Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 833 The Miniature World Decades Later, Changes in the Land of Time


At this time, the voice of the book of wisdom came again: "It seems that there is news from the miniature world."

"what news?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan blinked and asked.

To be honest, at least decades have passed since the last time I paid attention to what happened in the miniature world. After all, the time flow of Xuanhuangxing and the miniature world is now the same.

"Since the mysterious yellow star has passed for decades, so is the miniature world.

The most important thing is that the complete reunification of the miniature world is now only a time difference.

Except for this most ancient country, the rest of the miniature world belongs to the Tang country.

"Master, during this period of time, the Tang Kingdom has been digesting the interests of occupying the North Sea, and at the same time, it has also dispatched a large number of personnel to monitor the place where the Kingdom of Time is located.

The Book of Wisdom explained: "But in the past few decades, there seems to be no movement in the country of time. Even if all the countries outside are destroyed, there seems to be no movement inside, silently, as if People in the land of time didn't notice anything.

But just now, there was some movement in the area where the Kingdom of Time was located, and it seemed that the people in the Kingdom of Time finally came out.

"There is such a thing? Go and observe, and see what the people of these time kingdoms are doing.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He is very curious about the country of time. After all, this is the oldest country in the miniature world, and there may be a large number of world prop holders 100 million years ago.

After so many years of practice, these powerhouses have long since not known what realm they have been promoted to. Even if they have not been promoted to gods, they are at least the existence of the ninth rank of saints.

Coupled with their use of world props, I am afraid that their combat power is no less than that of ordinary gods.

If he can completely conquer the country of time, then not only can he obtain all the knowledge of the country of time, but also all the world items they possess belong to him.

You must know that there are only about 3,000 world items in the entire miniature world, and now he has obtained about 1,000 pieces, and there are 2,000 world items in other places.

Therefore, once he succeeded in capturing the Land of Time, then the entire miniature world of three thousand world items would belong to him.

He now has a hunch that these world items are of great benefit to him. If he can take all the world items as his own, then he will definitely be able to raise his cultivation to an unimaginable realm.

"Yes Master.

The Book of Wisdom nodded, and suddenly a huge message poured into the depths of Xia Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness like a tide, and he was aware of every bit of what happened in the miniature world over the past few decades.

At this moment, the miniature world, the North Sea.

This place is exactly the sea area where the Land of Time is located, surrounded by fog, forming a huge field and a tyrannical barrier, blocking all creatures from entering it.

And outside this enchantment, there are huge extraordinary sea turtles, they are all arranged in this place, the purpose is to monitor the every move of the country of time.

Although they will not be able to enter the kingdom of time in a short period of time, they must always pay attention to every move of the kingdom of time, lest this country cause huge disturbances.

After all, the only country in the world that can threaten Tang Guo is the country of time.

The leaders stationed in this place are Duanmuci, the former lord of the undead kingdom, and Dongfang Jing, the lord of the kingdom of mirrors. At this moment, they have become the top generals of the Tang kingdom, fighting for the Tang kingdom in the south and north.

"For decades, I didn't expect the Kingdom of Time to make no movement at all. I thought that after the collapse of these countries in the North Sea, the Kingdom of Time would immediately attack us, but nothing happened.

Duanmuci frowned, feeling very puzzled.

After all, in any case, the North Sea is the territory of the country of time. As the overlord of the North Sea, he naturally cannot tolerate others sleeping soundly on the side of his couch.

But now that the Tang Kingdom has invaded and occupied a huge part of the North Sea waters, but still does not see any movement from the Kingdom of Time, it is extremely strange.

This kind of weirdness makes everyone feel very uneasy, not knowing what kind of conspiracy is brewing in the country of time.

"It's really weird.

Dongfang Jing also couldn't help nodding: "Generally speaking, after knowing that one's subordinates are dead, they will immediately launch revenge actions, but the country of time did not do so, I don't know if something serious happened within the country of time. Contradiction, so there will be no movement at all.

"What you mean is that there may be internal strife within the country of time, and they are already helpless and overwhelmed, so they have no time to pay attention to anything outside.

Duanmu gave a move in his heart.

"To be honest, it's not impossible."

Dongfang Jing's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "You must know that the kingdom of time is a super empire of 100 million a year ago. It once unified the world, and its strength is terrifying. Without the gods, even our Tang country, I am afraid it is not time. country's opponent.

For such a long time, even if the country of time relies on the power of time to smuggle into this era, but for such a long time, who knows if any changes will happen, even if it happens in Neijiang, it is not impossible. "

"No, no, that's not necessarily the case."

Duanmuci shook his head: "According to the information 373 left by the North Sea countries, the country of time is enveloped by a huge time barrier, and the flow of time inside is very slow, close to a static state.

It is said that a few minutes have passed in the deep inner area, and the outside world may have passed decades, so perhaps the country of time does not know what happened to the outside world at all, because the time flow of the country of time is too slow, even if it is just to pass a The news may have taken decades. "

He felt that perhaps the reason why the Land of Time had not received the news.


Dongfang Jing said solemnly: "The people of the land of time are not fools. Since they know this, how can they not have any backup means? They must have means to transmit information in a timely manner, and it is impossible to delay for decades. I still feel that there is a big problem within Time Land.

He always thought his guesses were correct.

"Your guess is not unreasonable, but it is just a guess after all. If you can send someone into the country of time to see what happened, maybe you will know what happened."

Duanmuci said a little regretfully.

"How can it be so simple, the enchantment of the country of time is very terrifying. We sent a large number of people into it before, but unfortunately they were all trapped in the enchantment of time, and there was no gain at all.

Oriental Mirror is very helpless.

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