Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1506 Reincarnated in the prehistoric world, arrived at the barrier land of the universe, the

"Reincarnated world: the prehistoric world, this world is located in the cosmic barriers, it is a unique world formed by the endless barriers of the cosmic barriers, it is equivalent to the surface world of the universe, and it is also the only real world.

Because there are many saints in this world, it is the place where quasi-sages ascend from the lower world, so this world is also called the holy world, but the local creatures call this world the prehistoric world.

When this world was just born, it was an endless barren land, a barren land, and nothing existed, but the two heavenly lords of this universe were born and flew from the lower world to this world, so the two heavenly lords joined forces to create the world, Created the earth, wind, water and fire, created the mountains and rivers, created the sun, moon and stars.

After countless years have passed, this world has also turned into a prehistoric world, where countless ancient gods and demons, countless ancient beings, and many saints have survived. It is the world of the highest dimension in the universe.

"Reincarnation status: Xia, an ordinary member of the Wu clan, he is an ordinary member of the Honghuang Wu clan. Due to the numerous gods and demons in the Great Desolation and the rampant demons, the Wu clan's survival is difficult. Seeing the rise of the Wu people, they live a carefree life in the wilderness.99

"Attention: The Wuzu has a special identity. It comes from the human race, but it was transformed by the Heavenly Venerate in a special way, fused with many bloodlines, and thus transformed into the Wuzu, so it is born with powerful power and many magical means. It is said that the Wuzu The body hides a huge secret.

Due to the reincarnation in the prehistoric realm, the body of the reincarnator cannot go to the prehistoric realm this time. In order to avoid the investigation of the saints in the prehistoric realm, this time, only the consciousness of the soul can be reincarnated into the prehistoric realm. ""

"Mission: To help the Wu people survive in the wild world, build at least three Wu city cities, so that the Wu people can survive in the wild, the task period is one million years.


At this moment, Xia Chuan opened his eyes, and he sensed a huge message coming like a surging tide. This was the soul memory of Xia Yisheng, a man of the Wu tribe, and it was also the foundational message about many prehistoric worlds.

Obviously, at this moment, he has easily replaced the identity of this witch member, replaced the existence of the other party, and inherited the cause and effect of the other party.

This is also the desire of the other party.

It was the strong desire of the other party that attracted the attention of the reincarnation space, thus reincarnating Xia Chuan into this world.

The other party also knew that by virtue of his own ability, he could not make the Wu clan rise and let the Wu clan survive in this world full of gods and demons, so he prayed to the sky, hoping that someone could lead the Wu clan to rise and save the Wu clan.


Xia Chuan touched his chin. It was the first time that he performed soul reincarnation instead of body reincarnation. This was a novel experience for him.

There is no doubt that even if this reincarnation mission fails, his body will not die, at most his soul will be damaged.

In fact, most, even all reincarnators choose to reincarnate their souls, so that they will not die in the reincarnated world because of various reincarnation tasks.

After all, life is only once, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

No one is as bold as Xia Chuan, who dares to be reincarnated on the body.

Of course, if Xia Chuan's body was in the Immortal Universe, he wouldn't be so stupid, but he's just a clone, so it doesn't matter.

"However, if this reincarnation mission can be completed perfectly, then all the cultivation of this reincarnated body can also be brought back to the main body to promote the cultivation of the main body."

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

Obviously, soul reincarnation is not the same as body reincarnation.

Since it is soul reincarnation, the cultivation base obtained in the reincarnated world is limited. The lower the evaluation, the lower the cultivation base obtained from the reincarnated body.

At least one who has reached the SSSS level evaluation can obtain all the cultivation bases.

If it is an SS evaluation, it is only 80%, an S-level evaluation is only 50%, an A-level evaluation is only 30%, a B-level evaluation is only 20%, and a C-level evaluation is only 10%.

As for the evaluation below, there will not be any cultivation base bonus, only the reward given by the reincarnation space and the reincarnation points.

As for the body reincarnation, no matter what the evaluation is, the cultivation base obtained in the reincarnation world is 100% inherited.

The only disadvantage is that it is easy to die, and one will die in the reincarnated world if one is not careful.

It is because of this that many reincarnators naturally choose to reincarnate their souls. After all, their safety factor will also be greatly increased, and they will not die due to accidents.

·0 for flowers ·......

Even if they can't get much feedback on their cultivation, so what, wouldn't it be enough to go through several reincarnation tasks? They don't need to be in such a hurry to improve their cultivation.

So soul reincarnation is the mainstream reincarnation method for reincarnators.

"I didn't expect that before I became a saint, I would have the opportunity to reincarnate into the barrier land of the universe, that is, the prehistoric world. Xia Chuan touched his chin and felt very happy.

You must know that the news about the prehistoric world has always been known only to the quasi-sages of the immortal world. Even if other immortals want to know the relevant information, they have to pay a huge price.

Therefore, the prehistoric world is extremely mysterious in the eyes of the immortals, but they only know that the other party is a higher world, and it is the place where many saints live.

But it is different now. He actually has the opportunity to be reincarnated into the prehistoric realm, which means that he does not need much authority to know all the news about the prehistoric realm.

Without a doubt, this is a huge opportunity.

Probably among the many reincarnations, few can obtain such an opportunity.

The reason why he was able to get such an opportunity is because of the perfect evaluation of the previous reincarnation missions, which made the reincarnation space specially select him to participate in this mission.

Perhaps he is not a unique existence, many reincarnations have participated in similar tasks before, and thus reincarnated into the prehistoric world.

"Interesting, is the world shaped by the two great gods?"

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

The Xuanhuang Universe where he is located, the current barrier of the Universe is still barren, and there is no native life inhabiting it.

After all, before him, no creatures could become Heavenly Venerate, only Heavenly Venerate could penetrate the barriers of the universe and survive in the earth where the barriers of the universe were.

There is no doubt that if the Xuanhuang universe wants to develop further, it must also build a prosperous country and a prosperous natural environment within the cosmic barriers.

The emergence of the prehistoric world will also bring him great inspiration.

Perhaps his own body will also gain huge benefits because of the knowledge about the prehistoric world.

Thinking of this, he became even more excited, and wanted to know what kind of world the Prehistoric Realm was like.

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