Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 842 The ancient god is a foreign evil god, an ancient world prop holder

"That's right, it's not like you don't know how strong the barrier of our world is. We tried countless times before, trying to escape from this world, but we couldn't do it."

Someone shook their head.

To be honest, when they were promoted to the ninth rank, they had already begun to explore the Otherworld. The problem was that no matter how much effort he exhausted, he would not be able to leave this world.

The whole world is sealed by a powerful barrier, blocking the time and space. Even if they reach the realm of item awakening, they cannot leave this world at all.

If they could really leave this world, then they would have left the miniature world long ago and went to other worlds to search for resources, and they would not stay here and be trapped.

"That's true, but the fact is that foreign evil gods have really entered our world, and they have also supported a country and destroyed our North Sea countries. Now the whole world except our "three nine zeros" place, other places are affected by This country has ruled, and all the creatures of the world have become believers of the evil gods."

The white-haired man looked at the crowd.


Everyone's pupils shrank. Although they didn't believe that a foreign evil god could easily enter their own world and cross the barriers of time and space, their companions swore so firmly that they proved that what they said was true, and that there really was an evil god in their own world.

If that's the case, that's quite the thing.

After all, no one knows how this evil god did it.

"Why didn't you report something so serious earlier?"

One person yelled, feeling that it was too late to report the matter.

"I have already said that at that time, His Majesty was in the process of retreating and breaking through. Naturally, this kind of thing could not be used to affect His Majesty's breakthrough, otherwise, I would have sinned.

The white-haired man shook his head.

Hearing this, everyone was speechless, because it was the truth. For them, there was nothing more important than Gu Tongtian's promotion to the divine realm.

Once Gu Tongtian is promoted to God Realm, he might be able to break the barrier defenses of this world, take them out of this world, and go to other worlds to plunder resources.

In this way, everyone has the hope of being promoted to the Divine Realm.

"Okay, now is not the time to blame anyone, let's talk about what happened to this evil god? How did he appear in our world?"

Gu Tongtian, the lord of the Kingdom of Time, waved his hand and asked, he wanted to know all the information about this foreign evil god, which was of great use to them.

"Your Majesty, the time when this foreign evil god came to our world is unknown, but the other party actually appeared in our world hundreds of years ago, and the other party appeared directly in a small country in the East China Sea called Tang country."

The white-haired man opened his mouth and said: "Then this small country also believed in this foreign evil god and became a believer of the foreign evil god. Then this country got the help of the foreign evil god, and then it developed rapidly, destroying countless countries. The East China Sea was unified, and the power was further expanded.

Then the other party spent another one or two hundred years to conquer the South China Sea and the West China Sea, and finally unified the three major sea areas. inside. "

He briefly talked about the development process of Tang Guo.

"In just a few hundred years, the entire world has been almost unified? If so, why didn't this foreign evil god attack our country of time?"

Some people are very suspicious.

Because if the enemy is really that powerful, then it is impossible to allow the unstable factor of the country of time to continue to exist, on the contrary, the opponent is just encircling the country of time and has no intention of starting.

"Could it be that this foreign evil god noticed that we were not easy to provoke, so he didn't dare to do anything to us?"

Some people also think that it may be the strength of the kingdom of time that has deterred the evil gods from outside the territory.


A red-haired man next to him sneered: "The other party is a foreign evil god, and his strength is terrifying. Even if we have world items on us, we may not be the enemy's opponent.

More importantly, since the opponent has the ability to break the defensive barrier of our world, then the strength of the enemy is absolutely superior to us, and it is absolutely impossible to fear us. "

He will not be a match for any enemy, especially a creature like a god. Who knows how many means this monster has accumulated for so many years.

"But why the evil gods from outside the territory did not attack our country of time, there must be an explanation."

Some people still feel incomprehensible.

Actually, "I have a guess too."

The white-haired man opened his mouth and said, "That is, the alien evil god doesn't care much about our world at all. For the powerful alien evil god, maybe our world is just one of the worlds that the other side pays attention to...

You must know that there are countless worlds in the outer starry sky, and we are not the only one, so if it is a powerful god, it is natural to fight multiple worlds.

For a world without gods like ours, it will naturally not pay too much attention, and will only really do it when the believers ask for help.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent, and they had to admit that this possibility was very high. Maybe the other party just discovered this world by accident, but left part of their attention, and did not put all their efforts on it. above.

Just like for a billionaire, one million is just pocket money, for ordinary people, one million is really a full net worth.

The same is true for the world.

When the gods can hunt countless worlds at the same time, then it is naturally impossible to concentrate their power in one world, and naturally they are scattered in various worlds and attack at the same time.

As for why it took hundreds of years to rule the world.

It can only be said that for gods, the sense of time is fundamentally different, mortals feel that hundreds of years have been vicissitudes, but for gods, it is estimated that it is only a moment.

It takes hundreds of years to occupy a world, which is quite a bargain for the gods.

"But how did the foreign evil god penetrate such a terrifying barrier 4.7 and the world's barriers? If it is possible, can we also leave this world and go to other worlds?"

Someone asked curiously, wanting to know the method by which the alien evil god entered his own world.

"I don't know, in short, how did it do it, I'm afraid I still need to ask the foreign evil god."

The white-haired man shook his head, indicating that he had also secretly searched for a lot of information, but he couldn't find the method and way of how the foreign evil god entered this world.

"If we have bad intentions towards that foreign evil god, aren't we quite dangerous?"

Some people can't help but feel a sense of fear.

If the enemy is an ordinary person, even if it is a world item holder, he will not have the slightest fear, but if the enemy is a god, it is completely different.

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