Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1508 All are evil gods, Tianzun's terrifying means

"What do you mean, the sun, moon, and stars above the sky are actually evil gods? Falling into crazy chaos?"

Xia Chuan was keenly aware of the meaning in the words of the Book of Omniscience.

"That's right."

The Book of Omniscience nodded: "These ancient gods have absorbed a lot of faith power, which contains a lot of faith toxins and countless mottled messages, which also pollutes their minds and makes them fall into chaos. state.

Therefore, they often attack the creatures on the surface, and cause terrifying natural disasters at every turn, such as the sun, which often preys on a large number of surface creatures.


In the next second, it instilled a part of the picture, which was the picture of the sun preying on the surface creatures in every era in the past, all submerging into the depths of Xia Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

I saw the sun above the sky, with a dark color appearing on its body, as if it turned into a dark sun, and terrifying tentacles gushed out from it.

These tentacles are like weapons for catching prey, and they devoured all the creatures on the earth in an instant, swallowed them all into their stomachs, and turned them into fuel.

Countless creatures on the ground were swallowed by the opponent.

Basically every ten thousand years, the sun will come to prey 10.

Countless creatures on the earth are wailing, but facing the power of the sun at the level of a saint, these creatures are simply impossible to resist, even a saint of the same level, it is difficult to resist the predation of the sun.

Of course, due to a lot of similar things, the races on the ground have also figured out the law of the sun's predation. Once they appear, they will immediately hide in the depths of the ground to hide their aura and avoid becoming the sun's prey.

However, this does not mean that they can bring all living beings to the depths of the earth.

Because once the sun does not eat enough food, it will immediately become furious, falling terrifying flames, falling to the earth, making the earth desolate and burning everything.

Similar things have happened in history.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, many races strictly keep the predation of the sun secret, so that there are enough creatures on the surface and enough food for the sun to devour.

"Is this the prehistoric realm? It's almost as bad as the environment in the fairy world. Even if the saints appear in the prehistoric realm, they may not be able to live much better.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He is aware of the horrors of the prehistoric world. For immortals, this is simply a hell-like world.

Because the creatures in the prehistoric world are really too powerful, saints cannot be said to be everywhere and can be seen everywhere, but they are very rare.

After all, the sun above the sky is one of the strongest saints, and it is also a saint who has fallen into madness, with a fighting power beyond imagination.

Even if the other saints join forces, they may not be able to beat these sun gods.

In addition to the sun, there are many stars in the sky. These stars are also the ancient gods of the sage level. Although the combat power is not comparable to the sun, they are comparable to other saints.

These ancient stars are also equivalent to ordinary evil gods, causing terrifying disasters on the entire prehistoric land, causing natural disasters on this land from time to time, causing countless casualties.

"But even if they are in madness, why are they still in the sky, constantly performing to bring sunshine to the world?

Xia Chuan asked curiously.

He felt that if these sun, moon, and stars really possessed intelligence, why would they stay in the sky obediently, and have already run away to other places.

"Well, nature has something to do with the God of Life. 35

The Book of Omniscience explained: "In order to make these sun, moon and stars as eternal tools, the Heavenly Venerate of Life has set rules so that they must abide by the laws of the sun, moon and stars. If they violate the rules, they will die and disappear. Destroy the mind.

Even if the Heavenly Lord of Life fell asleep before, the power of such rules will not disappear, and an eternal rule has been formed that even a saint cannot violate.

It is because of this that even if these sun, moon and stars possess great power, they can only be permanently fixed in the sky and become part of the prehistoric world.

It means that the entire prehistoric world has formed an extremely solid world, all of which are constructed by laws.

They are fused with each other, forming the most solid law, and no one can escape from the other.

Once you want to break away forcefully, it will cause the collapse of the law and the collapse of the entire prehistoric world.

If these ancient gods did not want to die, they could only follow the rules.

"Amazing, is this the law of Tianzun's construction?"

Xia Chuan touched his chin and was amazed. He didn't expect to be able to play like this. Although he was already a middle-tier Heavenly Venerate, the time to become a Heavenly Venerate was still too short.

For Heavenly Venerate of Life and Heavenly Reincarnation, the two veteran Heavenly Venerates who have survived for an unknown number of years, the natural means are a little immature, equivalent to a primary school student.

But it is different now. He has benefited a lot from observing the structure of the prehistoric world.

"Yes, this is the method of Tianzun, it is simply the use of the power of the law to the point of perfection. The person who set this rule is the reincarnation Tianzun. Her use of the law is amazing, she is extremely good at using the power of the general trend, using The power of the law to defeat the opponent, when the enemy knows, the defeat is already set.

The Book of Omniscience is also very admired: "And the formation of 377 rules is actually beneficial to these ancient gods, because they can also continuously devour the energy of the power of faith and increase their own cultivation.

As their cultivation base continues to improve, they may have the opportunity to break away from the rules in the future and thus regain their freedom, so they instead support this rule.

"Restoring freedom? This is the method of Tianzun, how could it be so easy to get rid of?

Xia Chuan shook his head, but how terrifying Tianzun's methods were, it was simply beyond the sage's imagination. It was as if Tianzun used carrots to seduce these ancient gods to work hard.

It looks like it can be eaten almost, but in fact it will never be.

This seems to be infinitely approaching zero, which seems to be only a little bit, but it can never be reached.

"Yes, it is because of this that the two great gods have been sleeping for countless years, and these ancient gods are still unable to get rid of the restrictions of the rules, maintaining the operation of the prehistoric world forever, forming a perfect prehistoric ecology.

The Book of Omniscience agrees with this.

Because what these ancient gods want to get rid of is not the Heavenly Venerate, but the rules of maintaining the entire world. Once violated, the entire world will perish.

This is something that cannot be allowed, so from the beginning, they have no freedom whatsoever.

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