Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1456 Human cities spread all over the Eastern Wasteland, the speed of human craftsmen

"Okay, I probably understand what has happened to the Eastern Wasteland in the past three thousand years, but what happened to our deer clan? Why do we live in a city? According to the tradition of our deer clan, we should not live in caves. Is it in contact with nature?”

The deer horn fairy felt a little heartbroken, feeling that now the clan people have lost the tradition of the deer clan, and it seems that they have been completely assimilated by the culture of the human race. Over time, they have really become part of the human race.

Although this is the general trend, it still does not want to see this scene appear.

"Ancestor, this is something we can't do. Although this is the request of the human race, it is also the request of the tribe, and it is something we all agree on.

The patriarch Lu Yiming said helplessly: "Of course I know what Patriarch is thinking. I also thought the same at the beginning, but now times have changed. We lived in a cave before, so there is nothing we can do. After all, the entire deer clan They are all poor, but it is different now. Living in the city is more beneficial to us.

"What's the meaning?"

The Antlers asked curiously, it didn't understand why it lived in the city, and what was the use and benefit.

"Safety first.""

The patriarch Lu Yiming said solemnly: "Where we lived before, we would encounter wild beasts from time to time, as well as invasions from other races, and there would often be deaths of clan members, and sometimes we couldn't even sleep peacefully.

But living in the city, because the city built by the human race has a high degree of security, even the earth immortals cannot spread wild in the city, and the surrounding city walls can also block the attack of the wild beasts.

It is because of this that for safety reasons, many clansmen naturally have to abandon their previous cave dwellings and choose to live in cities instead. 35


Regarding this point, the antler fairy cannot refute, because even if it is an earth fairy, it is impossible to protect the safety of every clan, and there will always be negligence.

It didn't think that this was a big problem before, it was just the death of some clansmen, which could eliminate the weak and let the deer clan keep the strong.

The problem is that the times are different now, each clan has the right to survive, they don't want to be eliminated as the weak, and they don't want to die because of various disasters.

So naturally, they choose to live in the city.

"Besides, the city also has the function of cultivation.

The patriarch Lu Yiming continued: "Because every city built by the human race will be equipped with a huge spirit gathering formation, which can communicate the immortal veins between heaven and earth and gather infinite immortal energy.

In this way, if you live in a city, your cultivation efficiency is more than ten times that of other places. Over time, the city has become a holy place for cultivation, like a paradise.

Having said that, it continued: "And every city has a teleportation formation, which basically connects every city of the human race, and through the teleportation formation, we can teleport to every city in the Eastern Wasteland.

Before we went to a certain place in the East Wasteland, we needed to fly hundreds of millions of kilometers by ourselves, and it took years, even decades, to arrive.

But now there is no need. With the space teleportation array, even a clansman without any cultivation base can reach any city in the Eastern Wasteland.

It briefly describes the benefits of a Terran-built city.

"Wait, according to the meaning of your words, are the cities of the deer clan built by the human clan?

Deer Antlers moved in her heart and immediately heard the meaning.

"It's not just that the city of our deer clan was built by the human race. In fact, every race in the East Wasteland, and even every city, was built by the human race. The lives of other races are not qualified to build the city. This is the layout of the human race. Up to now, 129,600 gigantic cities have been built in the entire Eastern Wasteland, and 36 million small cities have been built.39

Lu Yiming, the chief of the deer clan, said with emotion.

"What a joke, there are 129,600 gigantic cities and 36 million small cities, this is simply impossible, even if the human race is desperate, they will not be able to build so many in a thousand years. City.

Antlers doesn't believe this at all.

According to its understanding, if you try to build a city, it will be impossible to build a city without hundreds or even thousands of years.

After all, building a city is not just as simple as piling up materials, it also requires arranging forbidden formations, searching for various rare materials, and so on.

The money and time spent in it are simply incalculable.

If it weren't for the top race, it would be impossible to build an ordinary city.

Ordinary races can only live in caves, because it is the most economical.

"Old Ancestor, times have changed, and the skills of human craftsmen are simply unfathomable. They only need a day's work to build a city. The reason why they only build so much is not because the human race can't do anything, it is purely because of the entire Eastern Wilderness. You don't need so many cities, and you can't find a suitable place to build a city.

·0 Flowers ·...

Lu Yiming, the chief of the deer clan, said solemnly.

"A city can be built in a day? How on earth is this possible? 35

Antlers are unbelievable.

"It's simple, that's how it was done.

The patriarch Lu Yiming pointed lightly, and a message instantly disappeared into the depths of Lujiao Fairy's consciousness.


In an instant, the Antlers Immortal immediately saw an astonishing picture. Originally, in a huge open space, countless human craftsmen appeared.


I saw that these human craftsmen actually took out huge cubes from their storage bags and piled them on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, these cubes were stacked on top of each other, and they were tightly connected to each other without any gaps. Soon, buildings rose from the ground, spacious streets appeared, and huge walls surrounded the surrounding.

It was only a day's work. Under the continuous accumulation of wood by these human craftsmen, a city that could accommodate hundreds of millions of people appeared in an instant.

Moreover, this city is like a seamless one, extremely strong, and at the same time communicates the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, the entire array is integrated with this place, exuding an unfathomable aura.

This city has residential buildings, various shops, high-rise buildings, government halls, etc. It has complete functions and complete facilities.

To be honest, it never imagined that the city would be so simple to build, like a child stacking toys.

This construction method is simply beyond imagination.

"See, this is an immortal art created by the great emperor of the human race - the master craftsmanship. Through this immortal art, human artisans can refine many materials into cubes, and then any building can be stacked with these cubes. , In one day, countless buildings and high-rise buildings can be built, which is the speed of the human race.

The patriarch Lu Yiming said with emotion.

To be honest, no matter how many times it has seen the scene of building a city in this way, it is always shocking, and feels that this is simply beyond imagination.

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