Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1450 Shake the Great Wilderness, Overlord Race, Complete Rise

a few days later.

When the Human Race defeated the Tiger Race and other allied forces of hundreds of races, the entire Great Wilderness was completely shaken. Basically, every race knew about it, and it could be said that it set off a huge wave.

If it was said that the human race only had the potential of a dominant race before, then now, it is a true overlord, showing the appearance of an overlord, shocking thousands of races.

Many big monsters can't believe that the human race has risen so rapidly at such a speed, which is beyond their imagination.

"Impossible, I thought the human race was completely cold. It was besieged by hundreds of races. No matter how I looked at the human race, there was no hope of victory. How did this happen? Could it be fake news?"

It's unbelievable that there are big monsters.

It did not pay much attention to this matter, because the race it belongs to is very far away from the human race, and no matter how powerful the human race is, it will not spread to its own side.

But it felt that this newly rising human race was definitely dead, and it was impossible to stop the siege of hundreds of races.

But now, the human race not only did not die, but instead defeated the allied army of the hundred tribes and crushed it with an absolute advantage, which really shocked the jaws of countless big demons.

"No, this is not fake news, it is indeed true, because the human race not only defeated the allied forces of the Hundred Races, but they also pursued the victory, directly killing the territory of those races in 313, and eliminating the remaining races, they are only one left. A small part of the big demons were able to escape, and the rest of the big demons were caught and turned into puppets.

Another big demon said in a deep voice, telling the news that he knew.

"No way, what exactly does this mean? The human race is so rampant, and they even attacked the ancestral land of others, and they succeeded? What are the tiger, fox, and leopards doing, according to their background? , Can't solve the human race's attack? The innate magic weapon on them.

Many big demons were shocked.

After all, the defense of the ancestral land is completely different from that of other places. The forbidden formation has been left behind for countless years.

If you want to successfully attack the ancestral land of these races, you don't know how much you need to pay.

But the human race easily knocked down these places, shaking countless monsters.

"The innate magic weapon? It was taken away by Xuanyuan, the patriarch of the human race. It is precisely because the innate magic weapon on them was taken away that when the human race attacked these races, it would be so simple. 35

The big monster said with emotion: "It is said that Xuanyuan of the human race created a supreme divine power called the Great Five Elements Divine Light. Once this divine power is revealed, it will be used for everything, and any magic weapon will be forcibly taken away by him.

Before the tiger clan, fox clan, leopard clan and other clan chiefs, because they did not know about this matter, the human clan Xuanyuan snatched three innate magic weapons in an instant, and the situation of the war was reversed.

So the result can be imagined, with the power of the three innate magic weapons, the human race Xuanyuan is simply a human block to kill, a god to block a god, invincible, the mere hundred tribes allied forces were destroyed by him, even if there are some old antiques in the ancestral land, it is useless. , is also a face-to-face beheaded by Xuanyuan. "

There was a terrifying look on its face.

There is no doubt that after this battle, the human race Xuanyuan will definitely become a well-known powerhouse in the entire Great Wilderness, reaching a level that no one knows about.

All the gods will begin to study the supernatural power that Xuanyuan has mastered.

"The Great Five Elements Divine Light? What kind of magical power is this, and it can still forcibly take away the magic weapon of life from other people? This is too exaggerated and overbearing. 35'

"Isn't it? No wonder the patriarchs of the tiger clan said, who would have thought that such a magical power would exist in the world, and the innate magic weapon would be taken away in an instant, who could stand it. 99

"To be honest, now the major races have begun to guard against the human race, and they will not easily carry the innate magic weapon on their bodies, because they are afraid that the human race Xuanyuan will display the great five elements of divine light and take the innate magic weapon away from himself. 35

"This is also a matter of course, who can not be afraid of such a thing, the innate magic weapon is the ultimate weapon of a race, and it cannot be lost. If it is taken away by the human race (baby), then the race will be completely finished.

The faces of many big demons showed fear and fear.

They immediately noticed the terrifying power of the Great Five Elements Divine Light, which is simply the nemesis of the gods of all races and the nemesis of all innate magic weapons.

Originally, the major races possessed innate magic weapons, and the situation between them was in a balanced state. No one dared to take the lead in fighting, for fear of being attacked by the innate magic weapons of the hostile race.

But now, this balance has been completely broken.

The shocking power of the innate magic weapon is no longer as terrifying as before, because the human race Xuanyuan can take the innate magic weapon away from them at any time.

This made the angels of every race feel like they were sitting on pins and needles, feeling a great threat.

"The threat of the human race is too great. It has wiped out hundreds of races, expanded its huge territory, and gained three innate magic weapons. It can be described as a fat sheep. Does anyone dare to deal with the human race and kill the human race?"

"Hehe, still stifling? How to stifle it now, the human clan chief Xuanyuan has three innate magic weapons, and he is a top powerhouse with perfection of heaven, known as the number one powerhouse in the Great Wilderness.

To be honest, even if the top races go together, it may not be enough for him to kill with one hand. To kill the human race, at least four or five top races must be used, and it may not be enough.

"This is indeed the case. Now the general trend of the human race has become, and even the destruction of hundreds of races has made a great name, and other races are too late to run away. How dare you attack the human race, aren't you afraid of your own race being wiped out?"

Many big demons sighed with emotion.

It was said before that the human race has great potential, but now, the human race is not only as simple as having potential, but has grown into a behemoth in the wilderness, standing above many races.

Even if they want to deal with the human race now, it is probably too late.

The human race with three innate magic weapons can be called the overlord, and the limelight is unparalleled for a while.

"But with such a small number of human races, can they occupy such a large territory? Maybe we can also take the opportunity to harvest some treasures there."

There are big demons who also want to share a piece of the pie. After all, the area of ​​hundreds of races is unimaginable.

Such a huge site must contain a lot of treasures, and they can also take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

After all, the number of human races is still too small, but it is only tens of billions of people.

"Hehe, how can it be so simple, didn't you hear what I said just now? There is no shortage of manpower in the human race. Most of those conquered races have been refined into puppets, and they are responsible for guarding various regions and preventing the invasion of other races. The current human race is not lacking in manpower, nor is it lacking in heritage, and now the general trend has become."

A big demon said quietly.

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