Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 823 Promoted to the ninth rank of saints, the realm of true saints' perfection

"I said earlier that the reason why the master left us alone and did not clear the many races on Xuanhuangxing was probably intentional."

Fire Dragon Nicola said in horror.

"Doing it on purpose? Could it be that the master wants us to contact the headquarters and let the gods in our clan come over and line up to die one by one to make fertilizer for the medicine garden?"

Little Loli Feng Xinwu couldn't help but asked in horror.

"Of course it is.

Fire Dragon Nicola nodded: "If you think about it carefully, the master's mana is sky-high and boundless, if we really want to stop us, we don't have any chance to send out any signal at all.

But the master did not do this, and instead let us send any signals to notify the elders of the clan. This is really abnormal. It is estimated that the purpose of this is for the gods of Yinyou to come to Xuanhuangxing to die. "

"Yes, it is said that the ancient human race has fallen, and the gods of the human race have just recovered. If they want to recover their power quickly, then the best way is to hunt the gods of other races."

"That's true. Once you successfully hunt down a god, you'll probably be able to increase your strength exponentially. The benefits are too great."

"And on the 22nd, Xuanhuangxing is the territory of the human race. Who knows what kind of terrifying traps are set up in this place. When the gods come to Xuanhuangxing, don't they come to die?"

"Indeed, those idiots of the Ba Snake clan didn't know about this, but they actually let the gods in the clan come to Xuanhuangxing, and as a result, they fell for the master's evil, so the three Ba ​​Snake clan gods died, even the corpse. become fertilizer.

"My God, fortunately we didn't foolishly and let the gods in the clan come over, otherwise, we would definitely be killed by the master and used as fertilizer for the medicine garden.

"Didn't you see the corpses of thousands of gods in this medicine garden? Some of them are the corpses of our dragon gods, and there are also the corpses of the phoenix gods."

Many little Loli talked a lot, and they were very fortunate. Fortunately, they noticed something was wrong at the beginning, so even if the elders in the clan contacted themselves, they did not let the elders and gods in the clan come over.

This avoided the footsteps of the Ba Snake tribe.

If the gods of the dragon clan and phoenix clan also came, it is estimated that they would be killed by the master and become the fertilizer of this medicine garden, and a large number of holy medicines and divine medicines would be cultivated day and night.

"To be honest, let's hurry up and warn the elders in the clan. They don't want to come over. Xuanhuangxing is no longer the former Xuanhuangxing. The taboo race living in Xuanhuangxing has recovered, and it is not something that our dragon clan can provoke."

Ice Dragon Betty clenched her pink fist.

If the Dragon Clan Legion really arrives at the Xuanhuang Star, it will definitely bring endless catastrophe. At that time, the Dragon Clan may suffer heavy losses, and even the Dragon God will fall a lot.

"To be honest, I have warned many times, but they don't believe it. Anyway, now I can only do my best and obey my destiny." Fire Dragon Nicola was helpless.

Due to the power of the contract, it is impossible for them to reveal anything about the master and Xuanhuangxing. Anyone who has similar thoughts will be punished by the contract.

So they can only vaguely warn the elders in the clan, as for whether they believe it or not, it is their business.

Just when these little Loli were worried and worried about the fate of their race, at this moment Xia Chuan also returned to the quiet room and started a deep retreat.


In an instant, Xia Chuan meditated cross-legged, surrounded by pieces of divine crystals, and then he began to exercise his drowsiness, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a huge black hole.

Every cell in his body produced an amazing phagocytic power, and the energy inside each divine crystal melted quickly under such phagocytic power, turned into gas, and merged into his body.


Xia Chuan's eyes showed a terrifying gleam. He felt a ray of divine crystal energy melt into his body, and his entire body burned like a furnace, producing a temperature like the sun.

Even just a wisp of divine crystal energy is enough for Xuanhuang Star to run for hundreds of years. It is conceivable that the terrifying degree of these divine crystal energy is simply not comparable to other substances.

It is no wonder that the divine crystals will become the cultivation resources of the gods.

Moreover, the energy of these divine crystals is not only extremely huge, but also full of violent power properties. If the body is not strong enough, it will be instantly burst by this energy.

Therefore, if it is an ordinary saint, the body cannot withstand the energy of these divine powers, and the body will explode and shatter in the first place.

Fortunately, Xia Chuan's body has long since evolved to the realm of an unsullied body, and his body is close to an immortal body, which is actually not very different from that of an ordinary god.

Therefore, it is impossible for the mere divine crystal energy to burst his body.


As the pieces of divine crystal melted, the endless divine crystal energy, like the sea, madly poured into Xia Chuan's body and merged into every cell, thus making his cultivation level show a geometric progression.

"The energy is too great.

Xia Chuan was very surprised. It was the first time for him to use divine crystals for cultivation. It could be said that divine crystals were simply divine energy substances for saints.

Originally, according to his aptitude and martial arts potential, at least tens of thousands of years of painstaking cultivation can make his cultivation progress improve. After all, his savings are really too rich.

But now, after devouring the energy of these divine crystals, it actually saved him tens of thousands of years of cultivation time, as if the energy of tens of thousands of years of cultivation was instilled in his body.

At this moment, his cultivation base showed a geometric progression.

Originally, he had just been promoted to the eighth rank of Saint, but with the assistance of these divine crystal energies, his cultivation base showed a geometric progression.

In just a few hours, Xia Chuan's cultivation has risen from the realm of the eighth-order saint to the perfect state of the eighth-order saint. It is only one step away from entering the realm of the ninth-order saint.

It can be said that he is only one step away from the ninth-order consummation of the saint.

"Looks like a breakthrough.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt that his cultivation had reached the perfection of the eighth-order saint at this moment.


In the next second, his body suddenly shook, it seemed that both soul and body resonated, and the huge divine crystal energy was like a flood, easily breaking through the bottleneck of the eighth-order saint.

"The ninth-rank saint, I have stepped into the realm of the ninth-rank saint."

Xia Chuan was instantly overjoyed. He felt that at this moment, he had finally broken through to the eighth rank of saints, and was promoted to the realm of ninth ranks of saints. This was the perfect state of saints.

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