Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 816 The crisis of Xuanhuangxing, the invasion of the Ba Snake family

In the blink of an eye, months passed by in a blink of an eye.

Xuanhuangxing, somewhere deep in the forest, this place has a secret realm called Ba Snake Secret Realm.

At this moment, five legendary Ba snakes have emerged from the Ba Snake Secret Realm. They are all the Ba Snake clan's back-hands left in Xuanhuangxing. The purpose is to wait for Xuanhuangxing to appear again. A family sends a signal.

"Waiting for so long, and finally waiting for a signal from the clan, it is estimated that it will not take long before the vanguard of our Ba Snake clan will arrive at Xuanhuangxing.

A legendary snake said excitedly.

"Isn't it? We woke up on Xuanhuang Star decades ago. We originally thought that we should be able to conquer this weak planet with our strength, but this planet has changed too much, and there are endless terrifying creatures. It's not something we can match at all."

Another legendary snake said.

To tell the truth, it has no idea how Xuan Huang Xing developed to the point where it is today. In such a short period of time, Xuan Huang Xing's changes are simply earth-shaking.

Even the weak human race has begun to give birth to a large number of legendary warriors. Even if these human beings are only new to the legend, they also have the legendary combat power, and they are no longer the kind of tower ants that can be pinched to death.

It is precisely because of various strange phenomena in Xuanhuangxing that they were so frightened that they did not dare to leave the secret realm of Ba Snake, for fear of encountering unpredictable dangers and thus dying.

It is said that "a certain god of the Xuanhuangxing human race has appeared in the world, and it is precisely because of the power of this god that the human race of Xuanhuangxing has undergone such amazing changes."

Another legendary Ba Snake sneered: "To be honest, even if it is a weak human race, it is still a god after all, and naturally it is not comparable to a saint, so it is not surprising that such a change has occurred.

The question is, what are the mere weak human race gods? How can they be compared with our great Ba Snake clan? As soon as our Ba Snake clan army arrives, the mere human race will be wiped out immediately, and this mysterious planet will also belong to our Ba Snake clan. One race can no longer be taken away by other races. "

It has always ignored the mere human race.

Although the gods of the human race are indeed terrifying, they are not the opponents of the gods at all, but the human race has gods, and the Ba Snakes have no gods?

As long as the gods of the Ba Snake clan appeared, the mere human race would surely die, and it was impossible for them to be their opponents.

"Although that is what I said, the recent changes in Xuan Huang Xing are really too great. Compared with five thousand years ago, Xuan Huang Xing looks completely different from now."

Another legendary Ba Snake said with a very serious face: "Let's not talk about the various strange phenomena in Xuan Huang Xing, as well as various forbidden areas, just the amazing change in the time flow rate of Xuan Huang Xing is enough to make people horrified.

It is obvious that the outside world is only a few dozen days in the past, but inside Xuanhuang Star, decades have passed, and the flow of time is really too fast. "

It originally thought that after its news was passed, the vanguard of the Ba Snake clan would arrive in dozens of days, but due to the accelerated flow of time, the vanguard of the Ba Snake clan had not arrived in the past few decades.

In just a few decades, Xuanhuangxing has undergone unprecedented changes, making it feel more and more uneasy.

If Xuan Huang Xing continues to develop like this, it is not impossible to surpass the Ba Snake family.

"Hehe, you are a little too unfounded."

The first legendary Ba Snake sneered: "Although the speed of the development of the Xuanhuangxing human race is indeed quite astonishing, but so what, now the vanguard of our Bashe clan has arrived, in the star field near the Xuanhuangxing, and soon If you can kill Xuan Huang Xing, then no matter how big the secret Xuan Huang Xing has, it will belong to our Ba Snake clan."

"That's right, in fact, I think the more mysterious the Xuanhuang star, the better, which means the greater the value of the Xuanhuang star.

"Isn't it? If it is of no value, our Ba Snakes don't even bother to occupy this planet."

"Yes, it is precisely because of its amazing value that our Ba Snake family would rather pay a huge price to completely occupy this planet and make it the private territory of our race."

We "stayed in Xuanhuangxing for thousands of years, and we have been incognito, all in deep sleep, the purpose is to wait for this day to receive the arrival of the army of the Snake Clan."

"Actually, it's useless to say so much, even if Xuanhuangxing really contains great danger, I believe that the gods of the Ba Snake family will definitely solve it for us.

-0 for flowers...

Many legendary Ba Snakes have been discussed.

They have lived in Xuanhuangxing for such a long time, and they naturally know that Xuanhuangxing is becoming more and more mysterious and unfathomable, but they are helpless.

As the chess pieces of the Ba Snake clan staying in Xuanhuangxing, they can only carry out their own missions, even if Xuanhuangxing is a trap, the Ba Snake clan must break in.

"Indeed, it seems that our undercover career will soon come to an end, perhaps after this incident is over, we can go back to our hometown to get married and live a stable and peaceful life.

The legendary snake headed by the head said with great longing.

On the other hand, the Lihai Peninsula villa area was sealed off.


Suddenly, Xia Chuan, who had been in seclusion for a few months, suddenly woke up. He sensed an inexplicable crisis, so he woke up from the practice.

After several months of retreat and practice, he not only completely stabilized the cultivation base of the eighth-order saint, but even used the huge energy of faith to make his own cultivation progress by leaps and bounds, basically advancing in the realm of the eighth-order saint. A large section, but also laid a very solid foundation.

He also knew the power of the eighth-order realm of saints like the back of his hand.

The reason why this happens is naturally because of the power of the World Item Book of Wisdom.

Even though he only retreated for a few months, but due to the power of the Book of Wisdom, his thinking speed has been increased by hundreds of millions of times.

In other words, he has been familiar with the power of the eighth-order saint for tens of thousands of years in the world of thinking.

This is like a strong eighth-order saint who has practiced for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, this is why Xia Chuan's breakthrough is extremely fast each time, but the foundation is extremely solid, because of the crazy deduction of the Book of Wisdom.

Every time the game is played, it seems that there is a timeline of Xia Chuan's.

Thousands of times of deduction, there will be thousands of timelines of Xia Chuan.

Then he fuses the Xia Chuan of countless timelines and the Xia Chuan of each deduction path, so that his experience and wisdom have been improved geometrically.

In reality, he has only passed a few months, but in fact, in the world of thinking, tens of thousands of years have passed.

That's why his roots are stronger than anyone else. So

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