Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 207 Promoted to the extraordinary fifth-order and acquired new extraordinary characteristics

- In the future, the Lihai Peninsula villa area will be sealed off.


Xia Chuan sits cross-legged on the ground, running the hole breathing technique, opening the three thousand dimension space-time, swallowing the heaven and earth aura deep inside the dimension space-time, which makes his extraordinary power increase rapidly.


At this moment, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he found that a huge power of faith suddenly emerged from his body, and the endless golden light almost completely drowned him.

"There are so many believers, and they are still human beings of Xuanhuangxing?!"

Immediately, Xia Chuan sensed through the Book of Wisdom that the number of his followers on Earth had increased to three million, and the number of his followers was only 500,000 before.

But now, due to the appearance of the Holy Spirit in front of others, the troll army was destroyed in front of everyone's eyes, causing countless people in the entire "060" Xuanhuang Star to see this scene.

It is because of this that many human beings have become his followers.

And this is just the beginning, as time goes on, the number of believers is bound to increase.

However, it has to be said that it is worthy of being a human being of the Xuanhuang Star. Even if it is only the power of faith provided by three million ordinary believers, the number has reached a sensational level.

In just an instant, Xia Chuan felt as if she had acquired the energy that she could only obtain after years of hard work.


In an instant, his body was shaken, and the huge energy of faith poured into the extraordinary seed in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, which immediately caused the earth-shaking change of the extraordinary seed.

Extraordinary Tier 5!

At this moment, Xia Chuan felt that he had finally been promoted from the extraordinary fourth-order to the extraordinary fifth-order realm, and the fifth Dao mark appeared on his extraordinary seed.

His muscles, bones, skin, every part of the body, every organ has been strengthened visible to the naked eye, and the power of the soul has also been further improved.

Originally, he could only open 3,000 times of space-time, but now he can open 5,000 times of space-time.

Once he enters the state of cultivation, a thousand miles will cover the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Huh?! It seems to have acquired new extraordinary characteristics."

Xia Chuan squeezed her fist.

He felt that as he was promoted to the extraordinary fifth-order realm, the degree of integration between himself and the world item became higher, and the power of each world item poured into his body.

"Extraordinary characteristics: disappearing sense of existence, this is the power from the world item invisibility cloak, once this extraordinary characteristic is displayed, it will make one's own sense of existence continue to disappear.

Even if a powerful enemy can perceive your existence, even see your existence, and hear your voice, as long as there is no hostility, the other party will subconsciously ignore your existence, just like ordinary people living in the world.

The most powerful invisibility in this world is not to disappear, but to be ordinary and obliterated. People who have no sense of presence are almost the same as those who are invisible.


Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light. He felt that he seemed to be able to control the breath of his body at this moment, not only to restrain the life breath in his body, but the energy was so simple, he could even restrain his heartbeat, breathing, and magnetic field.

It seems that at this moment, the magnetic field on his body is consistent with the magnetic field of everything in the world, which leads to him being everything, everything is him, and it seems to be integrated into nature.

It's kind of like the realm of oneness.

In fact, this kind of power is similar to the power of blending into nature. In the past, ancient monks meditated cross-legged and adjusted their breathing so that they integrated into nature, and the breath completely disappeared.

Now he also has a similar power.

After possessing this extraordinary characteristic, if he wants to, he can become the strongest killer in the world. Even if he swaggers in front of the assassination target, not many people will notice its existence.


In an instant, Xia Chuan's body was shaken, and the power of another world item rushed over and submerged into his body, causing his body to transform again.

"Extraordinary characteristics: the heart of all beasts, this is the power from the world's props, the beast-taming stick, this is a heart that can communicate with countless beasts, and can listen to the sound of all things, all audible and inaudible sounds in the void, will You can hear it. Even the evil god's murmur can be heard clearly, and at the same time, it will not be affected by any sound."


Xia Chuan touched his chin, and when he condensed into the heart of all beasts, he found that the whole world had changed, and his ears actually heard the voices of many creatures in the world.

Countless voices poured into his ears clearly.

Although countless sounds mixed together will form noise, but he has the brain of a sage, and can easily process countless kinds of data, just like a super computer.

So he could hear every sound clearly.

A certain female mosquito was buzzing outside: "It's over, it's over, there is no basic trust between people in this world? This family of humans actually bought mosquito nets to prevent me, did they suck this human yesterday? The blood is too cruel? Damn it, I want to fly from family to family, I don't believe that every human family has bought mosquito nets, if they don't suck blood tonight, I won't sleep in the morning

A certain mouse is haunting a certain house: "Damn it, what's going on with this house? Why is it so poor that the house can't even come? I have to tell my brothers that this house can't come. Now, even the mice will starve to death."

A certain cat is enjoying cat food in the house: "It's comfortable, it's really comfortable, this is not a waste of life, the servants in this house are very good, the means of serving me are quite thoughtful, and the food and drink are served. Just a few random calls made this human female ecstatic. These days, the way of making a living for the cat clan has long been not to catch mice, but to be cute.

But I have to say that this kind of 3.1 day is still okay, you don't have to worry about eating or drinking, and you don't need to take the risk to catch those horrible mice, now it's a bitch. "

A certain cockroach quickly crawled around the house: "Damn it, I scared the cockroach to death, and the human shouted again and said that he was scared, so I'm scared, okay? How many brothers and sisters were killed by your slippers, and they didn't. I have seen such a ferocious creature. Let’s run away while the lights are not turned on, steal something to eat, the human world can’t stay.”

A certain dog is outside the yard, bored: "strange, why haven't thieves come in these days, is the social order so good now? My teeth are thirsty and I want to move my mouth. If I bite another thief, I'm afraid the master will reward me again, that steak tastes really good, a rare delicacy."

Sounds like this convey Xia Chuan to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

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