Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1488 The Book of All-Knowledge of Cosmic Wonders, the Real Infinite Computing Power

"But our power cannot reach the interior of the universe. This is the law set by that great being back then, and we cannot violate it."

The face of a saint is very ugly. The great existence set up the three realms and rules for this universe at the beginning, and no creature, including saints, can violate it.

And their saints have been expelled by the origin of the universe, and they have survived in the barriers of the universe, and they will not be able to enter the interior of the universe again in this life.

Of course, cultivating on the cosmos barrier is more suitable for sage cultivation. If it is not a last resort, they will not think about returning to the interior of the cosmos.

But now it is different. There is a great existence suspected of Tianzun appearing in the universe. Once the other party recovers his own power, he will definitely surpass all saints again.

This is also the common enemy of countless saints.

Therefore, they naturally want to go down to earth and return to the inner region of the universe. The problem is that due to the limitation of laws, the power of their real bodies cannot enter the inner region.

This also makes them simply a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

Even if they have 10 tyrannical powers, there is a high probability that they will not be able to get each other.

"Originally, I thought that the great existence set such rules for the sake of all living beings, and the separation of humans and immortals is more suitable for mortals to survive, but now it seems that such rules are also for his smooth reincarnation. , Come back to life again. Another saint said quietly, thinking of this possibility.

Even the saints are extremely calculating fellows, not to mention the existence of the Heavenly Venerate, such a great existence that surpasses the saints, the future that can be seen is naturally farther away than them.

"Isn't it? Even if we know that the other party has just recovered and was born with a reincarnated body, we can't personally take action to kill the other party's existence.

A saint said very helplessly.

"Hehe, it may not be impossible to do this, we can't enter the interior of the universe, but the existences under the saints can enter. After countless years, we have also cultivated a large number of quasi-sages, just to send these quasi-sages into the universe. Inside, look for this reincarnation, no matter how powerful this guy is, it is impossible to stop the siege of the quasi-sages.""

"That's right, even if the other party is an existence that surpasses saints, but before they fully recover their cultivation, their cultivation is only a quasi-sage, or even lower, and facing the siege of many quasi-sages, it is still a dead end. "

"But do we really want to be enemies with each other? This is beyond the existence of saints. If we are enemies with them, we all have to die, and it is impossible to survive."

"I'm afraid it's backfired now. If the lord is really resurrected, he will definitely get rid of us as soon as possible. Don't forget, after so many years, no one has tried to revive the lord. This has already violated the other party's rules. If the other party really restores the previous memory, you and I will both die.

"That's true, according to the domineering character of that lord, you and I haven't done anything over the years. Even if you commit a capital crime, the two sides will not be able to reconcile long ago. Either we die or He dies, there is no second place. a possibility.

Many saints were discussing, and their faces were extremely solemn.

They are not idiots either. After a few words, they immediately made a decision. After all, they also knew what would happen if the Heavenly Venerate was resurrected.

There is a high probability that they will all die tragically under each other's hands, and the two sides have long been immortal.

Immediately, the barriers of the entire immortal universe vibrated, and a quasi-sage was dispatched and sent into the interior of the universe, and the entire immortal universe would also bring an unprecedented general trend.

At this time, Xia Chuan also didn't know that the saints were so frightened by this vision of heaven and earth that they began to send quasi-sages down to earth to completely disrupt the situation in the fairyland.

Of course, even if he knew this, he didn't take it seriously at all. At present, his attention is focused on the Book of Wisdom, because the Book of Wisdom at this moment has completely broken through and has been promoted to become a cosmic wonder.


Immediately, a brand new golden book floated in the void, with only three thousand pages, but each page carried a cosmic law, which contained three thousand cosmic laws, all-inclusive.

It seems that this book includes a universe, and the scene of the initial universe seems to have emerged in the depths of the interior. The endless laws are spinning, covering everything, and it is unfathomable.


In the next second, a huge message instantly sank into the depths of Xia Chuan's consciousness like a flood. This was the message instilled from the book of wisdom.

"The Book of Omniscience (original Book of Wisdom), level: Cosmic Wonders, this is the first magic weapon in the endless void to be promoted to cosmic wonders on its own, the only one in the world, its power is earth-shattering.

"Capability 1: Turning fakes into reals, as long as there is enough energy, it can transform virtual characters and fake objects into real creatures and real objects.

"Capacity 2: Knowing a hundred things, it has the ability to know everything, even if it doesn't move, it can understand what happened in the past, present and future in this space and time, and it can also understand the weaknesses and strengths of all sentient beings. No one can hide it. Beyond its perception, all objects and creatures have no secrets in front of it."

‘Capability 3: Insight into the future, as long as 377 has enough data, it can deduce the future of everything, and even gain insight into countless future pictures. 35

"Capability 4: The book universe, its interior can generate a huge virtual universe, story universe, and all the words recorded in the book can evolve into unique worlds, which are no different from the real world." "

"The Book of All-Knowing Cosmic Wonders!"

Xia Chuan's pupils contracted. There is no doubt that the current book of wisdom, no, should be the book of omniscience.

The current book of omniscience does not need to maintain the laws of the immortal universe at all. As long as you enter the universe, you will be able to understand the operation of the laws of this universe, and automatically transform into the magic weapon of this universe, and become a part of this universe.

It can be said that the computing power of the Book of Omniscience has shown a geometric progression. Compared with before, the computing power of the Book of Wisdom is almost the same as that of a baby, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

The gap is equivalent to the gap between the saint and the goddess.

"Master, now I know what is omniscience, what is infinite computing power, and now I am truly unlimited computing power. 39

The Book of Omniscience sighed that it felt that its power had risen to an unimaginable level, it was simply a rise in a dimension.

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