Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1413 Suppressing 900 million demons and winning a great victory

But no matter how frightened these demons were, it was of no avail, because the endless flood came rushing toward these demons, and it was overwhelming.

In just an instant, a large number of demons were caught off guard and were contaminated by the tribulation water of Jambudi.

The head of the demons couldn't help but let out a shrill scream immediately. They felt that their bodies were contaminated with sulfuric acid, which produced a huge corrosive effect, and bursts of white eyes appeared.

Endless pain spreads all over their bodies instantly, as if they were tortured by hell.

They have never been in such pain in their lives.

What terrified them the most was that after they fell into the flood, they couldn't climb out again, and they could only watch themselves drowned in this black ocean.

"Jamfuti Tribulation Water is Heaven and Earth Tribulation Water, how did this guy get it? 35

"It seems that the Changchun Realm has encountered the four-yuan world-annihilation calamity before, among which there is the Jambudi calamity.

"No way, this is true or false. Could it be that this guy collected a lot of Jambudi tribulation water by the way, but how could such a thing be possible?"

"It's too blatant. It's extremely difficult to overcome the tribulation alone. This guy actually still has the mind to collect the Jambudi tribulation water. Is this guy a monster? How did he do this?"

"Calculations are all calculations. This Changchun sect master has long known that our demon clan may come to attack, so he made preparations in advance and collected a large amount of Jambudi tribulation water, the purpose is to use this kind of heaven and earth tribulation. Water against us, and it was really succeeded by this guy.""

"Damn it, I don't believe that this guy can survive the four-yuan annihilation calamity, but our demons can't survive it, everyone, don't be afraid, and fight to the end with this Jambudi calamity.

Many demons roared.

They didn't know that they were really deceived this time. The plans of the Changchun Sect's sect master were intertwined, and they were completely calculated by the demon clan.

Probably their attack on Changchun Realm is also within the other's plan.

If they guessed correctly, the collection of the Jambudi Tribulation Water was originally part of the other party's plan, and the purpose was to use the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to deal with the Heavenly Demons.

To be honest, this is indeed the weakness of the Demon Clan.

Don't look at the immortal body of the Tianmo family, but the body of thinking, physical attacks are invalid, but the power of the robbery is born to restrain them, and can even hurt their body.

Therefore, they are more afraid of the catastrophe than ordinary creatures. Only after the catastrophe is over, they dare to appear beside those monks, and it is because of this that Xia Chuan caught the flaw.


In an instant, countless celestial demons erupted with terrifying power, and their power bombarded the Jambudi Tribulation Water, fully demonstrating the power of being a fairy.

They tried to use the supreme power to completely eliminate the Jambudi Tribulation Water from this world.

If it was in other places, maybe they really succeeded, but unfortunately, they stayed in the circle of life and death, and Xia Chuan naturally couldn't watch them do whatever they wanted.

dong dong dong!!!

Immediately, the attacking energy from the demons was instantly digested and absorbed by the reincarnation of life and death, and then this force continued to reincarnate and bounced back to these demons again.


In just an instant of time, hundreds of millions of demons were caught off guard, and they were also attacked by their own power, and their bodies were severely injured in one fell swoop.

All the demons have been hit unimaginably, and their breath is extremely weak. They have never been so weak in their lives, as if they were on the verge of death.

"It's over, we've been fooled again.

Many demons seemed to have thought of something, and felt that they had done a foolish attack with a hateful blow. Such an attack not only failed to destroy the Jambudi Tribulation Water, but also inflicted heavy damage on themselves.

This is equivalent to giving the opponent a chance to destroy himself.


In the next second, Xia Chuan immediately revolved the circle of life and death, and the huge grinding disc of the circle of life and death appeared in the void, producing an extremely terrifying vortex force.

It was as if a huge black hole appeared in the sky, such a suction force could not escape even light.

Not to mention those Heavenly Demons who have been severely injured. One of them counts as one, and they are all sucked into the reincarnation mill, and they are instantly suppressed in the deepest part of the reincarnation mill.


Without saying a word, Xia Chuan took advantage of these celestial demons to be suppressed, and then used the Great Sealing Technique to seal all these celestial demons, so that they could no longer escape.

After all, these celestial demons are huge treasures. Every celestial demon is a treasure that can be recycled and is indispensable. It would be a pity to kill them. It would be better to catch them all and use them as the leeks of the human race. Time is harvested once, endless and endless.

"This bastard human wants to arrest us and cut our waists every day. His heart is punishable. 35

"I must not fall into the same fate as those demons in the Great Song world, and I must not suffer this endless torture. 35

"Suicide, commit suicide and return to the Demon Realm, and cannot fall into the hands of this evil human being.

When many demons saw this scene, they were all terrified.

They remembered the fate of the sealed heavenly demons in the Great Song world before. Those heavenly demons were simply unable to survive and die, and were harvested by human monks like leeks every day.

When they think of this, they feel that the body of immortality is not a blessing at all, it is simply a curse, causing them to suffer countless pains, but they still cannot die.

So many demons did not say a word, and before they were caught and sealed, they committed suicide and fled for their lives, trying to return their consciousness to the realm of demons.

It is a pity that most of the demons do not have this awareness, nor are they so decisive.

It is because of this that most of the demons were sealed up by Xia Chuan and imprisoned in the river of reincarnation. They could never escape again in this life.

"I made it, and this time I really made it, and I actually caught more than 900 million demons.

Xia Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up, feeling very excited.

Naturally, this battle was a complete victory. He found that he had sealed 930 million demons, and another 70 million were either killed by Jambudi, or he was afraid that he would be caught, so he committed suicide Return to the Demon Realm.

In a word, in the deepest part of the river of reincarnation at this moment, there are many demons being imprisoned. They are bound by chains of reincarnation, and their bodies are simply unable to move, and they have no strength to commit suicide.

The original Heavenly Demon Army was also completely disintegrated, and it could be said that the entire army was annihilated.

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