Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1404 The robbery water of Jambudi, the water that destroys the world, is a catastrophe and a

In the distance, all the sects, races, and secret forces in the entire spiritual world are observing the situation of Changchun World's ascension. After all, this is an unprecedented event in the spiritual world.

But any monk with a little cultivation will not miss such a grand occasion.

After all, by observing the catastrophe, it will be of great benefit to their cultivation. Every time they cross the catastrophe, they will attract a large number of monks to watch, not to mention that this is the catastrophe of the world's ascension.

"Haha, it's actually a four-element robbery that destroys the world. When it's over, the Changchun Realm is completely over. This is the strongest robbery in the spiritual world. Even if an immortal encounters such a catastrophe, it will be a dead end.

Someone gloated, and he immediately recognized what kind of catastrophe this was.

"No way, the Changchun Realm is too unlucky, it's so hard to die that it actually triggered the strongest calamity in the spiritual realm. This is simply that God will destroy them."

"It's not necessarily bad luck, it's just that the Changchun Realm is too arrogant, and it has taken millions of cultivators to fly together, trying to smuggle to the Immortal Realm together. What kind of absurdity is this? Everyone can take the opportunity to sneak into the fairyland, and the calamity has risen? It will definitely be severely punished.

"That's right, this is the calamity caused by millions of cultivators who have crossed the Tribulation Realm. If it can be resisted, then the Changchun Realm must have created a miracle that has never been seen before or has come since. If it can't be resisted, then everything will happen If everything is gone, everyone will disappear into ashes and disappear into the long river of history.

"Haha, I have already said that these guys can't succeed at all. Since ancient times, no world has been able to successfully ascend. How can these guys succeed."

"That's right, it's just maddened, and actually dragged the family to gamble. Isn't the bet lost now? Everyone will die under the four yuan annihilation calamity, and no one can survive.""

"It is also fortunate that there are so many idiots in the world. Otherwise, how could the spiritual world leave so many places where there is a vacuum of power, and we have occupied a lot of good places in the entire spiritual world."5

"It seems that our decision is still correct. If we want to smuggle to the Immortal Realm together, there will be such a good thing. It is better to be down-to-earth.

Many monks were talking about it.

Even if they stand in a very distant place, they can still feel the horror of the four-element annihilation of the world. If they are a little closer, they will be affected by the catastrophe, and they will be killed in an instant and vanished into ashes.

rumbling ∼∼

Regardless of the disturbances of the outside world, whether it is fear or excitement, in a word, the four-yuan world-destroying calamity is still descending towards the Changchun Realm, and the first is the first catastrophe - the Jambudi Tribulation Water!

At this moment, dense cracks appeared in the depths of the void, like glass shattering, and then a large amount of black liquid penetrated from these void cracks.

Suddenly, the entire Changchun world seemed to be facing an unprecedented torrential rain and flood.

The endless black liquid fell from the void and smashed on Changchun Realm.

Vaguely, every drop of black liquid seems to contain the terrifying power of catastrophe, the power of death, the power of Yama, as long as it touches, all the vitality in the body will be swallowed up.

"This is the Jambudi Tribulation Water. Legend has it that this is a different water from heaven and earth, and it is raindrops from the depths of hell. Once the body touches this Jambudi Tribulation Water, the entire body and soul will be melted instantly, and they must be blocked in the outside the world.

An ancestor who crossed the Tribulation Realm roared loudly, but he knew the horror of this Jambudi Tribulation Water.

If they penetrated the barriers of the world and entered the interior of the Changchun Realm, one would not know how many mountains, rivers and rivers would be destroyed, and how many surface creatures would be destroyed.

This is the real water that destroys the world, and even the immortals are afraid of it.

"Squad up.

At this moment, Xia Chuan's voice rang out. Immortal cultivators in the whole world heard this Dao sound, and everyone instantly eliminated distracting thoughts.

Supreme Divine Ability - Great Thunder Sound Technique!

Once this magical power is exerted, it is like a thunderous sound piercing the ears. If it is an enemy, it will instantly shatter the soul and body, and shatter the bones.

But if it is one's own, all distractions will be excluded, and everyone will be in a state of absolute rationality and will not be affected by any negative emotions.

At this moment, all immortal cultivators began to operate the formations of their cities in accordance with the previous plan.

It seems that at this moment, the whole world is lit up, every city is a light bulb, and now the light bulbs all over the world are lit up.

A great formation covering the whole world erupted in an instant, covering the entire Changchun world.

Wanlong Returns to the Sea Array!

After thousands of years of constant revision and evolution by Xia Chuan, this super formation covering the Changchun world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and even the formation has been born with wisdom.

Coupled with the improvement of the source power of Changchun Realm, the power of Wanlong Guihai Formation is even more terrifying.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, giant golden dragons soared into the sky. They were all condensed by the power of the world's origin, and each one seemed to be a real dragon descended from the fairy world.

Even every golden dragon has its own intelligence. At this moment, hundreds of millions of golden dragons flew out from the surface of Changchun Realm and bombarded the water of Jambudi.

This is as if hundreds of millions of Tribulation Realm cultivators took action and burst out the earth-shattering power, which can be called destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

dong dong dong~~~

Immediately, the endless flood of Jambudi was submerged, and it seemed to have turned into an endless black sea, trying to corrode all these golden dragons and turn them into nothing.

At this moment, the golden dragons were caught off guard, and a large amount of thick smoke appeared on their bodies, as if they had been splashed with sulfuric acid, and they were corroded into thousands of warehouses.


When Xia Chuan saw this scene, he immediately touched his chin, and sure enough, this Jambudi Tribulation Water is well-deserved, and it is worthy of being a famous heaven and earth in this world, which is really incredible.

Probably even an immortal would shy away from facing such a different world and water, or even run away in panic.

(Wang Zhao) "Since you can't resist it, then swallow it all up, it's a disaster, but it's not a chance.

Xia Chuan covets these Jambudi Tribulation Waters. If it is normal, where can they get these Jambudi Tribulation Waters, only when they cross the Tribulation, they will pour out from the depths of the void.

Now, while the tribulation is over, he can collect these Jambudi tribulation waters.

When the time comes to ascend to the Immortal Realm, then these Jambudi Tribulation Waters will become the big killers on oneself. Any immortal who dares to kill them will be killed by the Jambudi Tribulation Water.

So naturally he will not miss this rare opportunity.


At this moment, under the control of Xia Chuan, these golden dragons no longer resisted the power of Jambudi's robbery, but opened their mouths wide and began to devour these black liquids.

A large amount of Jambudi's water was swallowed into their stomachs one after another to starve.

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