Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1479 Refining the corpses of immortals into undead puppets, the puppet army of the human rac

"Could it be that the human race has begun to send a large number of immortals to explore the extraterritorial void? 99

Bear clan chief Xiong Batian couldn't help asking.

"That's right.

The tour guide Huang Yong nodded: "Thousands of years ago, our human race sent a large number of people to explore the void outside the domain. It is said that after thousands of years of exploration, we have also found a map with a radius of 10,000 light-years. There are many worlds, and we have obtained a lot of resources from these worlds.

But if these worlds are exactly where, it is not for us ordinary human beings to know, and there is a high probability that only immortals will know such things.

He looked helpless.

After all, he has not yet become an immortal, just a small tour guide. He earns a meager salary by leading tour groups to make money every day.

Of course, he felt that sooner or later he would become an immortal with a million-year lifespan.

Because the resources of the entire wild world are now extremely rich, even ordinary humans have the possibility of becoming immortals, and the possibility is extremely large.

"Wait, isn't the extraterritorial void very dangerous? If it is explored on such a large scale, wouldn't it kill a lot of immortals?"

A bear clan elder could not help but asked.

Before, it was not that there were no immortals in the wild world who wanted to leave the wild world and explore the void outside the realm, but because there were too many dangers in the void outside the realm, it was basically a near-death situation, and the mortality rate was too high.

It is because of this that many immortals have absolutely no idea of ​​going to the outer space to explore.

Even if there are a large number of immortals in the wild world now, but if the death rate is too high, a large number of immortals will fall, and these immortals cannot be regarded as consumables.

"Haha, don't worry about that."

The tour guide Huang Yong laughed: "Perhaps you still don't know, our human race has a supreme immortal art, which is called the Great Puppet Art. Using this immortal art, the corpses of immortals can be refined into immortal puppets.

Such puppets will regenerate quickly even if only one cell remains. Our human immortals can control these puppets and go to the extraterritorial void as long as they put a wisp of consciousness on the puppet.

It can be said that we are using these immortal puppets to help the human race explore all kinds of dangers in the outer space and avoid all kinds of dangers.

With the power of these powerful puppets, we have been able to completely explore the area of ​​​​tens of thousands of light years in the wild world in thousands of years.

To be honest, without these undead puppets, there is a high probability that we will not make much progress in thousands of years, because the extraterritorial void is too dangerous.


He briefly described some of the means that the human race has.

"The Great Puppet Art of Immortal Art? It is possible to refine the corpse of immortals into puppets, and it still possesses the strength during his lifetime? Is this the supreme immortal art created by Emperor Xuanyuan again?

"Monster, this Emperor Xuanyuan is simply a monster. He has created various immortal arts with ease, as if he has mastered the laws of the entire universe."

"This is probably the first genius in the history of our wild world, and I have never seen such a terrifying existence."

"I have to say, if the Great Puppet Technique really possesses such power, then it is no wonder that Emperor Xuanyuan dares to explore the area of ​​the outer starry sky. 99

"Isn't it? You don't need the ontology to take action yourself, you just need to control these undead puppets. Even if there is really any danger, you will know it completely after you try it a few times.

"And even if there is any danger, these puppets will be reborn in the wild world, and there will be no loss at all. I didn't expect that the human race would have such a terrifying method."

"The question is how many immortal puppets are there in the human race?"

Many bear clan elders are very curious, because if there are a large number of such immortal puppets, then the evaluation of the human clan's strength may be further improved.

"Well, the exact number is not very clear, but the puppets of the human fairyland probably exceed ten billion, and the puppets of the earth immortals and heavenly immortals will probably exceed billions."

The tour guide Huang Yong thought about it carefully and gave a number.

"Nima, don't talk nonsense, you know how to blow it all day.

Xiong Batian, the patriarch of the bear clan, said angrily, "Even since the birth of the Wilderness World, there are probably not so many immortals and immortals combined. How could there be so many immortals and puppets?"

The other elders also looked at Huang Yong speechlessly, thinking that this human being is too good to blow, they also know that the strength of the human race is terrifying, but it may not be so terrifying.

"Indeed, there are not so many immortals born in our wild world, but don't forget, our wild world is a cemetery in the ancient times, and a large number of civilizations and a large number of immortals have fallen. The remains of these immortals are also buried in us. In the wild land.

The tour guide Huang Yong was not angry, but instead explained: ".`The bodies of these immortal puppets are actually from the corpses of these immortals. After the emperor dug them out, he made the best use of them and refined them into puppets, as if they were us. The background of the wild world, doing all kinds of dangerous things for our wild world.""


As soon as these words came out, many elders of the bear clan were silent. They had to admit that they were negligent. They never thought that the Wilderness World itself was a cemetery, where a large number of immortal corpses were buried.

No one knows how many immortals have fallen in this world.

After all, the number of immortals in ancient times was as numerous as ants, boundless, and they were so useless that they were worthless at all.

If there is no great puppet art, these immortal corpses can only be used for alchemy, but in this case, it is really a waste of time.

But now, it has been refined into a powerful immortal puppet by Emperor Xuanyuan, it is as if it was resurrected in this era. (of the good king)

Even if the human race did not give birth to any immortals, relying on these puppets alone is enough to suppress the Quartet, become a terrorist force, and crush the entire dark restricted area.

"And it's not just our wild world. In fact, in the entire dark restricted area, there are many worlds, basically each world has buried a large number of immortal corpses. After these immortal corpses are excavated by us, they can be refined into puppets.

"It is because of this that over thousands of years, more and more immortal puppets have been born, and they are scattered in every corner of the wild world, suppressing every important place.

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly.

"It's no wonder that after we entered the city, we felt a burst of heart palpitations, as if we were facing a life-and-death crisis. I am afraid that every city is guarded by many immortals and puppets in addition to the protection of the formation.

The bear clan elder was very fortunate, fortunately, he didn't act rashly, otherwise he wouldn't know how to die.

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