Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 222 The explosion of the gas tank, the power of destroying the world!


As soon as these words came out, Ye Han, the lord of the Ice Kingdom, and others couldn't help but look up, all of them widened their eyes, showing a terrifying look, they couldn't believe it.

I don't know when it appeared, but ten huge iron mountains suddenly appeared in the sky.

Every ancient word is huge, as if written by a god, exuding an unusual aura.

The most important thing is that these iron mountains are too huge, they are like ants in front of these iron mountains, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

And a full ten iron mountains fell, enough to raze the entire ice city to the ground, and few people could survive this natural disaster.

These ten iron mountains are exactly the ten gas canisters that Xia Chuan threw from the Xuanhuang Star through the bronze gate "Zero Seven Seven". In order to completely kill the lord of the Land of Ice, this time he has invested his blood.

The power of one gas tank is so huge, and the power of ten gas tanks must be even more amazing.

"Tang country, it is Tang country who shot."

An old eunuch suddenly remembered something and couldn't help shouting: "It is said that the Tang Kingdom has the ability to summon meteorites and mountains from outside the territory, and once a country was wiped out by the world-destroying mountain called by the Tang Kingdom, this must be the Tang Kingdom. The lord of the country took action and wanted to destroy our country of ice."

As a confidant of the Lord of the Ice Country, he is naturally very familiar with the hostile country Tang Country, and he is already familiar with everything that has happened in Tang Country.

As for the ability to summon the Divine Mountain of Destruction, he is naturally very clear.

But he never expected Tang Guo to take the initiative to attack the country of ice.

"You bastard, bastard, I haven't done anything to Tang Guo, yet Tang Guo has actually attacked my country of ice?!" Ye Han, the king of the country of ice, was shocked and angry, and he was extremely angry.

Obviously, the plan to assassinate Tang Guoguo is still in the process of being carried out, and it has not started at all, but now, Tang Guoguo has taken the initiative to take the initiative, and the first target is aimed at himself.

This made him extremely angry.

He has lived for so many years, when did someone take the initiative to call on him like this, and he also threatened his own life.

"It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, do you think you can kill me Ye Han by summoning ten iron mountains that destroy the world? It's a big joke. If it is an ordinary world item holder, it may really be possible. You killed me, but who am I, Ye Han, I spent two thousand years to cultivate the world item Ice and Snow Scepter to the second level, I have completely mastered the power of Ice and Snow, and I can even transform myself into Ice and Snow itself , The mere means of summoning the mountain cannot kill me.

Ye Leng, the lord of the Land of Ice, laughed.


In an instant, he took out a white scepter, which is the world item ice and snow scepter, and I saw this white scepter exuding bursts of terrifying cold air.

Immediately, his whole person turned into a huge snowman, it seemed that at this moment he turned into a part of ice and snow, he was ice and snow, and ice and snow was him.


With his body as the center, endless icy air currents surged out, covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in a radius. Countless goose feather snow fell in the sky immediately, the wind was howling, and the temperature was dropping sharply.

The endless cold current instantly covered the ten cylindrical iron mountains above the sky, and the terrifying cold current touched the iron mountains, and the terrifying ice covered them.

It seems that it will not be long before the huge iron mountains will be covered into a huge iceberg.

This is the terrifying power of Ye Han, the lord of the Land of Ice. He who holds the ice and snow scepter is already considered an extremely powerful powerhouse in this sea area. Even the lord of the Land of Myriad Beasts cannot compare to him.

He gently waved his scepter, and he could make thousands of miles of ice freeze, and thousands of miles of snow drift.

He is the master of the country of ice and snow, and wherever he goes, everything turns into a world of ice.

"It's too powerful, as expected of His Majesty.

"To actually freeze such a big iron mountain, only Your Majesty can do such a thing."

"Damn Tang Guo, who dares to plot against His Majesty for no reason, this matter must not end like this."

"That's right, Tang Guo must pay a painful price.

Everyone gritted their teeth and was furious.

After all, due to the sudden attack of the Tang Kingdom, if the lord of the Ice Kingdom is not strong enough, I am afraid that these iron mountains will fall, and everyone in the entire Ice City will be smashed to death, leaving no bones.

It is conceivable that the resentment deep in their hearts cannot be described in words.

"Wait, something is wrong, the iron mountain seems to be cracked."

A eunuch suddenly exclaimed, as if he had found something.


Ye Han's pupils shrank, and his face changed greatly. He felt that the cylindrical iron mountains seemed to be stimulated by external forces, and the whole iron mountains began to shatter.

Immediately, he sensed that in the depths of the iron mountains, unimaginable destructive power was brewing, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

"Damn, it's not as simple as Iron Mountain."

Ye Han, the lord of the Land of Ice, had his hair on end, feeling a fatal crisis. At this moment, all the cells in his whole body were strongly warning him, and his whole body was shaking.

It seemed that if he stayed in this place, he would surely die.

It was a pity that even if he wanted to leave, it was too late, because at this moment these ten iron mountains, that is, ten gas tanks from Xuanhuangxing exploded at this moment.

The explosion of a gas tank often causes two damages: the first is the physical explosion of the tank body, and the liquid petroleum gas in the tank instantly expands 250-300 times and becomes a gaseous state, generating shock waves, just like the explosion of a landmine;

Then, the gaseous LPG is quickly mixed with the air. When its concentration in the air drops to 3%-11%, in the event of an open fire, a chemical explosion will result in explosive combustion, resulting in a huge shock wave, endangering the safety of life and property. Inhalation of this explosive gas can burn the respiratory tract and lung tissue.

It is conceivable that once the gas tank explodes, the speed of the explosion will definitely exceed the speed of sound, and it is also a momentary thing, so people cannot avoid the speed of the gas tank explosion.

It is the same at this moment.

When the ten gas tanks exploded, a huge amount of liquid gas leaked out, sweeping thousands of miles, or even tens of thousands of miles.

Due to the densely populated Ice City, there will naturally be many people cooking on fire, and even a little spark will cause the gas to burn instantly.

Therefore, the explosion of the gas tank cannot be stopped at all, which is like an unimaginable natural disaster.

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