Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1424 High-level Tianzun usurper and dream weaver, helper of the eternal slayer


Hearing this, the face of the Eternal Desire was extremely difficult to see, extremely gloomy, and there were waves in his heart.

To know how many epochs it has lived, Dao Xin has long been like stagnant water, and it will not be stirred up by what happens in the outside world.

But now, because of Xia Chuan's amazing deeds, the Taoist heart that has not moved for many years is extremely shocked, and even has some signs of losing its mind.

There is no doubt that if this continues, when this Xia Chuan is promoted to the high-level Heavenly Venerate, maybe that time will be his own death.

So it absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen.

"This kid must have a big secret, maybe there is a secret treasure on his body, even if he stays at home, he can quickly improve his cultivation, but what kind of secret treasure can even improve the cultivation of Tianzun?

The Eternal Desire was very surprised, and many thoughts flashed in its mind.

For Tianzun, there are not many treasures that can have an effect on Tianzun. Most of the treasures in the universe can be created, and they are not so precious.

But the treasures that are beneficial to Tianzun are too precious to imagine.

So if it continues like this, it is definitely dead, and it will definitely be killed by this kid.

As a high-level Heavenly Venerate who has survived countless epochs, it is naturally impossible to sit still.

"Originally, I wanted to monopolize the resources and secrets of this universe, but now it seems that if you continue to resist, you will be dead, and you still have to find help.

Eternal Desire's eyes flickered.

It originally wanted to swallow the universe alone, after all, the greater the benefit to itself, even if it took hundreds of millions of years, it would be worth it for it.

But now it seems that this universe can no longer be swallowed by oneself. According to the growth rate of this guy, if it continues like this, it will not be swallowed by the other party, but by the other party.

So it felt a sense of crisis, and it couldn't continue like this, otherwise it would definitely die.

It felt that it still underestimated this new Tianzun.

You must know that although it has roamed the void for countless epochs, although it has also destroyed many universes, it is not that it has not encountered opponents, and some of them are even on par with itself.

Although the relationship between them is not very friendly, they occasionally cooperate.

Sometimes they cooperate in order to defeat an enemy.

After countless years, it also got to know two good friends, one called the Usurper and the other called the Dream Weaver. These two are also high-level Heavenly Venerate beings, and their strengths are not trivial.


Thinking of this, the Eternal Desire moved in his heart, and a certain mysterious power was instantly released from his body, leaving the Xuanhuang Universe and flying towards a certain place in the endless void.

This is some kind of secret technique on its body, even if it is separated by an endless void, it can pass its own information and notify its two companions.

At the same time, in the endless void, a certain universe.

At this moment, the universe has been shrouded in black flames, and the entire universe is burning with raging fire, it seems that this black flame has penetrated every corner of the universe.

In the depths of the universe, countless worlds, countless creatures are mourning.

But this is to no avail. Under the terrifying flames, these worlds, these creatures are transformed into the most basic energy and matter, and even fuel.

"Jie Jie, it's delicious, it really is a rare delicacy to cook a universe, and it didn't take me so long to cook it finally.""

A crazy, hot voice sounded in the void, and this great existence was a usurper, a high-level Heavenly Venerate, whose cultivation was unfathomable.

"Well, is it the information of the Eternal Desire? This guy actually took the initiative to contact me? According to this unprofitable character, there must be nothing good."

"Interesting, this guy discovered a new universe, but this universe gave birth to Tianzun, and he couldn't take it down by himself, so he invited me to help?!"

"It seems that this guy, Eternal Desire, is really in trouble. I didn't expect this guy to finally suffer. It's a good thing. , also invited the dream weavers, it seems that this matter is not small, and the danger is also very big."

"But the greater the danger, the more benefits you will get. A brand new universe, a powerful Heavenly Venerate, I don't know what it will feel like to burn."

The usurper Jie Jie laughed.

With a bang, the universe, which was still slowly burning, collapsed in an instant at this moment, and the entire universe turned into dust, into chaotic matter, and then entered its body and became fuel.

Obviously, it has already agreed to the request of the Eternal Desire, and flew towards the Xuanhuang cosmos.

Endless Void, XX universe, this is a colorful universe, like a bubble, incomparably beautiful and shining.

But this universe has been wrapped up with spider silks of different colors, tightly wrapped, airtight, and basically without any gaps.

What is even more frightening is that every spider silk penetrates into the interior of the universe, and they appear in every world in this universe, and even on every living being.

At this moment, these creatures are lying quietly on the ground, with happy smiles on their faces, falling into a deep sleep, as if they are having a sweet dream.

It's just that with the passage of time, the vitality of these creatures is rapidly disappearing, and then turned into dust.

In' good good, have a sweet dream, in the dream you are omnipotent, can realize all wishes. "

"Death in a dream, returning to the arms of the dream, is the destination of all living beings. 35

"Everything in this world is created by the dream god. When it is asleep, all things (with money) will be born. When it wakes up, all things will be destroyed. This is the truth of the world's operation. 95

I saw a huge colorful spider lying in the universe. It seemed to be weaving a beautiful dream for all the creatures in this universe. It also admired the script it created.

For it, each creature has its own script of destiny, and no one can deviate from the script of his own destiny.

Manipulating the destiny of all beings and weaving beautiful dreams is its power.

"Well, the letter from the Eternal Desire is actually coming to me for help? This is rare, it seems that it has to be blackmailed hard, and I have to say that it seems to have encountered some interesting things recently.

"And the Usurper will also go, in this case, I will naturally not miss such a good thing.

"The fate of a new Tianzun? It has already been woven, and no one can escape the grasp of fate."

The Dream Weaver smiled slightly.

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