Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1384 The great existence behind the Protoss, after ascension is the time of death

"Do not make jokes."

A Protoss scolded: "That lord died long ago in that battle, and it is impossible for him to be resurrected. Don't be alarmist here and shake the hearts of the army."

His face was furious, because once this speculation became a reality, it would shake the foundation of the entire Protoss.

After all, the Protoss was created by that great being.

If that existence is really resurrected, then the Protoss will also become the slave of that existence again.

The problem is that they have been at ease for so many years, and they have finally become the peak race of the universe, mastering endless power and enjoying the benefits of freedom.

No one wants to have an extra person on their head who controls their own life and death.

Therefore, for that great existence, all the Protoss are taboos, and this is also the biggest taboo of the Protoss. Usually, no one is allowed to discuss this matter, otherwise, they will definitely be severely punished.

"Hehe, don't be ostriches, is that great being really dead?"

The Protoss laughed and said, "Even after the earth-shattering battle, on the surface, it seems to have completely fallen, but such an incredible existence has mastered the technology of immortality, how can it be said that it will die.

That's why I have always suspected that the great existence was just feigning death to heal his wounds, waiting for the opportunity of resurrection. The other party has not completely disappeared from this world at all. Perhaps now is the time for the resurrection of that existence. ""

It swept a glance at its companions, and felt that these companions were still deceiving themselves here, which would not benefit the future of the Protoss.

Only by facing the problem directly can we truly solve the problem.

Even if this is a taboo of the Protoss, only in the face of the taboo can the Protoss truly move towards the future and the road to freedom.

This is also the only way for the Protoss.


As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Protoss present were extremely ugly, because this companion completely broke the taboo, so that they could no longer deceive themselves.

If that great being is really alive, it would be an unimaginable nightmare for every Protoss.

Even the creatures of the heavens and the myriad races are not as terrifying as the existence.

After all, they are the slaves created by that great being.

"What evidence do you have to prove it, but don't talk nonsense here,"?"

The Protoss next to him shouted loudly.

It was frightened and angry, and felt that the biggest panic in years was about to occur, but it was still reluctant to admit such a thing.

Because once such a thing occurs, then the future of the Protoss will not know what it will look like.

"Do you still need evidence?"

The Protoss squinted: "The appearance of the river of undead blood is the evidence, think about it carefully, even many immortals and saints in the immortal world can't copy the secrets of the demon world, how can that kid be able to do this?

Talented? Talented? Son of luck? Joke, really a joke, since the birth of the universe, I don't know how many evil spirits and how many children of luck have appeared, how can this kid be so scary, I don't believe there are such coincidences in the world , I also do not believe that there will be such a ridiculous thing in the world.

Excluding all kinds of impossible factors, there is only one possibility left, that is, the reincarnation Xia Chuan is the reincarnation of the great existence, and he is resurrected in this world.

If you think about it carefully, if that Xia Chuan is the reincarnation of a great being, everything can be explained. Because the Heavenly Demon Realm itself was created by him, so what does it mean to create a river of undead blood. "5


Hearing this, many Protoss were completely silent, which was simply deafening and completely shattered the illusion.

They don't know what to say, because this kind of speculation is too rigorous and reasonable at the same time, and it can be said that there is no reason to refute it.

For a time, the Protoss present looked at each other in dismay, and felt the depressing atmosphere in the entire conference room, as if a needle fell on the ground, they could hear it clearly.

If that great existence is really resurrected, then the Protoss will face the catastrophe of extinction, and a huge darkness is covering the sky of the Protoss.

"Of course, my guess may not be true, it's just one of the possibilities. 55

The Protoss's words changed: "But whether this speculation is true or not, this reincarnation Xia Chuan is an unprecedented enemy of our Protoss. Even if we pay all the price, he must be killed. 35

He didn't hide the killing intent in his heart at all.

Because their Protoss has been free for such a long time, they no longer want to wear shackles on their necks, so that great being is best buried in the long river of history and will never appear again.

"That's right, I also agree with this point. Whether he is the reincarnation of that great being or not, it is enough to prove the degree of threat of this guy, and he is definitely the enemy of our Protoss."

The problem is that this kid stays in the spiritual world, and with our strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill him.

"Don't worry, sooner or later, he will rise through the calamity and ascend to the Immortal Realm. Once he arrives in the Immortal Realm, then this guy is a turtle in a urn and can only be killed by us.

"That's right, even if this kid is an evildoer, but he has just ascended to the Immortal Realm, he is just an ordinary immortal, and he can't stop our siege at all.

"However, the immortal world is so vast and boundless, and it may not be easy to find the exact location of his ascension. 35

"Don't worry, we mobilized the power of the demons and the gods to set up a net of heaven and earth, no matter where this guy soars in the fairyland, we will be aware of it at the first time.

"Once the spot where he ascended is found, then this guy is dead, and our God Race will come out in full force. Even if we pay a huge price, we must exterminate this guy and bring down his bones.

Many gods have awe-inspiring killing intent. Although they have never met the reincarnator Xia Chuan, they have regarded each other as a life-long (promised) enemy, and they want to get rid of them quickly.

Because this is about the future of the Protoss.

If their guess is true, that kid is the reincarnation of that great being, then it won't be long before they will be shackled again and become slaves of the other party.

You must know that they are great gods, immortal creatures that should stand at the peak of the universe, how could they become slaves of other people.

This is simply a great shame for the great Protoss.

Even at a heavy price, they will erase this shame.

More importantly, they knew that their bodies might have been left behind by that great being. Once activated, their Protoss would be trampled to death like ants.

Therefore, they have been looking for a way to get rid of the shackles for generations. Unfortunately, they have not had any clues so far, which is also a huge worry for the Protoss.

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