Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 826 Obtaining a million-year lifespan, the limit of a saint's lifespan

"Now I have a life span of more than 999,900 years."

Xia Chuan clenched her fists.

He noticed that he was clearly aware of the length of his lifespan at this moment, and after being promoted to the ninth rank of saints, the length of lifespan was extended again.

Compared with before, it is a full 100,000 years.

To be honest, this is already the limit lifespan of the ninth-rank saint. No matter how powerful the combat power is, how much the aptitude is enchanting, the ninth-rank saint only has a lifespan of about one million years.

Only by breaking through the realm of gods can it be possible to break through the limit of one million years of lifespan, and there is no other way.

And because he has broken through to the ninth order of the saint and has the ability to predict the future, he can also clearly perceive that he has reached the limit of the lifespan of this body.

At the same time, it is not only as simple as the number of years of life that can be perceived, but the limit of life can even be perceived in seconds.

Vaguely, he found that a clock appeared in the depths of his consciousness. This was the lifespan clock. It was ticking, and it seemed that one second of lifespan would disappear.

Such a life timer is extremely accurate.

And this is one of the abilities of the ninth-order saint, that is, knowledge-destiny.

Before knowing the future, you must know yourself first, which is also a matter of course.

"Sure enough, this tree of magical powers in the depths of the sea of ​​my consciousness can also be called the tree of magical powers for millions of years.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly. At this moment, he was aware of the tree of supernatural powers in the depths of the sea. There were almost a million annual rings in the depths of the interior, and each ring represented a year's lifespan.

A full million annual rings represent a life span of nearly one million years.

Each ring contains incredible power of creation, filled with unparalleled life energy, as if it is the most mysterious substance in this universe.

Even the current Xia Chuan cannot penetrate the mysteries of these growth rings, as if it were a deeper law.

This big tree also exudes bursts of strong vitality, like an extremely ancient sacred tree, deeply rooted in the depths of the void, absorbing the energy in the depths of the void all the time.

"But why is this? Why is the existence of the ninth-rank saints, no matter how powerful their combat power is and how amazing their bloodline is, they can only survive for a million years. This seems to be some kind of rule, a rule set by the universe?"

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, he was always puzzled by what he was doing. After all, according to his level of combat power and the concentration of life energy, it was simply not comparable to the existence of other saints of the ninth order.

Even ordinary gods are just like that.

But even so, he is still unable to break through the million-year lifespan limit, it seems that this is the rule set by the universe, no matter how tyrannical your combat power is, how defying the sky.

As long as there is no way to break through the realm and go further, then in a million years, it will be wiped out, and the body will die.

Perhaps death and longevity are the only fairness in this universe.

Forget it, "This is just disappearing, the most important thing now is to break through the realm of gods, and if you don't become gods, you will never be able to truly stand at the peak of the universe.

Xia Chuan gave up thinking about it all of a sudden. It is estimated that this is the deepest mystery of the universal law, and it is not something that the ninth-order saint can investigate.

If you want to know this deep secret, it is estimated that you really have to go to the end.

To be honest, even if the ninth rank of saints is already the limit of mortals, even the existence of the genius level, this state is basically the limit of ordinary life.

But compared with the gods, it is nothing, after all, only gods can surpass the limit of millions of years of lifespan, master the power of the laws in the universe, and exert extraordinary power.

Every god is a natural disaster walking in the universe, and a casual blow can destroy the world.

A racial civilization that is not guarded by gods is always a low-level civilization, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if he has the assistance of world props, his combat power far exceeds that of the upper gods, and maybe he can be compared with the main gods, but this is always an external force.

What really matters is his own strength. Only when his own cultivation base has achieved a breakthrough can he master more powerful power. Maybe his own power will be able to compare to the power of world items.

This is how you can truly control your own destiny.

If you don't become a god, you are an ant after all. This is not an empty talk.

"Communicate with dimensional time and space.

Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate, and instantly communicated with 9 million dimensional space-times. That's right, after being promoted to the ninth rank of Saint, he can already communicate with 9 million dimensional space-times.

He has long been used to such things as communicating with dimensional time and space, and has even formed an instinct.

In an instant, the portals of 9 million dimensional space-times opened at the same time, and the dimensional portals were ten times larger than before. As a result, the energy poured down from the dimensional energy was also dozens of times larger than before.

ask for flowers

This kind of dimensional energy poured down, it is simply heart-stopping and terrifying, as if it was a natural disaster.

To a certain extent, even if it is a scene of ordinary gods cultivating, it is actually nothing more than this.

If the existence of ordinary saints of the ninth order received such majestic energy, it is estimated that they would have been drowned long ago, which would cause them to fail to make up and explode to death.

Of course, for the current Xia Chuan, it is just right, and it is not beyond the standard.

But it's not a dimensional space-time, it contains endless energy, even if these dimensional energies are poured down, it is only a drop in the bucket of the dimensional space-time.

It is simply wishful thinking and impossible to devour the energy of dimensional space-time.

In an instant, the entire Mysterious Yellow Star was enveloped by endless dimensional energy, as if it had formed an energy barrier.

"Huh? Wait, it seems that my practice is not just as simple as causing a rainstorm of spiritual energy.

Xia Chuan's heart moved.

Originally, when he was still the eighth-order saint, as long as he practiced at will, he could trigger a rainstorm of spiritual energy that covered the entire black yellow star and lasted for several months.

However, after being promoted to the ninth rank, the strength has increased by more than ten times, and the spiritual energy and dimensional energy of the world have also expanded more than ten times than before.

It can be said that quantitative change has produced qualitative change.

Because too many auras of heaven and earth are gathered together, these auras are compressed, compressed, and compressed again, so that these auras have changed in form again.

These auras are actually highly compressed, remove impurities, and then condense into pieces of spirit stones.

That's right, it's a spirit stone!

In the sky above the entire Xuanhuang Star, there seems to be a giant black hole. Countless dimensional energy and aura enter this giant black hole. After the black hole is crushed and compressed, these auras actually condense into spirit stones.

This is an unprecedented upheaval.

There has never been a saint who actually condensed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into a spiritual stone during ordinary cultivation.

But such a miracle happened.


Suddenly, an unprecedented torrential rain of spirit stones fell from the sky.

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