Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1472 The history of the wild world in ten thousand years, the shock of the bear clan immorta

"But we still know too little. We don't know what happened in the past ten thousand years, and we don't know who the dominant race of this era is?"

A bear clan elder said solemnly.

After all, these tourists twitter just now, they just said some historical knowledge in bits and pieces, and there is no systematic exposition of the content of development over the past 10,000 years.

Therefore, they are simply ignorant of what happened in the wild world of this era.

"This is quite simple. The human being just now seemed to be called a tour guide. He didn't look like an ordinary person. He arrested him and asked him about what happened in this era of the Wilderness World.

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, said immediately.

For it, arresting an ordinary person who has not reached the fairyland is really as simple as eating and drinking. "Three Four Seven"

"Let's wait, if the tour guide suddenly disappears, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of others, and we will talk about it after falling asleep at night." An elder of the bear clan said.

A few hours later, soon night fell, and the tour group quickly returned to the nearby hotel to rest, and Huang Yong, the tour guide, also returned to his room to rest.

But in the next second, he was caught by a mysterious force, and he was caught in a mysterious space in an instant.

"This this!"

The tour guide Huang Yong was instantly stunned and terrified. He saw several giant bears surrounding him, as if he could completely swallow him up at any time.

He was immediately terrified, how could he imagine that he was being targeted by the big demon.

"You, what do you want to do, I can tell you, now that I'm so poor that I'm dying, and I don't have any money on my body, if you kill me, you will definitely be hunted down by the government, and it's useless for you to escape anywhere.

Huang Yong said sternly.

"Don't worry, we don't want to kill you, we just want to ask you a few questions. If you answer well, then you have a chance to get our reward.

The patriarch of the bear clan, Xiong Batian, raised his eyebrows. He noticed that humans were indeed different from before. If it was before, when humans encountered a big demon, everyone would be so frightened that they would kneel on the ground and beg for mercy.

But now, the human race is not afraid of the monster race, but dares to intimidate, which means that the human race thinks that they have a strong backstage to protect themselves, and there is no need to fear other races.

"Ask me a question? What do you want to know?"

Huang Yong looked confused, he was just an ordinary human, he had no identity background, and what else did others want to know.

"That's right, we want to know how the devil disaster was solved? What happened after the devil disaster?" An elder of the bear clan asked in a deep voice. This is also what they want to know the most. What is it like, and why does this happen.

"What is the solution to the devil disaster, and what happened after the devil disaster? Isn't this the basic knowledge learned in history textbooks? Why don't you all know?"

"Wait, I see, you should be the demons who have been hiding for thousands of years, you don't know what happened outside, so you want to know what's happening in this era through me."

Huang Yong's eyes flickered, as if he had guessed something.

"Well, yes, our bear clan has indeed been hiding for ten thousand years, but you, a little human, actually know this kind of thing from a few words?

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that after a few words, this human being in front of him actually discovered the identity behind them, which is really incredible.

"No, no, it's not because I'm smart. In fact, similar things happened many times, and they were all reported in the news media." Huang Yong said solemnly, "In the past, there were also similar races, similar immortals. , Due to closed-door cultivation, thousands of years have passed without knowing the outside world.

By the time they appeared in the world, they had already been through the vicissitudes of life. I don't know how many things happened, so many mortals were taken away by them. They used them as a channel to understand the information of this era, and similar news often happened. 35

"I see.

Many elders of the bear clan suddenly realized, it seems that it is not only the bear clan, but also many hidden races, even the hidden immortals.

But they didn't avoid ten thousand years like the bear clan, maybe they only avoided thousands of years, and then they came out of the cave.

It is because of this that this kind of thing happens from time to time, and this human being is not surprised.

But this is also a good thing, which also facilitates their subsequent inquiries.

"If you want to know what's going on in this era, I can tell you. Anyway, this kind of thing is very common. You just didn't know it until you were born. You will know it naturally when you live for a while. 35

Huang Yong is very open-minded. He knows that he can't escape from these big monsters, so he might as well behave well, and maybe there is a chance to survive, after all, these big monsters of the old era are very ferocious.

"That's right, Junjie is the one who knows the current affairs. You can elaborate on the two questions we asked just now.

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, was very satisfied, and it seemed that he had indeed caught the right person.

"First of all, let's talk about the demonic disaster. The demonic disaster happened in 10,000 years. It is said that the source of the demons came from the remains of the immortals. Numerous disasters have destroyed countless races in the wild world, and they can be called the biggest enemy of our tribes.

Huang Yong said: "The reason why demons are difficult to destroy is that they are immortal, even if they are killed, they can be reborn in the corpse of immortals. No matter how many times we kill them, demons can be reborn quickly.

Secondly, the location of their bodies is difficult to find, and there is a way to destroy the devils, that is, to find their bodies, and then they can be destroyed.

1.6 It is a pity that before Emperor Xuanyuan did not appear, the immortals of all dynasties fell in front of this level, and they could only watch these demons raging, causing disasters one after another. "

"That's right.

As soon as these words came out, Xiong Batian and the others shrank their pupils and looked at each other, feeling very shocked. They thought this was top secret information within the clan, and few people knew about it.

But I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, the news about the devil would have been rotten, and everyone could know it.

Even an ordinary human would know about the devil.

"But at this time, Emperor Xuanyuan stood up, and he used our human race's ultimate formation, Hunyuan Heluo, to find the headquarters of those demons, and then killed them.

Huang Yong clenched his fists and said excitedly.

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