Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1527 The survival method of weak races in the floods, the witch race is dead this time

At this moment, in the vicinity of the Wu clan, elders of many weak and small races are also constantly paying attention to the every move of this mountain god, because they are also nearby racial creatures.

If one is not careful, if this mountain god is close to the territory of his own race, he may cause a huge disaster to his own race, and he does not know how many people will die.

Of course, they are more in the mood to watch the show, and want to know how the Wu clan can solve this difficulty.

"What do you think? That mountain god seems to have run into the territory of the Wu clan. Can the Wu clan compete against this mountain god?" A quasi-sage asked.

In the entire prehistoric world, all races without the support of saints are called weak races, because for saints, the so-called quasi-sages, Daluo Jinxian, Jinxian, etc. are no different, they are just ants.

"If it was the "April 10" period when the witch clan was in its heyday, when there were still ancestors and witches, they might still be able to compete with this mountain god. 99

Another quasi-sage shook his head, it was not very optimistic about the next fate of the Wu clan.

Because this mountain god has the combat power of a saint and masters the laws of the earth. Although he has gone completely crazy, a saint is a saint and cannot be compared by other creatures.

It can be said that this is the evil god running rampant in the prehistoric world, a natural disaster in the prehistoric world.

I don't know how many weak races have been wiped out by these wandering evil gods.

"It can't be said that the patriarch of the Xia clan of the Wu clan is very confident. After ten thousand years, he frantically built cities and looked like he was planning to build a country.

"Hehe, without the support of the saints, you dare to build such a huge city, isn't this self-defeating? Just the wandering evil spirits will completely wipe them out.

"That's right, I don't know the sky and the earth. It seems that the Wu people have lost too much historical data due to the decline again and again, and they have begun to forget the taboos of this land. I don't know why we always divide the race into small groups. The purpose is to reduce the number of people gathered and prevent those wandering evil spirits from being attracted.35

"Isn't it? If there are too many people, the evil gods will sense our life energy and will definitely come over. Because of this, our ancestors thought that they could develop and expand the ethnic group, but they did not expect to be killed. ."

"Before we did not deal with the Wu clan, nor did we prevent the Wu clan from developing and growing, we just hoped that their number would be a little larger, so that the appetite of the sun god could be satisfied. 99

"Yeah, the Sun God's appetite is really getting bigger and bigger recently. If it can't satisfy his appetite, I'm afraid he will launch a war of destruction to clean up all the creatures in this area, so we must find enough sacrifices. , Dedicated to the sun god, the Wu tribe whose population has increased rapidly, is undoubtedly the best sacrifice.

Many quasi-sages were discussing, and their eyes showed a hint of coldness. The reason why they did not deal with the rapidly growing Wu clan actually had their own calculations.

First of all, the prehistoric world is really too big, big enough to accommodate the existence of countless races, and the billions of Wu people are nothing at all. Even if the number increases ten thousand times, it is just that, and it cannot consume much resources. .

It is because of this that the survival contradictions of the major races are actually not that big. Many times the major races occupy their own territory and live peacefully for many years.

For the major races, the greatest threat is actually the evil gods, or the beasts living in the wild world, and these monsters will lead to the disaster of genocide.

It is because of this that they are happy to see the rise of the Wu clan.

Because the more powerful the witch clan is, the more attention they can attract. The so-called "shooting the first bird", those evil gods like to select those powerful races to slaughter.

After all, these powerful races have a large population that can satisfy their appetites.

On the contrary, the weak races are not in their eyes, it is just some desserts, not worth mentioning.

It is because of this that the weaker races can survive in the prehistoric world.

In short, don't attract attention, they can live pretty well.

The second is the threat of the sun god. This sun god has been transformed into an evil god, and will devour the prey of the earth after a while. It is the largest evil god in this area, threatening the safety of countless races.

In order to satisfy the appetite of the sun god, the major races can be said to do their best. As long as the sun god is fed, they will not need to worry about the threat from the sun for a long time.

In the eyes of these quasi-sages, isn't it the best sacrifice for the evil gods to act so recklessly?

Therefore, not only did they not prevent the expansion of the Wu clan, but they were happy to see it succeed. If the Wu clan blocked the bullets for them, then their lives would be guaranteed.

"However, it seems that the Wu clan has become very unusual now, especially the patriarch who gave birth to the Xia clan. It is said that the opponent is already at the perfect level of Daluo Jinxian's combat power, and even has learned a magical technique that can rival the quasi-sage. There were quasi-sage beasts who tried to invade the Xia clan before, but they were all beheaded by him.

A quasi-sage said solemnly, expressing that the Xia clan was not simple, and it was completely different from the previous witch warriors, and perhaps there was a certain degree of hope to survive this catastrophe.

"Hehe, how can things be so simple, without the support of the saints, we would be unable to move an inch in the prehistoric world, and we can only shrink back. Can the mere Xia clan be able to compete with the saints?"

"That's right, I can put my words here, the Xia clan will definitely be doomed, no one can save the Xia clan unless a saint takes action, this is the fate of the weak race.

"I think the patriarch of the Xia clan is overconfident, and he really thinks he is invincible and dares to act unscrupulously in the prehistoric world. 1.6 really doesn't know how to write dead words. 99

"To be honest, it would be great if we could enter the fairyland. Such a world is simply not suitable for us to survive. If we can enter the fairyland, then we will definitely not be slaughtered by the evil gods at will, causing countless casualties."

"Who doesn't want to return to the fairyland, the problem is that we can't penetrate the cosmic barriers at all. It's easy to leave the fairyland, but if you want to enter the fairyland again, I'm afraid it won't be that simple."

"That's right, unless the saints take action and open up temporary passages for us, then don't even think about returning to the fairyland. The problem is that we all have saints to support us, so there is nothing to be afraid of in the prehistoric world. 39

"In short, let's just watch a good show and see what kind of skills this Wu tribe has."

Many quasi-sages were talking about it, and they were still secretly observing every move around them.

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