Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1485 Three titles, rich rewards and rewards for reincarnation tasks

But soon Xia Chuan took back his thoughts temporarily. After all, the saint is still a little far away from him, because the saint lives in the area beyond nine days, not in the fairyland.

It is difficult for even a saint to put his hand in the interior of the universe, and the power he exerts is only a little stronger than that of a quasi-sage, and he cannot threaten himself for the time being.

The most important thing for him now is to improve his cultivation.

If he also became a saint, what would a mere saint be, not worth mentioning at all.

It can be said that in this world, the strong are respected after all, and cultivation is the most important thing. A powerful force can prevent many bad things from happening, and can also protect oneself.

"One hundred thousand pieces of the world, one hundred thousand drops of the world's source energy, the dark restricted area is really rich."

"If it is an ordinary reincarnated world, there is a high probability that there will not be so many rewards. It is no wonder that so many immortals are coveting the wealth in the dark restricted area. 99

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, the rewards are so rich, not only because this is the fairy world, but the most important thing is that the wild world is a world in the dark restricted area, and this place is the ruins of the world.

Because of this, this place once buried a large number of worlds, scattered with a large number of world 377 fragments and world origins, and it can be said that each world is quite rich.

If it weren't for this, there would not be so many immortals, all eyeing the dark restricted area, and they would like to send a large number of immortals to occupy it.

Unfortunately, wanting to occupy the dark restricted area is not as simple as imagined, and the appearance of those demons alone is enough to threaten the lives of countless immortals.

Even the Heavenly Demons and the Protoss will still have a headache in the face of those immortal and immortal demons, and it is simply impossible to start.

Of course, they were trapped in the dark restricted area and could never come out. The threat to the various races in the Immortal Realm, the Protoss, and the Demon Race was not particularly great.

As long as they don't enter the dark restricted area, these demons will not be able to threaten the heavens and the races.

However, this may also be a great opportunity for Xia Chuan. If Changchun Realm can occupy a large amount of resources in the dark restricted area, I am afraid it will grow rapidly.

At that time, Changchun Realm will definitely become one of the strongest holy places in the history of Immortal Realm.

Next, even if the protection of the Heavenly Dao ends, the various races in the Immortal Realm can't help themselves and can only admit the status of Changchun Realm.


"With so much energy, it seems that promotion to become a golden immortal is just around the corner."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

At present, he has already completed the cultivation of Xuanxian, and he is only one step away from the golden fairyland. It is not a bottleneck, and he can step over it at any time.

Therefore, he needs a lot of energy to assist in his cultivation. Now that he has obtained so much energy from the world, I am afraid that he does not know how much time he has saved in his cultivation.

"17.5 billion reincarnation points, so many reincarnation points, I don't know how many books can be exchanged."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Undoubtedly, this is also the mission that he has obtained the most reincarnation points. It is more than ten times more than the last time. A reincarnation mission like this can be compared to an ordinary reincarnator dozens of times, hundreds of times.

Even for an immortal, more than 10 billion reincarnation points are considered astronomical, and I don't know how many secret books and powerful magic weapons can be exchanged.

The most important thing is that now that he is a tenth-order reincarnator, basically the number of items that he can exchange is more, and the items that cannot be exchanged are simply very few.

"Three titles this time too? Might looks good too. 99

Xia Chuan continued to watch and saw the three titles she had won.

"Title: Son of the Immortal Realm, this title has been recognized by the laws of the Immortal Realm, as long as you are in the Immortal Realm, you will be shrouded in luck in the Immortal Realm, you can turn misfortune into good fortune, and disaster becomes auspicious.

"Title: Son of the forbidden area, you have been recognized by many worlds in the dark forbidden area. No matter which world you enter the dark forbidden area, you will be greatly welcomed by the world and will be sheltered by the world's heaven.'

"Title: Savior, this is a title that has been recognized by countless worlds of heaven. This is the proof that you have saved countless worlds, and it is a symbol of great achievements. With this title, you can naturally obtain the protection of many worlds of heaven. Obtaining the passive title of the child of the world will be able to find the only way to survive in the infinite destiny. Even if you have never met you, countless sentient beings will automatically have a corresponding favorable impression of you."

Immediately, the information of the three titles sank into the depths of Xia Chuan's consciousness like a tide, making him instantly understand what level of power these three titles possess.

There is no doubt that after this mission of reincarnation, the power of luck in his body has been improved geometrically, and he has won the attention and approval of the laws of the fairy world.

If he was just a nobody in the fairyland before, then now he is a rising star.

He is surrounded by a huge power of luck all the time, like a super light bulb, attracting the attention of countless sentient beings, which can be called the attention of everyone.

"Not bad, it seems that this harvest is still possible.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Of course, compared with his harvest in the wild world, the reward from the reincarnation space this time is nothing. If nothing else, the thirty-five innate magic weapons he obtained alone are enough to shake the entire fairyland.

After all, in the Immortal Realm, many innate magic treasures have owners, and it is basically impossible for any innate magic treasure without an owner to appear.

If there is one, it will definitely shake the entire fairyland, attracting the attention of the quasi-sages, and even the saints.

Because the power of each innate magic weapon is earth-shattering, far exceeding the power of immortal weapons.

However, he will not foolishly take out these innate magic weapons, because these innate magic weapons are also of great help to him, and it is impossible to exchange them for other items.

"By the way, I don't know how the Book of Wisdom is now. I wonder if the progress of swallowing Hetu Luoshu is going well? It seems that it is time to go back and have a look.

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

He clearly remembered that before, he handed over the innate magic weapon Hetu Luoshu to the Book of Wisdom to be swallowed, hoping that the Book of Wisdom could go further and evolve into the realm of cosmic wonders.

Ten thousand years have passed now, and I don't know what the book of wisdom is now.

If it goes well, then the Book of Wisdom can become a wonder of the universe, and at that time, I am afraid that a powerful natal magic weapon will appear on him.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan's figure flashed, and without any hesitation, he immediately returned to Changchun Realm.

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