Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1477 Xuanyuan City became the city of immortals, the origin of the wild world

"Xuanyuan City, the city of time? I have indeed heard of this. 99

Bear clan chief Xiong Batian nodded.

Before the demonic disaster happened, the human race became the overlord of the Eastern Desolation, and Xuanyuan City began to become famous all over the world. After all, a city that can control the flow of time is naturally extremely terrifying.

It is said that there were only hundreds of thousands of human beings at the beginning, but under the flow of time, trillions of people were easily bred, and now they are all over the wild world.

From this, it can be seen that the power of time is terrifying, even if the population is small, under the blessing of infinite time, it will quickly grow into a behemoth.

"In the beginning, this was a special city created by Emperor Xuanyuan in order to increase the population of the human race, but now, the population of the human race is large enough, and there is no need for a rapid increase."

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly: "It is precisely because of this that "Three Six Zeros" Xuanyuan City has become a place for immortals to cultivate, because the speed of time can speed up their cultivation efficiency.

It is said that once you become a human fairyland and enter Xuanyuan City to practice cultivation, you will be promoted to the human fairyland and complete within a few days.

Therefore, among our human race, once you step into the realm of immortals, you can enter Xuanyuan City, and then quickly raise your cultivation to the realm of perfection.

It is because of this that over the past ten thousand years, the number of immortals in our human race has increased rapidly, and each of them is a perfect state, and the combat power has been improved geometrically. 35


Many elders of the bear clan were shocked, and they all felt the horror of Xuanyuan City, which brought too many benefits to the immortals.

You must know that in the early stage of a human fairyland, if you want to become a human fairy, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years, and the practice of this requires a lot of effort.

Earth Immortals and Heavenly Immortals are actually the same.

Because for immortals, once they break through the realm, from the initial stage, to the middle stage, the later stage and the perfect stage, it is actually a hard work, and there are not many bottlenecks in the middle.

But it needs to consume a lot of time for the immortals, and sometimes even when the life essence is exhausted, they may not be able to cultivate to the perfect state.

But now, the immortals of the human race are actually staying in Xuanyuan City to cultivate, practicing with extremely fast time flow, coupled with the huge resources to assist, so that the cultivation efficiency of each immortal of the human race has been amazingly improved.

This also makes it enough for the human race immortals to focus on breaking through the bottleneck. As for the resource issue, the human race does not lack such things at all, and it is possible to pile up a lot of immortals.

"No wonder the immortals of the human race have been born for so many years.

"Xuanyuan City, the city of time, really lives up to its reputation. It is truly terrifying."

"If our bear clan also has such a city, a large number of immortals will definitely be born."5

"If you want to maintain such a city, I am afraid that the resources that need to be consumed are extremely amazing, that is, only when the human race becomes the overlord of the wild world can you do this kind of thing.

"It can only be said that the human race that has become the overlord of the wild world has now increased its strength countless times and has become the strongest race in the history of the wild world. Even if the other races are added together, they cannot be the opponents of the human race."

Many bear clan elders felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

Before, they had a little bit of desire to compete with the human race in the depths of their hearts. After all, the princes and generals had a lot of thoughts, but now, they don't have any similar thoughts at all.

Because the gap between the two sides has long been too big, if it continues like this, the strength of the human race will only become more and more tyrannical, while the bear clan will only stand still, and even continue to weaken.

"But why did the human race emperor Xuanyuan want to cultivate so many immortals, and he cultivated so many immortals in a short period of time? Normally, the human race doesn't need to worry at all. Is there any enemy that can't be defeated?"

Xiong Batian, the patriarch of the bear clan, instinctively sensed something was wrong.

Because the human race's method of cultivating immortals in batches makes people feel a kind of impatience, it is obviously already the overlord of the wild world, and the invincible race should not be so impatient, and should act extremely prudently.

But this is not the case now. It seems that the human race emperor Xuanyuan feels that so many human race immortals are not enough, and he needs to cultivate more immortals in a short period of time.

You must know that the human race itself is invincible, even if it is a hundred times tyrannical, it is invincible. If you do this, it will rapidly consume the resources of the wild world. Isn't this a bit of a loss?

"As expected of the patriarch of the bear clan, the powerful race from ten thousand years ago, did you really notice something?

The tour guide Huang Yong looked at Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, with admiration. He clearly didn't say anything, but the chief of the bear clan keenly noticed that something was wrong. 0

It can only be said that even if the other party is out of this era, the wisdom in it is not trivial and should not be underestimated.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the human race has stronger enemies? Besides the devil, are there other enemies?"

Hearing this, many elders of the bear clan were also taken aback. They thought that the devil is basically the ultimate enemy. After eliminating the devil, everyone should be happy, and there will be complete peace from then on.

But looking at it now, it's just the beginning, and the devil is only a phased enemy.

"Yes, we naturally have no enemies inside the wild world, but if the enemy comes from the outside world, it comes from other worlds. 35 The tour guide Huang Yong smiled slightly.

"What do you mean? Has the human race begun to explore the void outside the domain?"

The patriarch of the bear clan, Xiong Batian, showed a terrifying gleam in his eyes.

To be honest, this is what countless immortals are eager to know. From ancient times to the present, many immortals have been exploring the void outside the realm, wanting to know what is going on outside the wild world.

It is a pity that too many disasters have been born in the void outside the domain, and there will be void storms and various disasters from time to time.

Even if Xuanxian went out, it was a dead end.

It is because of this that with the passage of time 1.6, many immortals have absolutely abandoned the idea of ​​​​leaving the wild world, but even so, it does not mean that they have given up this idea.

If there is a chance, they still want to leave the wild world and go to other worlds.

"That's right.""

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly: "After Emperor Xuanyuan sealed those evil spirits, he not only eliminated these evil spirits, but also obtained the truth about our world.

It turns out that the place we are in is called Immortal Realm. Our Wilderness Realm is just one of the Immortal Realms. However, due to the war of saints in ancient times, countless races and civilizations, as well as immortals, and the world have fallen.

The place where our wild world is located is the ruins of the battlefields of the ancient times, the terrifying ruins of countless worlds collapsing, and we are the worlds that were nurtured from the ruins of wars. "

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