Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1415 The gate of the fairyland, the shock of the quasi-sages, the baptism of the origin of t

"We have reached the fairyland."

Xia Chuan immediately sensed that the Changchun Realm had reached the Immortal Realm through the Ascension Passage. The entire Immortal Realm shook at this moment, the laws resonated, the secrets of heaven were disordered, and all immortals could not perceive any situation in the Immortal Realm.

Even the saints have lost their perception of the fairyland at the moment.

After all, this is the resonance of the law from the high-dimensional space of the universe. The entire universe is shaking, and even a saint cannot compete with the universe at this moment.

Unless you reach the realm of Heavenly Venerate, you can't compete with the power of the universe.

"What's going on? Why did the laws of the entire fairyland suddenly resonate? This is something that has never happened in the history of the fairyland. What happened?"

The quasi-sage was suddenly surprised. He originally deduced the way of heaven and maintained the operation of all things. He sensed every move of the fairy world, as if he had brought all things into his heart.

But now, he can't perceive anything, it seems that everything has fallen into chaos.

This also made him extremely frightened, and he had no idea what was going on.

"The law resonates, and the fairy world vibrates. This is the world with the spiritual world soaring to the fairy world, so it will cause the entire fairy world to shake, and let the laws of the fairy world celebrate it."

Another quasi-sage pointed his finger at the calculation, as if he had calculated something, and his eyes showed a terrifying gleam.

Although the whole immortal world is in chaos, under his powerful calculation power, he still has insight into a piece of information, that is, the world has soared from the spiritual world to the 267 fairy world.

"No way, since the invasion of the demons and the gods, there has never been any spiritual world that can ascend to the immortal world, and the way to ascend to the immortal world has long been blocked. Even at such a difficult time, there is still a spiritual world. Soaring to the fairyland, how did this happen?

A quasi-saint is simply unbelievable.

To be honest, even if he went down to earth in person, he probably wouldn't be able to bring a world to the fairyland.

After all, even if he can really survive the catastrophe, he still has no way to face the endless army of demons, and the whole world will definitely be destroyed in the hands of demons.

That's why he felt so incredible, so unusual.

"It is said that the world that has ascended this time is called Changchun World, an unknown world, but more information is trapped in the fog and seems to be covered up by the law of the fairy world (babg).

Quasi-Saint frowned.

Originally, he wanted to calculate where the Changchun Realm had ascended to the Immortal Realm, and tried to find the specific location of the Changchun Realm. After all, the world after soaring like this was invaluable.

If it can be occupied, it will definitely become the ancestral land of a super power.

Even a quasi-sage would salivate at such a world.

The problem is that the heavens are in chaos now, and no immortal can find out where the Changchun Realm is, let alone a quasi-sage, even a saint.

This is also the protection given to Changchun Realm by the Law of the Universe.

Otherwise, the Changchun Realm has just ascended to the Immortal Realm, and will definitely be targeted by various forces.

"This is also a good thing. We can't find it, and neither can the gods and the demons. If everyone can't find it, such a holy place will have room to grow.

A quasi-sage smiled slightly, calmly, and seemed to have everything in mind.

Regardless of the fact that Changchun Realm's ascension to the Immortal Realm has brought shock to many immortals in the Immortal Realm, Changchun Realm is now receiving the baptism from the origin of the laws of the Immortal Realm.


The moment Changchun Realm ascended to the Immortal Realm, he immediately received the reward of the Immortal Realm Origin Law, and a huge portal appeared in the void, filled with a vast, ancient, and unfathomable aura.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a burst of visions from the depths of the void, such as the fairy conch, the fairy drumming, the goddess scattering flowers, etc., which caused the resonance of many laws and spread to hundreds of millions of light-years around.

Such a door of light seems to have a diameter of ten light-years, and it is so huge that it is outrageous.

Looking from a distance, human beings are incomparably small in front of such a door of light, like dust.

The gate of paradise!

This is the gate of paradise!

Only by obtaining great merits can the Gate of Immortal Realm appear, and Changchun Realm has passed through many difficulties and experienced the four-element annihilation of the world before being able to ascend to Immortal Realm, and naturally it has been recognized by the Gate of Immortal Realm.

"Interesting. 35

Xia Chuan touched his chin and carefully observed the gate of the fairyland. He felt that the gate seemed to lead to the depths of the origin of the fairyland, and even the origin of the universe.

If you can master this portal, you can master part of the authority of this universe.

Vaguely, he felt that a dense number of law runes appeared on this portal, which was a great benefit to him, as if he could gain insight into the power of the deepest law in this universe.


At this moment, without waiting for Xia Chuan to continue thinking, the huge laws of the fairy world, the origin of the fairy world, and the spiritual energy of the fairy world poured down like the sea, pouring out from the gate of the fairy world, and instilling it in Changchun world.

Changchun Realm is like a giant beast, swallowing and eating, which also greatly improves the origin of the world, and it still presents a geometric progression.

More importantly, the original law of the spiritual world was completely replaced, and the law of the fairy world was replaced by the law of the fairy world, and the endless spiritual energy of the fairy world began to fill every corner of the Changchun world.

Obviously, the Changchun Realm at this moment is being upgraded, from the status of the spiritual realm to the status of the immortal realm, which is simply a huge transition and improvement.

Ascension is crucial to the world, almost a qualitative change.

If the personality is not promoted, then the world will be useless no matter how much energy it swallows. After all, even the world has its limits.

It is different now. Changchun Realm has ascended to the Immortal Realm, and its personality has been further improved, which means that it has a huge promotion space, just like a mortal becoming an immortal.

The territory of the entire Changchun world is also expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, one time, two times, five times, ten times, twenty times, and in the end, it has increased by a hundred times.

The area of ​​Changchun Realm was originally huge, but now it has expanded a hundred times. It is conceivable how much population Changchun Realm can accommodate and how many resources it can breed.

Mountains appeared, rivers gushed out, and the endless sea area expanded. Many spiritual medicines, ores, etc. belonging to the immortal world began to be nurtured in this world under the power of the laws of the immortal world.

Although Changchun Realm has only just ascended to Immortal Realm, it is almost the same as the old world of Immortal Realm, and the potential for improvement can be called the top of Immortal Realm.

This is the benefit of overcoming the catastrophe, allowing the world to obtain the baptism of the source law, so basically every world that ascends will inevitably become a holy place.

There is no doubt that Changchun Realm also has the qualifications to become the Holy Land of Immortal Realm.

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