deeper understanding of the universe.

It probably won't be long before the true face of this side of the universe will completely appear in front of him.

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