Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1539 The Plan Of The Witch Clan, Using The Power Of All Beings To Deduce Three Thousand Bloo

"Aren't you kidding, the witch clan actually gave birth to three thousand ancestor witch bloodlines? Even the master only created twelve ancestor witch bloodlines at the beginning. Why did the Wu clan patriarch of this generation do this?"

Hearing this, the god clan elder Parker couldn't believe it, his face turned extremely ugly.

It now understands why its master praised the Wu Clan patriarch so much, because the Wu Clan patriarch of this generation has done things that his master could not do at the beginning.

If such an existence is not called a genius, then there is no creature in the universe that can deserve such a title. It is aware of the threat posed by this witch clan patriarch.

If this continues, the existence of the Wu Clan may really threaten the Protoss.

"It's very simple. The reason why the patriarch of the Wu clan was able to create three thousand bloodlines of the ancestral witches is because he never planned to create a complete bloodline of the ancestral witches from the beginning. Every warrior of the Wu clan only inherited part of the laws It's just blood, maybe not even one percent of the blood."

Life Tian Zunyi and Youyou said.

"But if this is the case, it doesn't make any sense at all. It's just a broken bloodline. It's not the real ancestral witch bloodline at all. It's just a trick. 17

Protoss elder Parker immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It also thought that the patriarch of the witch clan was really so terrifying. If he could create a complete 3,000 bloodlines of the ancestral witch, wouldn't it be against the sky? It was equivalent to comprehending the 3,000 laws of the universe.

At that time, this guy must be a new Tianzun.

Now that I think about it carefully, it was really bluffed by what the other party did, which was just a trick.

The difficulty of both sides is not at the same level as what my master did back then.

Previously, my master directly created a complete saint, but the patriarch of the Wu clan, at most, created some mortals who inherited the thin blood.


Life Tianzun Xihe shook his head: "It seems that you haven't seen the brilliance of this approach. This proves that your wisdom is nothing more than that. No wonder you haven't made any breakthroughs after countless years. The aptitude of the gods has been achieved." You, but there is no doubt that it also restrains you, preventing you from advancing to a higher realm."

"Master, what does this mean?"

The god clan elder Parker was stunned. If it was criticized by others, it would definitely be furious, but the person who said such words was its own master, and it had no temper at all.

Now it is full of doubts, and it is not clear what it can't think of.

"Indeed, in your eyes, this is just a defective product, and it has not inherited the complete bloodline of the ancestral witch.

Xihe said with emotion: "The problem is that the greatest advantage of life is evolution. At the beginning, I ignored this point and wanted to create a perfect creature in one step.

But as everyone knows, where there are perfect creatures in the world, the so-called perfection is just the perfection of a certain stage, not the perfection of the next stage.

Often because of being too refined, the potential of living species is stifled, and because of this, I only succeeded in creating twelve ancestor witches, but I was unable to create more ancestor witch bloodlines.

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and continued: "But the patriarch of the Wu Clan of this generation is different, he did not intend to create a complete ancestral witch bloodline, nor did he have the ability to do so.

But he believes in the potential of life in evolution. As long as they are given a starting point, they can do countless incredible things. "

"Master, what do you mean, the patriarch of the witch clan wants to breed a large number of witches with incomplete bloodlines, and then let them continue to evolve, continuously improve the bloodlines of the ancestral witches in their bodies, and let them realize the evolution of the bloodlines themselves, so as to become the first generation Ancestral Witch." As soon as these words came out, Parker, the elder of the Protoss clan, immediately understood why his master said he was stupid, and he was indeed extremely stupid, and he didn't think of it.

The other party is the patriarch of the Wu Clan, a sage who was born countless years ago, how could he not know that he cannot create a large number of ancestral witch bloodlines? This kind of thing is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and even Tianzun cannot complete it.

However, the other party handed over the promotion of the bloodline to each generation of witch warriors, and to those witches who inherited the new bloodline of the ancestral witches.

It is true that one witch is nothing, but ten thousand, one million, ten million, or even ten billion, one hundred billion witch fighters of the same bloodline, will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes .

Under the joint deduction of countless living beings, this ancestral witch's bloodline must be raised to the extreme. I am afraid that it will not take long for this incomplete bloodline to evolve into a perfect bloodline.

The other party is using the power of all beings to demonstrate the evolution of the bloodline, and using the power of all beings to enhance the power of the ancestor witch.

After all, how can a person's wisdom compare with the wisdom of all living beings, and how can a person's efforts compare with the efforts of all living beings.

Apparently the Wu Clan patriarch understood this very well, the other party did not underestimate anyone, even if the other party was a mortal.

As for the life god Xihe, because her position is too high, she doesn't pay attention to the creatures below the saints, and instead forgets the true essence of life, which lies in continuous evolution.

This also made her extremely emotional, no wonder her experiments kept failing, it turned out that there was a problem with the direction.

There is no absolutely perfect creature in the universe, even if it looks perfect, it is only perfect at this stage.

A creature that is too perfect cannot break through its own limit.

Just like dragons, phoenixes, basalts and other mythical animal races, they are born with powerful strength, they are born as immortals, and their strength is comparable to that of Da Luo Jinxian.

It is a pity that the number of saints born in these races is very small, and quasi-sages are often the limit.

But the inconspicuous human race seems to be weak in all aspects, unable to beat the beasts of the same level at all, but a large number of saints have been born, surpassing these beast races.

This may be the defect of a race with too perfect talent.

"`"It's amazing, it's really amazing, actually intends to use the power of the Wu Clan to complete the plan of three thousand ancestor witch bloodlines, so that the Wu Clan will give birth to more ancestor witch bloodlines, this guy's research on life is simply amazing. "

Protoss elder Parker was very resigned.

It can also be regarded as knowing why its master admired this person, and even praised him, and now it also fully understands the terrifying degree of the other party's wisdom, which is absolutely beyond imagination.

If it hadn't been repeatedly reminded by its own master, it would not be able to figure out where the trick lies.

To be honest, it wanted to meet the Wu Clan patriarch more and more, and wanted to know what plan the other party was planning.

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