Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 810 Martial arts high school students are also very popular, and the development of other wo

"Wait, if that's the case, shouldn't the human beings in this world want to leave Xuan Huang Xing? In this way, going to a world with a slow flow of time will prolong their lifespan in disguise."

Daoist Chongxu asked curiously.

"No no no, not so.

Tang Wanxiang shook his head: "The situation you are talking about is the old man's idea, only those who are about to die will escape this place and go to a world with a slow flow of time to survive.

But we promising young people are not like this. We can continue to break through and become extraordinary warriors, legendary warriors, and even saints, and gain hundreds of thousands of years of lifespan.

If this is the case, why do we have to steal our lives now, unless we can no longer break through, we can only consume our lifespan and slowly wait for death before we choose to leave Xuanhuangxing.


Hearing this, Daoist Chongxu also agreed with this.

Staying in the Mysterious Yellow Star, possessing innumerable resources, innumerable martial arts techniques, and many opportunities, will allow them to continuously break through their cultivation and prolong their lifespan.

It seems that it takes decades, and hundreds of years, to make oneself break through to the legendary realm, then immediately have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years.

In this comparison, 723 stayed in a world where the flow rate was slow in other times, and could no longer break through in his life, and his lifespan was only about three thousand years.

And once you break through the legend, you will have a thousand years of life, and then you will find that you cannot break through in a short period of time, and it is not too late to go to those worlds where the flow of time is slow.

In fact, no one is an idiot, and they all have their own calculations.

"Wait, if that's the case, then the Xuanhuang Clan has no idea how many years it has developed, how could it be this far?"

Daoist Chongxu suddenly thought of this.

Because if Xuanhuangxing's time flow rate is so amazing, the internal development has already been developed for thousands of years, and it is impossible that it has only developed for a hundred years.

He thinks this logic doesn't make sense.

"No, no, in fact, the time flow rate of our Xuanhuang Star was the same as that of other worlds a hundred years ago, but since the Dao Ancestor came, the time flow rate of the Xuanhuang Star has been forcibly changed, which has further accelerated the time flow rate of our world. "

Tang Wanxiang explained.

"No way, that is to say, even though it took you hundreds of years to recover your spiritual energy, but to the outside world, it's only been more than three months."

Daoist Chongxu was taken aback and couldn't believe it.

He felt that this was too exaggerated. The outside world was only three months away, and it actually gave birth to a population of 300 billion, countless extraordinary warriors, and many legendary warriors.

If a few more years passed, wouldn't Xuan Huang Xing go against the sky?

To be honest, three months is nothing, for a saint like him, even taking a nap is not enough time.

But such a time has been enough for the Xuanhuang Clan to develop to an unbelievable level.

"Yes, the time outside is indeed very slow in the past. This is the greatness of the Daozu Lord. It has stimulated the power of time and accelerated the development of our Xuanhuang clan."

Tang Wanxiang said with emotion.

"It's terrible, is this a god? No, this can't be as simple as an ordinary god. Even among gods, it must be a top powerhouse."

Daoist Chongxu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water. He could treat time as a plaything. He couldn't even imagine what level the opponent's level had reached.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how could he believe that such a human god exists in the world.

He could feel the unfathomableness of the Taoist ancestors in the legend a little bit, and compared with him, he was like an ant.

At this moment, the head teacher Kuang Daoliu on the podium continued to speak.

Of course, "I also know the importance of the college entrance examination, but some of you have missed the university."

"This is not about growing other people's ambitions and destroying their own prestige. After all, the admission rate for the college entrance examination is only 30%, which means that (bacb) the remaining 70%, no matter how high or low the grades are, they will not be able to enter the university to study, so these students also need to take care of their own future. life considerations.

"But not being able to get into the university does not mean that your future is bleak. In fact, teacher, I am only a high school graduate, but then I did not rise all the way, and now I am an extraordinary ninth-order martial artist, and I was admitted to the same batch. The classmates in the university, at most, are only the extraordinary eighth-order, and compared with me, there is still a certain distance."

"To tell you the truth, the college entrance examination is very important, but it is not the most important. It is always an important node in your life, and you need to make a careful choice."

He swept over the crowd and spoke earnestly.

"Teacher, I know how my grades are. I have taken several mock exams before, but I can't reach the score line of the past years, and I can't even get into the most ordinary colleges, so basically I have no hope of college, but after graduating from high school. , will face the choice of employment, do you know what advice the teacher has?"

A student stood up and asked.

Many students also looked at the head teacher Liu Kuangdao. In fact, their class was not a top class, but an ordinary class, which meant that most of them did not have the strength to be admitted to the university.

Even ordinary martial arts universities are like this, they are self-aware.

"To be honest, I also know that many of your companies are now inviting you, and the benefits are also very high. I hope that after you graduate from high school, you will join their company to develop Otherworld. It is estimated that you are also excited and even anxious to make money."

Liu Kuangdao looked at everyone and said, "But I tell you, haste is not enough, I always feel that your first choice after graduating from high school is to join the army and become a soldier.

Although the salary of the soldiers is not high, and they are also bound by many rules, they are not as free as the company, but it has many advantages. The first is that you can receive complete martial arts training.

You must know that the martial arts training of the army is completely different from the martial arts training of the school. It is the training that really faces the fight against otherworldly creatures. This kind of military training can make you grow up quickly, and even reach a certain level of height.

At the same time, there are many hidden benefits in the army, such as various free martial arts skills, martial arts exercises, and top martial arts masters are also soldiers, you can also ask for advice at any time.

And if you feel that the life of the military is binding you, then you can also choose to quit the military after four years of service, and even have a military resume. No matter which company you join, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and more importantly, the benefits. It will also be greatly improved. Every company and mercenary group welcomes people with military experience to join.

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