Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1519 Time Medicine Garden, Time Ranch, Realize the Freedom to Eat Meat

"It's no wonder that your Xia clan has developed so quickly. It turns out that you have the time ancestor witch."

Li Jiuyou took a deep breath, looked at the many warriors of the Xia clan, and said solemnly: "And the power of the time ancestral witch is not only to help the population of the witch tribe grow, but more importantly, it can help you quickly improve your cultivation. For."

He could see at a glance that the Xia clan not only increased in population, but also showed a geometric progression in strength.

To tell the truth, in the prehistoric world, it is useless to have a large population, and the most important thing is the top powerhouse.

No matter how many people there are, the appearance of a saint will be enough to make you disappear into ashes and completely disappear from this world.

It is because of this that only the power to enhance the strength of the individual can make the entire race get an astonishing improvement.

The birth of a top powerhouse is enough to rival the birth of hundreds of millions of people.

"That's right.

The captain of the Wu clan smiled slightly: "I believe you all know that the function of the Pangu Mantra is to refine the energy of various spiritual medicines, immortal medicines and holy medicines, and then improve our cultivation and purify our blood.

The problem is that there are countless warriors of our Xia clan, even if there are many elixir in the prehistoric world, we can't stand us eating Haisai every day.

It is precisely because of this that for the future of the Wu clan, the patriarch decided to start planting these elixir on a large scale. Only when the clan produces a large amount of elixir, will our Wu clan have a future and will not be affected by the elixir. limited.

But elixir also has a growth cycle. It can take tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years. Ordinary races have no chance of successfully planting them. when.

However, the patriarch is different. The patriarch is the ancestor of time, and has the power to control the law of time, so the patriarch has opened up a time medicine garden to speed up the time of the medicine garden. One day outside is ten thousand years inside.

Therefore, even if we plant a million-year-level elixir, we only need a hundred days to complete it, and then the number of elixir within our Xia clan has exploded.

As a result of obtaining these elixir, our warriors of the Xia clan will not lack resources for cultivation, and their strength has shown an astonishing increase, and a large number of Xuanxian, Jinxian, and even Daluo Jinxian have been born.

He showed a very emotional expression.

Although he had long known the greatness of the power of time, he did not expect that the power of time was beyond his imagination, it was simply the creation of the world.

Due to the appearance of the Time Medicine Garden, the Wu clan was able to quickly cultivate a large number of immortal medicines and holy medicines.

The Wu clan also completely got rid of the predicament that they could not cultivate, even if they could not devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they could devour the special energy in the fairy medicine.

This also made the strength of the warriors of the Wu tribe amazingly improved. The ordinary beasts in the prehistoric world were no longer their opponents. The beasts around the city of the Wu tribe were all slaughtered.

"Time Medicine Garden? Is this what the Time Ancestor Witch created? It's incredible.

"One day is ten thousand years, what kind of power of time is this, even if the power of a saint is nothing more than that.

"It is worthy of being the strongest existence among the ancestors. The power of the ancestors of time is really too great."

"Originally, we were extremely short of immortal medicines and holy medicines, and we had to go to the wild to find wild holy medicines, but this is such an ethereal thing.

Originally, this precious medicinal material, holy medicine, has been targeted by countless beasts and divine beasts. Once it matures, it will immediately encounter a large number of strong competitions, and it is simply not our warriors' turn.

But now, we don't need to go to the wild at all, spend a lot of time, and snatch the holy medicine with the danger of competing with countless enemies, and these holy medicines can be planted within the clan alone. "5

"No wonder those saints who master the law of time are so terrifying. Each of them is the top existence in the prehistoric world. The power of time is beyond imagination."

"I remember that when the ancestors of time were still alive, our witch clan was considered to be at its peak, but after the death of the ancestors of time, our witch clan really went from bad to worse, one can imagine the effect of the ancestors of time on us.

Many warriors of the Jiuli tribe are full of emotion. They know the greatness of the ancestors of time from the materials in the clan, but they have never seen them, and they do not know what the power of the ancestors of time is.

Now when they heard the descriptions of the warriors of the Xia clan, they immediately knew the power of the Ancestral Witch of Time.

Because the time ancestral witch is powerful, not only because of its extraordinary combat power, but also because of the strength of the opponent, which can drive the growth of the entire witch clan.

At present, Wuzu warriors lack time to grow, but time ancestors can greatly reduce the time for Wuzu warriors to grow up. One day is ten thousand years, which allows Wuzu warriors to reach maturity in one day. status.

If this matter spreads out, it will definitely shake the prehistoric world, and everyone in the world may know that the Wu clan is about to rise.

But they weren't so stupid to publicize it everywhere.

If a certain saint does not like the Wu clan, he may cause the Wu clan to be wiped out.

". `Of course the power of time can not only be used to plant elixir, but also can be used to tame beasts. 55

The Wu clan captain smiled slightly and continued: "After all, our Wu clan warriors not only need to eat a lot of immortal medicine every day, but also need to eat a lot of ferocious beast meat.

Because our Pangu scriptures can digest all the energy that enters the body, the beast also contains a huge amount of energy, which is also very suitable for promoting our growth.

If we just rely on hunting in the wild, it will not take long for these beasts to be hunted down by us, and then we will have no meat to eat.

It is because of this that domesticating beasts has become the only choice for our Xia clan. Throw them in and let them multiply quickly and grow meat quickly.

After the successful establishment of pastures one by one, we also have a large amount of meat from beasts. Even if we don’t need to go out to hunt and kill beasts in the wild, we still have a lot of meat to eat.

He said that the Xia tribe realized the freedom to eat meat due to the emergence of time pastures.


Hearing this, Li Jiuyou and the others were simply envious, jealous, and free to eat immortal medicine. This was a life like heaven, and it was unbelievably beautiful.

You must know that even large tribes like the Jiuli tribe often starve to death. Many Wu tribe warriors are also hungry all the year round, and there is no way they can eat enough.

But for the Xia clan, it was a miracle that they were able to get enough food.

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