Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1517 The dissemination of Pangu's true scriptures, every witch can become an ancestor w

Whoosh whoosh!!!

Immediately, Li Jiuyou and others followed the group of witch warriors into the nearby city, and the city was called Star Witch City, which could accommodate a population of 100 million.

After entering the city, they saw a dense number of witch warriors. To be honest, it was the first time in their life that they saw so many witches living in the city. It was incredible.

Because the previous Wu tribes were bustling, there were three or two kittens.

After all, in order to prevent the Wu clan from being exterminated, they have never dared to expand the scale of the tribe. Once the population reaches a certain level, the tribe needs to split and move to other places.

Therefore, the scene of hundreds of millions of witches gathered together is simply unseen and unheard of.

"What's the matter? Why is the bloodline of the witch warriors here so amazing?

Li Jiuyou's "Three Nine Three" immediately discovered the extraordinaryness of the Xia clan, that is, the blood concentration of the Xia clan warriors is too high, several times higher than that of the Jiuli clan warriors. I don't know. .

He had never seen a witch tribe with such a high bloodline.

You must know that the current generation of the Wu clan is not as good as the previous generation, and the bloodline concentration is constantly decreasing.

The strongest witch warrior is the golden fairyland.

It is because of this that even in the face of the Qiongqi family, they can only do nothing. After all, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

If the Jiuli tribe had so many warriors with such a high bloodline, they would not necessarily be afraid of the Qiongqi clan.

"This is all because our leader, Xia, created a technique that can improve our cultivation and increase the blood concentration in our body."

A witch clan captain smiled slightly and stated the reason bluntly.

Of course, the reason why he didn't hide it was purely because the other party was also a member of the Wu clan, and he also believed in each other's blood connection and would not betray the Wu clan.

"Impossible, there are actually exercises in the world that can improve our cultivation and increase our blood concentration? How can such a thing be possible?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Jiuyou and the others were stunned, they couldn't believe it, and they even questioned the authenticity of this matter for the first time.

Because from ancient times to the present, the Wu clan has not created its own cultivation method, because the Wu clan is not suitable for any immortal cultivation method at all, and it does not have the existence of the primordial spirit itself.

In other words, the Wu clan did not have spiritual roots, so in any case, they could not perceive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If it is a real human, it is a mortal, and can only become a mortal in a lifetime, and cannot embark on the path of cultivation.

It is because of this that even though there have been countless cultivation techniques in the universe, none of them are suitable for the Witch Clan.

Once upon a time, how many wu clan greats tried their best to create exercises belonging to the wu clan, but they all failed, this is beyond their wisdom.

Therefore, they also gave up creating the exercises that belonged to the Wu people themselves.

However, the iron law that has been passed down for countless years has now been broken by a certain witch clan, and it is unbelievable that someone has created a practice that is exclusively for the witch clan.

"Of course it is true. In the past, the blood concentration in my body could only be supported to the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Once I was promoted to the Heavenly Immortal, my cultivation would no longer be able to break through. 99

The captain of the Wu clan said with emotion: "But since I practiced the exercises created by the leader, my bloodline concentration has increased rapidly, and my future is not limited to the gods. , even a quasi-sage, and even a sage dares to give it a try."

"Impossible, your bloodline was actually lower than ours back then? It's only after training that you have risen to such a level? What kind of cultivation method is this?"

A Jiuli warrior couldn't help asking.

His heart was like a stormy sea. If such a practice really appeared, it would be an unprecedented change for the entire Wu clan.

Maybe it can make the witch race completely rise and become the top race in the prehistoric world, and no longer need to worry about the pursuit of other races, which is an unparalleled benefit for every witch.

"Its name is: "Pangu Zhenjing".

The witch captain said solemnly.

"Pangu Zhenjing? What is so special about this practice, why does it allow us warriors of the Wu tribe to embark on the path of cultivation?"

Li Jiuyou asked impatiently.

"I believe you also know that our witch tribe has no spiritual roots, can't perceive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, can't practice any immortal's exercises, and can't learn any supernatural powers.0"

The captain of the Wu clan smiled slightly: "It is because of this that we can only improve our strength by developing the bloodline in our body. Once the potential of the bloodline is exhausted, then our potential will come to an end, and we will not be able to break through it no matter what.

However, the Pangu Mantra has completely changed this point. The leader felt that it is not that we cannot swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but that we need to change to another way to swallow it.

That is spiritual medicine, immortal medicine, holy medicine, even the flesh and blood of fierce beasts, the flesh and blood of divine beasts, etc. We can obtain energy from the outside world by devouring all kinds of food.

It is because of this that the leader created the Pangu Mantra. Once this exercise is performed, the various spiritual medicines and the flesh and blood of all kinds of beasts that enter our stomachs will be transformed into huge energy and integrated into the blood of our body. .

Even this practice uses our acupoints as the core, and can integrate these energies into the acupoints, and these energies can purify our blood and temper our physique all the time.

Over time, the more energy we gain, the more blood vessels we can purify. Even if the blood vessels in our body are almost nonexistent at the beginning, after cultivating the Pangu Mantra, the concentration of our blood vessels cannot be continuously improved. At that time, every witch warrior will be able to raise the blood in his body to the realm of ancestral witches. "


As soon as these words came out in 1.6, Li Jiuyou and others were simply shocked beyond words, and their hearts set off a storm, the realm of the ancestors, which is already the dream of countless witch warriors.

Except for the first generation of witch warriors, the rest of the people could not reach the realm of the ancestral witch, let alone surpass the ancestral witch.

But now, after cultivating this technique, the bloodline of each warrior of the witch tribe can be continuously improved, and finally reach the realm of the ancestor witch, or even surpass the ancestor witch.

This kind of thing is simply unseen and unheard of.

When they first started, they thought that these guys were just joking. How could such a powerful practice exist in the world?

But seeing the other party's serious eyes, he didn't mean to joke.

So they immediately knew that the other party did not deceive themselves, and there was no need for it.

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