Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1514 The ancient vicious beast Ba Snake, the beginning of the unification of the Wu clan

There is no doubt that if there is no Xia Chuan, then this witch tribe will definitely be doomed, and they will be eaten by all the snakes, and none of them will run away.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common.

Occasionally, I heard that a certain witch tribe, because of bad luck, encountered an ancient beast, and as a result, it was eaten by one bite, and the entire tribe was wiped out.

It is because of this that in order to avoid the entire genocide, the elders of the Wu clan scattered their clansmen and scattered them all over the prehistoric world.

In this way, even if one of the Wu tribes was destroyed, other Wu tribes could survive.

There is no doubt that this is the wisdom of the weak race to survive, just to maintain the continuation of the race.

"Basnake? It's time to start showing your edge, let's start with ruling this tribe. 99

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

Originally, if he wanted to develop the entire Wu clan, he had to become the head of the Wu clan. Before, he couldn't find an excuse to take over the entire Wu clan.

But when Ba Snake came, he gave him a very good excuse. If the disaster of Ba Snake could be solved, then the entire Wu tribe would have no one to stop him from becoming the patriarch.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate, and immediately flew back towards the Wu tribe.

At this moment, the witch tribe and many witch people are in endless panic, because there is a behemoth above the sky, that is the ancient vicious beast, the snake!

But for the weak and small races living in the prehistoric world, no one is unaware of the terror of Ba Snake.

Because the Ba Snake is not a big threat to those powerful races, but to them these weak races, it is simply a deadly threat, and it is a disaster of genocide at every turn.

As long as the opponent opens his mouth, he can swallow the entire tribe into his stomach in an instant, and there is no way to even resist. This is the horror of the ancient vicious beast, the snake.

"It's over, this time it's completely over, how could our tribe have encountered Ba Snake."?

"There's no way, our tribe has run out of gas, and happened to encounter the Ba Snake who was in a state of starvation, and we were helpless.

"Fight with it, even if I die, I will make this snake pay the price."

"It's useless, it's useless at all. The strength of this snake is at least the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. Even if the patriarch of the Wu clan appears here, it is a dead end.

"That's right, the strength gap is too big, and it is extremely ridiculous to struggle no matter how much you struggle. The plan for now is to run away, run as fast as you can, if you can escape the predation range of the snake, there may be a chance of survival.

Many witches were talking about it.

It is not that they do not have the courage to fight to the death with Ba Snake, but for absolute power, courage is simply insignificant and useless.

At present, the strongest in the entire tribe is the Golden Fairyland. How can it be compared with the Ba Snake of the Daluo Golden Immortal level? This is not a fantasy.

So they know that the only way at present is to escape, as far as they can run. If they are lucky, they may not be wiped out, and some clansmen will survive.

For such suffering, they are used to it.

Staying in the prehistoric world, one often encounters gods and demons, ancient beasts and other terrifying creatures, either dying at the hands of these beasts, or at the hands of gods and demons.

Just sooner or later.

"Wait, Xia, why are you back?"

At this moment, a Wu clan elder immediately noticed Xia Chuan who came back from outside: "Alas, you are really unlucky, if you stay outside, you can still survive, but I didn't expect to run back to the tribe to die. , This is also your destiny, God wants you to die, you have to die. 99

He looked at Xia Chuan, very helpless.

Because the ancient vicious beasts were killed by the snakes, if the warriors of the witch tribe were hunting outside, they might still survive and become the seeds of the resurrection of this tribe.

Once he returned to the tribe, he would just die with the others, and would not have any effect.

Just like ordinary people facing nuclear bombs, no matter how many people there are, they will only turn into ashes.

"Elder, it doesn't matter, it's just a mere snake. It's not worth mentioning. No one in our tribe will die today.""

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.


As soon as these words came out, the surrounding witch warriors were all stunned, it was unbelievable, but they were very aware of the strength of Xia in front of them.

How dare you say such a big thing.

But for some unknown reason, they instinctively noticed that the Xia in front of them was completely different from before, because they could sense the terrifying power of blood on the other side.

This can't be concealed, just like the sun, releasing infinite heat.

They have lived for so long, and it is the first time they have felt such a terrifying power of blood, as if every drop of blood is as hot as the sun.


Before waiting for these witch warriors to say anything, I saw that the snake in the distance seemed to be impatient, roared, opened his big mouth, and displayed a magical power - swallowing the sky and devouring the earth!

In an instant, this big mouth seems to have turned into a black hole, producing an unparalleled suction force, and the area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers is within the swallowing range of this black hole.

The surrounding trees, soil, flowers, and many creatures were all swallowed up by the black hole.

Obviously, this ancient vicious beast Ba Snake did not deliberately target the Wu tribe, it just happened to pass by, and by the way devoured food from a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

It's just that the Wu tribe was unlucky, and it happened to be in the area where the snakes were preying on, which was a disaster.

Many witch warriors felt incomparably terrified. They felt that they were completely powerless in the face of this black hole-like devouring force. This was a natural disaster from a black hole, and non-human people could resist.

Regardless of any magical calligraphy, any attack, under the devouring of the black hole, everything will be transformed into pure matter, and all living beings will be crushed into pure energy.

This is the horror of the ancient vicious beast, the snake!


At this moment, Xia Chuan made his move, using his body as the center to cast the time domain, which instantly covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers, including the ancient vicious beasts and snakes.

At this moment, the time in this area stopped.


The ancient vicious beast Ba Snake's hair stood on end. As a Daluo Jinxian-level existence, every cell in its body had a sixth sense of death, and endless fear spread throughout the body.

But it found that it couldn't move at this moment, and it seemed that it was imprisoned in this second by the power of time. Even according to the power of Daluo Jinxian, it could not get rid of the imprisonment of time.

'Death. 35

With a swoosh, Xia Chuan flashed and came to Ba Snake's side.

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